Category: Ongoing Submissions

Ongoing Submissions: Torch Literary Arts

Payment: $150 USD
Theme: Science Fiction and Fantasy stories or poetry by black women

Submission Guidelines

Reading Period

  • General submissions are accepted for Friday Features only.

  • We accept submissions on a rolling basis.

  • There is no submission fee. 

Simultaneous and Multiple Submissions

  • Simultaneous submissions to other journals are welcome as long as they are identified as such and we are notified immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.

  • Please submit one (1) entry to one (1) genre at a time. Wait until you receive a response on your submission before submitting again.

    • If accepted, please wait one (1) year after publication to submit to Torch again.


Ongoing Submissions: Just Keep Up Magazine

Payment: $10
Theme: Science fiction and/or horror (preferably both)

Submissions should be sent to [email protected]

Submissions will be responded to within two to three months, if not sooner.

There are no reading fees.

Accepted pieces will be compensated as follows:

$10 a story

$10 a poem

Payment will be made upon publication and processed through PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo, whichever is preferred. Please include which method of payment you prefer in your submission. If you live in a country that does not accept these as forms of payment, we will attempt to mail you cash or a check.

Submissions are open to humans and other life forms of any nationality or planet of residence.

Stories should be science fiction and/or horror (preferably both) and 100-10,000 words long. Please send one story at a time. Please include the genre of your story in your submission.

Poems can be any length but the pieces you submit have to incorporate some element of science fiction and/or horror. Interpret this as you will. Send up to ten poems at a time.

Ongoing Submissions: Fusion Fragment

Payment: 4 cents CAD per word
Theme: All science fiction but lean towards slipstream, cyberpunk, post-apocalypse, and anything with a little taste of the bizarre

What We Want

  • Science fiction or SF-tinged literary fiction stories and novelettes ranging anywhere from 2,000 to 15,000 words.
  • Although any science fiction subgenre is fair game, our tastes lean towards slipstream, cyberpunk, post-apocalypse, and anything with a little taste of the bizarre. FF prefers character-driven stories, and often skews towards quiet, reflective pieces. If the primary tone of your story is one of high adventure or humour, it’s probably not the right fit for FF. That said, quality always outstrips genre preference in terms of importance, so feel free to send us anything that even vaguely resembles science fiction.
  • We’ll be publishing reprints, but no more than one per issue, so expect acceptance rates to be accordingly lower.
  • Work written by humans. We have no interest in AI-written stories.
  • We’re always interested in publishing work by marginalized voices. If that’s you, and you feel comfortable doing so, please call this out in your cover letter.


Ongoing Submission: Sometimes Hilarious Horror Winter

Payment: Short horror stories of up to 15,000 words – Original:$25 Reprints: $10, 1-4 original horror-centric poems with a connecting theme – Original: $25 Reprints: $10, , Novel chapters w/a complete narrative: $10, Cover Art: $25, Regular Columns or featured articles: Pay negotiable.
Theme: Horror with humor

Featured Guest Author Submission Guidelines: Sometimes Hilarious Horror

Hi, and thanks for your interest in submitting to Sometimes Hilarious Horror. We’re really proud of our little mag and excited to check out your submission.

What exactly is a Guest Author? If selected, we’ll include your submission in an upcoming issue of Sometimes Hilarious Horror, offered exclusively to subscribers of the Sometimes Hilarious Horror Ko-Fi page. Payment for selected original short stories is $25. In addition to publication of your story, we’ll ask you to complete a short interview so our readers can get to know you. Guest authors are encouraged (though not required) to market their appearance on social media and to your existing readership, families, etc.

What are we looking for? Great Question!
–Original, unpublished short horror stories of up to 15,000 words (pay $25)
–Submissions of 1-4 original, unpublished horror-centric poems with a central or connecting theme (pay $25).
–Reprints (previously published work that you currently own the rights to) of the above categories. (pay $10)
–Novel chapters will be considered provided they are a complete narrative. (pay $10)
–Cover art (pay $25). Accepted artists are also invited to be interviewed for the issue in which their work appears.
–Have an idea for a feature article or a regular column? Tell us all about it. Pay negotiable.

Ongoing Submissions: The Daily Tomorrow

Payment: 10 cents per word
Theme: 2500-3500 word newer takes on science fiction

Subscribers to The Daily Tomorrow receive 300-500 word daily installments of exciting SF stories by up-and-coming writers. All stories start on Sunday and end the following Saturday.

We publish stories which are high-concept without being gimmicky. Which are about science as well as about technology. Which are populated by familiar people living under unfamiliar conditions. We publish fun stories, thinky stories, sad stories, and hopeful stories. We publish stories we think you’ll love.

Ongoing Submissions: Phano

Payment: 2 cents per word
Theme: Wondrous, thought-provoking content about the future. Speculative stories about the future, Think Sci-fi, not fantasy or horror

These are guidelines for submitting your work to Phano. We buy rights to short stories and essays at two cents per word. We pay for reviews, interviews and art as work-for-hire.

We are currently open for new submissions! Read on to find out how to submit your work.


Ongoing Submissions: Horror Smith Horror and Thriller Shorts

Payment: $25
Theme: horror and thriller short stories to be included in Fear Forge’s newsletter and for monthly subscribers

We are accepting horror and thriller short stories for publication in our monthly subscriptions and newsletters.

– Word Count – 3,000-10,000 words
– Theme – Open
– Flat Payment of $25 currently, though we hope to increase this amount soon, eventually to pro-paying levels.
– Must not be a simultaneous submission. Must not be a reprint.
– Submit stories to [email protected].
– Format the subject of your submission email like: Short Story – Project Title – Word Count.
– Story must be submitted as a Word .docx.

Ongoing Submissions: Write or Die non-fiction articles on writing

Payment: $50 for essays, $25 for interviews
Theme: Essays that focus on the writing life and especially love work where the personal intersects with the critical. Pitches for interviews with authors
Editor’s Note: This isn’t a fiction market but as what they’re looking for so directly pertains to authors, I felt you might all be interested!


We are interested in essays that focus on the writing life and especially love work where the personal intersects with the critical. We love essays that examine how publishing, reading, teaching, spirituality, sexuality, identity, obsession, labor, and family shape writing. Unconventional book reviews, insights on niche literary topicslyric essays on craft, and stories about writing that are also about something seemingly unrelated really excite us. More than anything, we like to be surprised, so if you think you have something that speaks to writing or literature in some way, send it to us!

  • Always open
  • Pays 50 USD
  • Max words: 3000
