Category: Novel

Taking Novels For Creepy Little Nightmare all-age series

Payment: 40% royalties for net eBook sales and 20% on net paperback sales OR Contracts will be paid out in the form of a purchase based on word count in the same vein as a short story rather than in the form of royalties.
Theme: Novels that are dark and scary enough to entertain adults but appropriate enough for their kids to read as well.

Our all-age horror series. Novels that are dark and scary enough to entertain adults but appropriate enough for their kids to read as well. This means that the books will be edited to remove things such as sex and gore. You can submit a book that was not written for this purpose, but you think could be edited to fit it. It is preferred that the main characters be under eighteen, but it is not set in stone.

Ongoing Submissions: Novels – Occult America: Horror Stories in America’s Main Street

Payment: Royalties
Theme: Horror novels based on North American folklore


Occult America: Horror Stories in America’s Main Street
American folklore is rich and varied, reflecting the melting pot of cultures that shaped and continues to mold our populations. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the small, semi-isolated townships and villages that dot our national landscape. In many areas, the indigenous peoples of the area have embraced newcomers, melding their traditions with those of European, African, and even Asian descent into something new and different.
Within this rich treasure of folklore is a variety of creatures of mythology. Some are quite well known, like the Jersey Devil or Bigfoot. Others, like the Chickcharney or the Coyote legends are virtually unknown to contemporary Americans. Where did these creatures come from? Are they native to the vast American continent? Were they brought here accidentally, where they evolved and adapted to their new environment? And if they had to because they threatened the human population, how were they subdued? By whom? And what happens when one of them wakes up as a result of contemporary actions, the increased “noise” of modern society?
Every Small town has a ghost story or a local legend an indication of a darker history right down the street from the place with the amazing mom’s apple pie. We want to explore all of those darker shadows right off of main street.


Manta Press Is Open To Novels, Novellas, And Author Collections

Payment: Royalties
Themes: Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery/ Suspense, Crime Thriller, YA (Dystopian, Fantasy, Horror)

MANTA PRESS, LTD. is currently open for submissions and looking to publish exciting and original genre fiction. The genres that get us the most excited about unleashing upon the public are:

  • Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery/ Suspense, Crime Thriller, YA (Dystopian, Fantasy, Horror)

The types of works we’d prefer to let others put out there (at this time, at least) are:

  • Contemporary/Literary Fiction, Poetry, Romance, Erotica, True Crime, adult content, Bizarro

MANTA PRESS, LTD. is open to publishing novels (50k – 120k words), novellas (30k – 50k words), and single-author short story collections (30k – 100k words).


Raven Canticle Press Is Open To Novels And Novellas

Payment: Royalties
Themes: Fantasy, Horror, Espionage/Thriller, Science Fiction

Raven Canticle Press is a specialty press that focuses on limited run and small press horror, fantasy, and science fiction genre fiction. Located in the high peaks of Utah, the creative team behind Raven Canticle Press has years of publishing experience, small business financial management and distribution and logistics experience.

Raven Canticle Press is focused on high-quality fiction and limited run content, and as such works with a variety of new technology and delivery methods to provide the very best content to its readers.

Of Metal And Magic Publishing Is Open To Fantasy Novels, Novellas, And Collections

Payment: Royalties
Theme: “traditional fantasy.” We define this as second-world, past settings.

We are always on the lookout for new fantasy voices! Whether you are a brand new fantasy author, or a veteran looking for more publishing opportunities, we would love to hear from you. Send us your pitch through the contact form below.

We are currently looking for the following content or support:

  • Beta readers, beta readers, beta readers!
  • Flash fiction and short stories for our website and future anthologies
  • Guest posts for our blog
  • Fantasy novellas
  • Stand-alone Fantasy novels (multi-book series are currently a hard sell due to processing time)
  • Fantasy story collections (all stories should be in the same fantasy setting)

If you’ve got something you think we’d like, send us your pitch!

Timber Ghost Press Is Open For Novella And Novel Submissions

Payment: 50% net royalties on all eBooks and 30% net royalties on paperback books with a $35 advance on novellas and a $50 advance on novels
Theme: Cosmic horror, weird horror, dark fantasy, sci-fi/horror, gothic, and contemporary. We especially love Old West mixed with horror.

Timber Ghost Press is looking to publish high-quality ​horror fiction to include cosmic horror, weird horror, dark fantasy, sci-fi/horror, gothic, and contemporary. We especially love Old West mixed with horror.

We are looking for both new and seasoned authors. If you have never published before, we want to hear from you. If you’re a seasoned spinner of dark tales, we want to hear from you. Basically, we want to hear from you.

We are currently looking for novels and novellas that fall into the following horror categories:

  • Hauntings
  • Possession
  • Cosmic Horror
  • Weird Horror
  • Dark Fantasy
  • Sci-Fi/Horror
  • Old West/Horror
  • Gothic Horror
  • Psychological Horror

Timber Ghost Press is NOT looking for or interested in stories that contain:

    • Child abuse/pedophilia
    • Gore/extreme violence just for the shock factor

Novels must be between 60-90k words. Novellas must be between 20-40k words. If your manuscript falls a little outside of these limits, that is okay; just let us know in your submission email.

We do not accept simultaneous or multiple submissions. Please allow us up to 30 days to respond to your submission. If you haven’t heard back after 30 days, feel free to reach out and ask about the status of the submission. Depending on the number of submissions we receive, we may or may not give personalized feedback.

Submit your stories using Shunn formatting guidelines. It is in your best interest to submit a clean manuscript that you’ve taken the time to revise and edit. I can almost guarantee you that we will reject it if we receive a manuscript full of errors and typos.  Please include the following information in your cover letter:

  • Name
  • Pen Name (if applicable)
  • Email
  • First three chapters or the first 5000 words of your manuscript
  • Synopsis
  • Let us know if it is part of a series (we’re open to series)
  • Previous publishing history (if applicable)

Timber Ghost Press does not discriminate in any manner and is open to submissions from authors of any race, religion, or sexual preference.

Timber Ghost Press pays 50% net royalties on all eBooks and 30% net royalties on paperback books. If accepted, we will pay a $35 advance on novellas and a $50 advance on novels.

Please use the form below to submit your novel/novella to Timber Ghost Press!

[Click the link below to access the form.]

Via: Timber Ghost Press.

Bad Dream Entertainment Is Looking For Weird Gothic Novels And Novellas

Payment: $600-800 and 20-30% on royalties
Theme: Gothic stories with weird fiction elements

Bad Dream is now accepting novel and novella-length weird Gothic fiction manuscripts. If you have something that you think would fit, read the guidelines below and send it in.

We are looking for Gothic stories with weird fiction elements; this umbrella covers a broad range of themes, styles, and subjects as long as it feels decidedly Gothic, especially with strong horror elements (this is Bad Dream Entertainment, after all, not Mild Dream Entertainment). Shelly meets Cronenberg, Radcliffe meets Lovecraft, Poe meets Kafka, Stoker meets VanderMeer. Bizarro, New Weird, Cosmic Horror, and every other sub genre that embraces the strange are welcome. The setting can be period, present, near-future, futuristic, or something else entirely.

The reading window will stay open until we find something we like.

  • Manuscripts should be at least novella-length (24k words), there’s no ceiling on word count, but don’t send something long enough to be a multi-book series. If sending chapters, include at least the first three.
  • Simultaneous submissions are fine, as long as you let us know to pull your manuscript from consideration as soon as you place it elsewhere.
  • Multiple submissions aren’t allowed; only one at a time.
  • Send your story in standard manuscript form. We’re not sticklers for exact formatting, but have your contact info and word-count on the top corner of the first page, along with author name and title.
  • Manuscripts should be sent as DOCs, RTFs, or ODTs (not PDFs) to: submissions [at] baddreamentertainment [dot] com. You should receive an automated response acknowledging that we got it, if you don’t you can ask to confirm through our regular contact email address. Keep in mind, if you send a PDF it will likely be auto-deleted and we’re not going to take the time to ask you for a different format.
  • Response time are going to start at 2-4 weeks; that may change based on volume and if it does we’ll update that info here.
  • Bad Dream Entertainment pays $600-800 (depending on manuscript length) for a six-year exclusivity to the publishing rights plus a percentage on sales; this is not an advance (ie. a loan paid back through sales), but is a fee for the publishing rights. Rights purchased will be world-wide exclusive in print and digital but for English language only (rights-reversion optional after licensing term). Royalties will be based on gross sales since we operate on a POD distribution model and are usually 20-30% depending on the agreement.


Black Beacon Books Is Open To: Mystery and suspense novels

Payment: £50 (GBP), 3 contributors copies, and royalties paid every January for the previous year


As a small publisher, we only publish one or two novels/collections each year. It’s important that you are familiar with us to ensure your style suits. The best way to do this is to read one of our titles.

We’re interested in mystery and suspense novels and mystery, suspense, and horror collections between 50,000 and 80,000. We don’t publish supernatural horror novels, but we’re open to suspense novels leaning towards psychological horror or dystopian themes. Simultaneous submissions are fine but tell us immediately if your submission is accepted elsewhere. Novels must be previously unpublished. On the other hand, for collections, we ask that at least 75% of the stories be previously published in magazines or anthologies. This demonstrates your experience as a short story writer and proves you have already established a readership. That said, you must guarantee that you have the right to have each story republished prior to signing with us.

Payment: We publish ebooks and paperbacks via Amazon and enroll ebooks in Kindle Unlimited. Payment is made exclusively via PayPal. We pay £50 (GBP) on publication and provide three author copies. After that, we offer 50% royalties on net sales paid in January for the previous year. A minimum payment of £10 is made every January, so even if your book makes no sales over a one-year period, you receive a token payment. After two years, either party may choose to remove the title from our range. Of course, our aim is to make as many sales as possible to ensure success for everyone involved, but authors should be aware that titles published by indie publishers often don’t reach a thousand sales. That’s the reality of the business. We want to work with authors who have a solid (or at least growing) presence on social media and who are willing to participate in marketing and communications.

Rights: We require exclusive international English-language digital and print rights to your book for a period of two years. For collections, this means individual stories are not reprinted elsewhere during this time without our agreement. After that, you are free to have the book published elsewhere. However, bear in mind that most publishers will not subsequently accept your book as it will no longer be previously unpublished.

Cover design: We’ll provide a cover design for your book, with your input, unless you have made or wish to purchase a cover of your own. If you choose the latter, it will be at your expense. A book usually is judged by its cover, so we all need to be happy with it and work collaboratively.

Submitting: Read the general submission guidelines below. Please attach the entire manuscript as a .doc or .rtf file. Include a brief synopsis in the body of our email.



How to submit:
Please note that we use British English conventions. Submissions are encouraged from all over the world but be aware that the editor may wish to make changes to those containing North American usages.

– All grammar and punctuation to be used appropriately. This is your best friend:, and if you don’t know how to use commas, visit these sites: and
In terms of comma usage, here are three simple examples of what we require:
Yesterday, I followed him home.
As soon as I hear from him, I’ll let you know.
I bought an axe, rope, and a box of matches.

– It is highly unlikely that we will accept a story written as a narrative in the present. Please use the traditional first or third person past.

– Quotation marks to be single and curly/smart for general dialogue. Double curly quotation marks for emphasised words if really needed, eg. They entered the mound of rubble, making sure the splintered door didn’t fall off its hinges. This was Stan’s “castle”.

– Only one space at the end of sentences.

– Formatted indentation for paragraphs. Do not use the space bar or tab bar.

– Scene breaks should be identified with a hash # preceded and followed by one line space. In a short story, there will generally be between zero and five of these. The hash is useful for signalling the beginning of a story within a story, or a change in narrative style, such as when the narrator is first introduced alongside his audience in a bar or living room before the text changes to his first-person recounting of events.

– The use of italics. Do not replace them with an underlineItalics should be used for titles (books, films etc) in the story, or for foreign words or phrases not commonly used in English (eg not for “spaghetti”, “samurai” or “rendez-vous” but definitely for Ich liebe dich, buongiorno, or Éirinn go Brách. Thoughts should also be in italics and quotation marks kept for speech. For the names of places, restuarants, shops and so forth, just use capital letters, eg. Haunted Lighthouse Inn.

Honestly, the best way to find out what we want is to buy one of our titles.

Once you’ve finished your tale and edited it… and edited again, and asked your mum and dog to proof-read it, send it as a .doc (NO .docx) or .rtf file to blackbeaconbooks (at)
Be sure to include your contact details in your email and in the file. A short biography and links to your blog and social media pages are encouraged.

In the subject of your email, write: “BBB Anthology Submission”, “BBB Novel Submission”, or “BBB Collection Submission”. The file name should be: “Story Title” by “Author Name” (pen name if applicable).

Via: Black Beacon Books.