Manta Press Is Open To Novels, Novellas, And Author Collections
Payment: Royalties
Themes: Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery/ Suspense, Crime Thriller, YA (Dystopian, Fantasy, Horror)
MANTA PRESS, LTD. is currently open for submissions and looking to publish exciting and original genre fiction. The genres that get us the most excited about unleashing upon the public are:
Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery/ Suspense, Crime Thriller, YA (Dystopian, Fantasy, Horror)
The types of works we’d prefer to let others put out there (at this time, at least) are:
Contemporary/Literary Fiction, Poetry, Romance, Erotica, True Crime, adult content, Bizarro
MANTA PRESS, LTD. is open to publishing novels (50k – 120k words), novellas (30k – 50k words), and single-author short story collections (30k – 100k words).
If you’ve read our ABOUT page, your work checks all of the above boxes, and you’re excited about a relationship with a publisher that’ll be in your corner, then what are you waiting for? Drop us a line using the submission form below. If your story sounds so good that we’d like to hear more, we’ll reach out. What we’ll be looking for is a well-written, well-edited manuscript.
While we are not opposed to simultaneous submissions, if you’re manuscript is picked up by another publisher, please let us know A.S.A.P.
Please submit only one piece at a time. If for some reason your initial submission is not the right fit for us, we will gladly take a look at another. Alternately, if we like and accept your submitted manuscript, you better believe we’ll be asking if there are any other works you would consider submitting.
And finally, at MANTA PRESS, LTD. our contracts aren’t the only aspect that are more author-friendly than bigger publishing houses. Waiting isn’t just the hardest part, it outright sucks. We know this, so we promise to acknowledge receipt of your submission within 3 – 5 days, not the traditional 7. If you haven’t heard from us by day 5, reach out and yank our chain. We strive to read your work and let you know our decision within 90 days, not the traditional 6 months. If submissions become too overwhelming that we cannot meet these standards, we will temporarily close our submissions window until we are able to. Deal?
Via: Manta Press.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!