Category: Ongoing Submissions

Ongoing Submissions: High Tower Magazine

Payment: $10 per story
Theme: Superversive fiction is the opposite of subversive fiction. It is inspiring fiction that builds up civilization rather than tears down. Note that this does not necessarily require a happy ending.
Note: High Tower Magazine only takes 24 stories per year so has high expectations, though will continue reading even if they fill it early to publish bonus ‘hidden gems

  1. Word count: Anywhere from 500-10,000 words
  2. Genre: We will consider any genre so long as your story is superversive, however keep in mind that the editors are experienced horror, fantasy, and sci-fi authors.
  3. We are looking for superversive fiction. Superversive fiction is the opposite of subversive fiction. It is inspiring fiction that builds up civilization rather than tears down. Note that this does not necessarily require a happy ending. For more details, see our about page. (Note: we will also share the current about page at the bottom of this post.)
  4. Payment: We are a small market with limited funds as of right now, but we consider it morally imperative that we actually pay our writers. We offer ten dollars per story, and in exchange we get exclusive publication rights on our website for one full year, and the right to publish you in our yearly anthology.

    Yes, we publish a yearly anthology of all 24 short stories published throughout the year. Hidden Gems get a special, separate anthology. Authors also split fifty percent of the royalties from the anthology between them.

  5. Email guidelines: Manuscripts should be sent to [email protected]Use William Shunn’s modern manuscript format. Title and author should be in the file name. In the subject include the name of the story and the name of the author. Cover letter is optional.
  6. Simultaneous submissions are not only permitted, they are encouraged. If we wanted exclusive rights to your story, we would pay you. Otherwise it is yours to do with as you see fit. Just let us know if you’ve found another market.
  7. Please submit new material. As of now we do not accept resubmissions.
  8. No AI. If we catch you, you will be banned from ever submitting here again.
  9. We strive for a one month turnaround time maximum. If you don’t hear from us after four weeks, feel free to get in touch and check.
  10. We reserve the right to reject subversive or amoral content.


Twelve House Books Is Open For Novels, Novellas, and Collections – 2024 Update


Payment: 50% Royalties Paid To The Author
Theme: Novels, Novellas, and collections that contain: Ghost Stories, Quirk, Narrative Poems, the Sublime, the Numinous, and stories about American Suburbia or set in Los Angeles

Twelve House Books is an independent publisher of Literary Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Poetry with a distinct focus on the dark and unruly; magic and the sublime. Publishing from an idyllic yet peculiar suburban neighborhood such as those celebrated by so many storytellers, Twelve House Books champions literature of the odd, weird, uncanny, majestic, and holy.



Ongoing Submissions: Statue Magazine

Payment: £80 GBP per 1,000 words
Theme: omni-genre fiction

Statue Magazine is an award-winning, omni-genre fiction magazine first published in 2022. Each issue contains at least two works of original fiction (sometimes more) which typically appear as short stories of 1,000 – 6,000 words. We aim to keep our readership entertained, but balance this with a desire to see high quality, meaningful fiction on our pages. We believe that these two ideals should not conflict.


Statue Magazine publishes fiction stories of between 1000-6000 words, on a current annual schedule in the month of December. As of January 2024, we explicitly do not accept AI-generated content. We encourage fiction writers of all genres and styles to submit their stories.


How to Submit


Ongoing Submissions: Centaur

Payment: $20
Theme: A mashup of fiction with prose poetry or nonfiction, also known as hybrid. Fantasy, reality, and everything in between.
Note: Only one submission every three months.

Centaur is on the lookout for writing that’s inspired, bold, and surprising. With four seasonal issues a year, and up to eight pieces in each, there’s only room for your best 400 words or fewer. Learn more about Centaur in the interview Six Questions.


Centaur’s pledge to its writers and artists

  • You will not pay a submission fee. Ever. You’ll get a nice acceptance or an equally nice decline within two months of story or artwork submission. (If you don’t hear from Centaur, check your spam folder. Every submission receives a response!)
  • Writers: Centaur will nominate pieces for each of the annual literary competitions or anthologies, including Best Small Fictions, Best Microfiction, and Best of the Net.
  • Additionally, your editor will light her Dolly Parton candle for Centaur’s writers at each issue’s launch, in hopes that your work may be honored and anthologized elsewhere. (Please just credit Centaur as first publisher.)
  • Centaur will feature its author and artist books on its Bookstore page.
  • Your published story or art will be its own prize—shined (copyedits on stories), shown (social media), and shared (however, all rights reserved and rights revert to creator upon publication).
  • Your published story or art will receive $20 in payment and a fortune in goodwill.


Unveiling Nightmares Is Open To Novelettes, Novellas, Novels, and Short Story Collections

Theme: Novelettes, Novellas, Novels, and Short Story Collections in the following genres: horror (all sub-genres including extreme/splatterpunk), romance, science fiction, erotica, poetry, and young adult fiction
Payment: 80% of royalties and a contributors copy

Welcome to Unveiling Nightmares.

At Unveiling Nightmares, we understand the craving for adventure, excitement, and thrills that our readers seek. Yearning to escape the mundane and delve into worlds teeming with mystery and intrigue.

Whether you have a novelette, novella, a gripping novel, or a collection of short stories, we’re eager to take a look.

We welcome works across a variety of genres, including horror (all sub-genres including extreme/splatterpunk), romance, science fiction, erotica, poetry, and young adult fiction. Whether your story sparks love, nightmares, adventure, passion, or discovery, we’re excited to explore its depths.


Ongoing Submissions: Just Chill Podcast

Payment: $50
Theme: Short stories, ideally in the first person
Note: Reprints welcome

Enjoy a good scare? From timeless scary story classics to the blood-curdling horror stories born in the twisted minds of the new masters of horror, every week Just Chills delivers an unrelenting dose of fear designed to send chills down your spine.


Ongoing Submissions: Frontier Tales

Payment: 1 cent per word
Theme: Stories of action and conflict. Open to some mixed genres, so it can include horror, etc, if it captures the theme and time period of a Western.

Short stories up to 10,000 words in length. Finished and edited.

Our top priority stories are what we like to call “strait shooters”. These are stories of action and conflict. We want gunslingers dueling in saloons, cowboys taking on bandits, Lawmen bringing order to the chaos of the West, bounty hunters going to the ends of the continent to catch their man, a Comanche warrior making his last stand on the open plains, Settlers defending their home from raiders, etc.

While these sorts of yarns are our preference we are still open to other varieties. Romantic western tales of love triumphing or dying on the frontier, ghost stories of the lost souls doomed to wander the among western winds, or weird westerns featuring deep ancient horrors revealing themselves to unsuspecting victims.

What are we not looking for

Smut/pornographic stories

Space/science fiction with western themes

Neo-westerns taking place in a contemporary setting

Stories set outside of America, in the future we may open up this to include other locales but for now it will be exclusively stories set in the US

Serialized stories, we may open this up in the future but for the time being we strictly want stand alone tales


Ongoing Submissions: Interzone

Payment: (EUR) 1.5¢ per word (one and one-half euro cents)
Theme: Fantastika (“the fantastic in literature as a whole, encompassing science fiction, Fantasy, fantastic horror and their various subgenres (see also Gothic SF; Horror in SF; SF Megatext), but not Proto SF. It is a concept normally restricted to narratives.”)


First of all, —Interzone is always open to unsolicited submissions of fantastika of between 2,000 and 17,500 words from everyone, whoever or wherever you are.

If you aren’t sure what is included under the umbrella of fantastika, check out the fabulous entry in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.

I want to read stories that tell of change and transformation; stories that describe the boundlessness of the human soul. I want to see writers experiment and take risks with stories that wend their way through the labyrinth of this world, and with stories that string bridges of their own creation to places I have never seen.

Submit stories that rend the heart, shock the brain, and leave the world a different place.
