Category: Semipro

Semi-Pro Rates

Taking Submissions: Cosmic Roots And Eldritch Shores August 2024 (Early Listing)

Submission Window: August 1st-2nd, 2024
Payment: 8 cents per word for original, 2 cents for reprints, For artwork: $10 for the non-exclusive right to use each image, for as long as the site is online.  If we publish a print collection we will pay a pro-rata share for each image used.
Theme: Well written original work in science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, and eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and/or graphic story form, and from around the world.
Note: Reprints welcome



Submissions Schedule

The first and second day of every month, 12 am of the 1st to 12 am of the 3rd, E.S.T.

For reading impaired individuals, our submissions manager and ‘forget password’ have a captcha compatible with screen readers.

We pay 8¢ per word for new fiction, 2¢ per word for fiction reprints, 2 – 8¢ per word for new fact-based work, 1- 4¢ per word for reprinted fact articles.
For new poetry, we pay $1 per line, and for reprints we pay 50¢ a line  We’re looking for poems up to 40 lines. We’ll consider longer poems but that would be a hard sell, and words over 40 lines would be paid at 8¢ per word.

We sponsor The Kepler Award to recognize and encourage writers of excellent science fiction and fantasy stories that creatively extrapolate on known science in constructive and exciting ways. You can learn aboutThe Kepler Award here.

You can read a copy of our standard contract here.   It can be varied as needed to include the rights of translators, voice actors, etc.


Taking Submissions: Planet Black Joy

Deadline: January 1st, 2025
Payment: 8 cents per word for original stories, 2 cents per word for reprints
Theme: Speculative stories exploring and celebrating Black joy and pleasure.
Note: Authors who are women and non-binary folk who identify as Black, African, or of Afro-descendent heritage
Note: Reprints welcome

Edited by Chinelo Onwualu, Susana M. Morris, and Bill Campbell

You are cordially invited to contribute to an anthology of speculative fiction that’s being published through Rosarium Publishing titled Planet Black Joy in Fall 2025. The collection will feature about 20 to 25 short stories by women and non-binary folk who identify as Black, African, or of Afro-descendent heritage exploring and celebrating Black joy and pleasure.

What are we looking for?


Taking Submissions: Eye to the Telescope #54

Deadline: September 15th, 2024
Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25
Theme: Outlaws

Eye to the Telescope 54, Outlaws, will be edited by Melissa Ridley Elmes.

Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy, Belle Star, Wyatt Earp, Bonnie and Clyde … Robin Hood, Aladdin, Zorro, Jean Valjean, the Joker, Villanelle … Malcolm Reynolds, Zoe Washburne, Peter Quill, Gamora, Han Solo, Sam and Dean Winchester … outlaws have a perennial hold on our imaginations, equal parts romanticized and demonized, revered and reviled, admired and loathed, depending on whose side you’re on. Outlaws are anti-heroes. They destabilize existing systems of power, erasing the illusion of control in societies. They bring with them and leave in their wake disorder, chaos, violence, destruction, loss, and death. But on the other hand, they also point to possibilities—of throwing off the shackles of propriety and authority; of living life on their own terms and according to their own ethical codes, standards, and values; of the possibilities that exist beyond established socio-political and cultural structures. I’m looking for your take on outlaws, defined broadly—give me your space cat renegades, your dryad anti-government environmental activists, your fed up monsters ready to throw down against the powers that be, your alien mercenaries, your dynamic lover-robbers, your charming assassins, your child-thieves: make them loud, make them stealthy, make them in-your-face, make them subtle, make them violent, make them pacifist, make them winners or losers, lovable or loatheable—whatever you do, just make sure it’s in verse form, memorable, vivid, and speculative.


Taking Submissions: Made in L.A. Vol. 6

Deadline: August 31st, 2024
Payment: 1 cent per word
Theme: Stories that evoke nuanced feelings and leave a lasting impression that take place in LA
Note: Authors/writers who are based in Los Angeles, lived here, or have a strong tie to the area.

Note: We are open for submissions for Made in L.A. Vol. 6, starting April 20 through August 31, 2024. See below for our submission guidelines and to sign up to our newsletter for updates about open submissions periods.

The Made in L.A. indie author co-op is a Los Angeles-based group of writers dedicated to the support and appreciation of independent authors.

We publish work by new, emerging, and established writers, including those who have been underrepresented or historically misrepresented, with a preference for writers who currently live in and around Los Angeles. Previously published and unpublished fiction will both be considered. Submissions are free.


Taking Submissions: Starspawn: A Miskatonic Mystery Anthology

Deadline: September 15th, 2024
Payment: 2 cents per word, lore from these stories will also be featured in the upcoming Starspawn videogame which is cool for bragging rights but you won’t be paid extra for it which is an honest sticking point for many
Theme: Stories set in a variation of the Lovecraft universe which is listed below
Note: Be sure to read the legal at the bottom, it is very straightforward as this is for a videogame, but might be news to some

Ancient horrors… secret countermeasures… a cosmic cold war, turning hot…

This is the world of Starspawn: A Miskatonic Mystery, an indie video game in development by our team of two. We will be doing a Kickstarter later this year, and we would like to offer an original short story anthology as a reward; portions of the stories will also be included in the game, with the full text available as bonus achievements. These stories will flesh out the lore of the game’s universe, and should be based on the prompts listed below. We are offering $0.02 per word (to a maximum of $100), and looking for stories in the 2,500 – 7,500 word range. Submissions are open now, and close on September 15, 2024. We will evaluate all submissions after the closing date.


Taking Submissions: Planet Black Joy

Deadline: January 1st, 2025
Payment: 8 cents per word for original work, 2 cents per word for reprints
Theme: Stories that express black joy written by women and non-binary folk who identify as Black, African, or of Afro-descendent heritage
Note: Reprints welcome

You are cordially invited to contribute to an anthology of speculative fiction that’s being published through Rosarium Publishing titled Planet Black Joy in Fall 2025. The collection will feature about 20 to 25 short stories by women and non-binary folk who identify as Black, African, or of Afro-descendent heritage exploring and celebrating Black joy and pleasure.

What are we looking for?


Taking Submissions: Last Girls Club Fall Issue 2024 (Early)

Submission Window: July 1st – August 1st, 2024
Payment: Short Story-2,500 words or less. $0.01 USD per word/$25 USD max, Poems-less than 200 words $10, Flash Fiction-less than a 1,000 words $0.01 USD per word/$10 USD max
Theme: Demagogues

The Last Girls Club Magazine is a quarterly feminist horror magazine that publishes international short stories and poems from the female gaze. It is an homage to the scary comics and zines of the late 20th century.

This season’s theme is Demagogues. Demagogue is defined as a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using a rational argument. Some synonyms for a demagogue are fanatic, fomenter, hothead, incendiary, inciter, instigator, politician, rabble-rouser, radical, rebel, revolutionary, troublemaker. It’s an election year in the US. Things are promising to get weird and/or violent. The rest of the world looks like their having the same fight coming to their doors.

  • No more than two fiction stories per author per submission period.
  • Fiction is limited to 2,500 words or less. Authors are paid $0.015 USD per word upon acceptance ($37.50 USD max).
  • Flash fiction is limited to under 1,000 words. Authors are paid $0.015 USD per word upon acceptance ($15 USD max).
  • No more than three poems per poet.
  • Poems are limited to 200 words or less for each poem. Poets are paid $10 USD upon acceptance.
  • I prefer to use PayPal to pay authors, but will work with authors where PayPal is not available.
  • Nonfiction columns will must be pitched to editor in chief before submission. Email your idea to [email protected]


Taking Submissions: Sword & Scandal

Submission Window: July 1st – 31st, 2024
Payment: 1 cent per word
Theme: Stories with traditional historical and mythological settings from heroic fantasy, but they will have a lot more nudity, sex, and gore than what you usually see published

Hi! My name is J. Manfred Weichsel, and I am an author and editor who has self-published twelve really wild books. I would like to invite you to submit your scandalous adventure story to my latest anthology.

“Sword & Scandal” is a play on the popular Italian sword and sandal genre of epic films. These will be stories with traditional historical and mythological settings from heroic fantasy, but they will have a lot more nudity, sex, and gore than what you usually see published. They will be subversive without becoming Grimdark and will retain the sense of fun you would want from a pulp adventure, and the sense of wonder you would want from a weird tale.

If you have read my books, then you know that I am an experimental author who takes big risks with everything he does. Unlike other publishers who tend to play it safe with their selections, I am looking for the wild, strange, and outrageous. So, if you have an off-beat or off-the-wall idea rattling around in your head, but which you have been afraid to write because you don’t think you can place it, now is the time! I believe that literature should be dangerous, and I want to provide you with a safe space to write unsafe fiction.

Humor is also a big part of what I do. I am actively looking for stories that incorporate a similar sense of humor as mine: dry, sardonic, and satirical. But any type of humor is acceptable and encouraged, from farce to surreal humor, to character humor, to black comedy.

Sword and Scandal is not an anthology for genre purists. It is for thrill-seeking readers who want something different and outrageous. The tales in this book are adventures to scandalize.
