Category: Online

Taking Submissions: Short Story Substack August 2024 Window (Early Listing)

Submission Window: August 1st – 31st 2024
Payment: $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue
Theme: Any genre, short story

Mission = Revive the art of the short story, support artists, and produce something wonderful.

Payout = Base Pay of $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check.

Wait, you mean if this substack gets thousands of subscribers, the winner would get thousands of dollars?

Yes! The New Yorker pays roughly $7,500 per story and I sincerely hope to go way past that.

What does the timeline look like?

Submit stories by the end of the month, winner to be announced on the 15th. There is ONE story that wins and receives the full payout.

Where do I send submissions?

Taking Submissions: Eye to the Telescope #54

Deadline: September 15th, 2024
Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25
Theme: Outlaws

Eye to the Telescope 54, Outlaws, will be edited by Melissa Ridley Elmes.

Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy, Belle Star, Wyatt Earp, Bonnie and Clyde … Robin Hood, Aladdin, Zorro, Jean Valjean, the Joker, Villanelle … Malcolm Reynolds, Zoe Washburne, Peter Quill, Gamora, Han Solo, Sam and Dean Winchester … outlaws have a perennial hold on our imaginations, equal parts romanticized and demonized, revered and reviled, admired and loathed, depending on whose side you’re on. Outlaws are anti-heroes. They destabilize existing systems of power, erasing the illusion of control in societies. They bring with them and leave in their wake disorder, chaos, violence, destruction, loss, and death. But on the other hand, they also point to possibilities—of throwing off the shackles of propriety and authority; of living life on their own terms and according to their own ethical codes, standards, and values; of the possibilities that exist beyond established socio-political and cultural structures. I’m looking for your take on outlaws, defined broadly—give me your space cat renegades, your dryad anti-government environmental activists, your fed up monsters ready to throw down against the powers that be, your alien mercenaries, your dynamic lover-robbers, your charming assassins, your child-thieves: make them loud, make them stealthy, make them in-your-face, make them subtle, make them violent, make them pacifist, make them winners or losers, lovable or loatheable—whatever you do, just make sure it’s in verse form, memorable, vivid, and speculative.


Taking Submissions: Short Story Substack July 2024 Window (Early Listing)

Submission Window: July 1st – 31st, 2024
Payment: $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue
Theme: Any genre, short story

Mission = Revive the art of the short story, support artists, and produce something wonderful.

Payout = Base Pay of $100 for the chosen story + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check.

Wait, you mean if this substack gets thousands of subscribers, the winner would get thousands of dollars?

Yes! The New Yorker pays roughly $7,500 per story and I sincerely hope to go way past that.

What does the timeline look like?

Submit stories by the end of the month, winner to be announced on the 15th. There is ONE story that wins and receives the full payout.

Where do I send submissions?

Ongoing Submissions: High Tower Magazine

Payment: $10 per story
Theme: Superversive fiction is the opposite of subversive fiction. It is inspiring fiction that builds up civilization rather than tears down. Note that this does not necessarily require a happy ending.
Note: High Tower Magazine only takes 24 stories per year so has high expectations, though will continue reading even if they fill it early to publish bonus ‘hidden gems

  1. Word count: Anywhere from 500-10,000 words
  2. Genre: We will consider any genre so long as your story is superversive, however keep in mind that the editors are experienced horror, fantasy, and sci-fi authors.
  3. We are looking for superversive fiction. Superversive fiction is the opposite of subversive fiction. It is inspiring fiction that builds up civilization rather than tears down. Note that this does not necessarily require a happy ending. For more details, see our about page. (Note: we will also share the current about page at the bottom of this post.)
  4. Payment: We are a small market with limited funds as of right now, but we consider it morally imperative that we actually pay our writers. We offer ten dollars per story, and in exchange we get exclusive publication rights on our website for one full year, and the right to publish you in our yearly anthology.

    Yes, we publish a yearly anthology of all 24 short stories published throughout the year. Hidden Gems get a special, separate anthology. Authors also split fifty percent of the royalties from the anthology between them.

  5. Email guidelines: Manuscripts should be sent to [email protected]Use William Shunn’s modern manuscript format. Title and author should be in the file name. In the subject include the name of the story and the name of the author. Cover letter is optional.
  6. Simultaneous submissions are not only permitted, they are encouraged. If we wanted exclusive rights to your story, we would pay you. Otherwise it is yours to do with as you see fit. Just let us know if you’ve found another market.
  7. Please submit new material. As of now we do not accept resubmissions.
  8. No AI. If we catch you, you will be banned from ever submitting here again.
  9. We strive for a one month turnaround time maximum. If you don’t hear from us after four weeks, feel free to get in touch and check.
  10. We reserve the right to reject subversive or amoral content.


Ongoing Submissions: Neon Dystopia

Payment: $20
Theme: Cyberpunk

We have a pretty broad idea of what cyberpunk as a genre is and isn’t. We’re living in it, so why stamp it down to some cookie cutter bullshit? Neon Dystopia looks for nuanced takes on genre fiction, talks on the writing process, the world around us, and what these things mean to us NOW, not later or then.


Ongoing Submissions: Max Blood’s Mausoleum

Payment: $30
Theme: Unthemed horror

What we are looking for

We are looking for horror of any sub-genre and are not squeamish. We’ve read it all before and will read it all again, so send us something that will really set us back on our heels. Terrify us. Make us squirm. Send us the best of your worst.

We welcome art accompaniment for your stories, as these may be used in our compiled issues. Please, no AI art. We wish to feature art created by human artists. If you are the artist, let us know. However, if you are not the artist, please let us know that as well. Credit will be given where it is due. Be sure you have permission to use the art that you send to us.


Ongoing Submissions: Mystery Magazine

Payment: 2 cents CAD per word
Theme: Crime mystery of every imaginable subgenre, including cozy, police procedural, noir, whodunit, supernatural, hardboiled, humor, and historical mysteries.
Note: Not to be confused with Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine or Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine

Use the form below (link at the bottom) to send us your 1000-7500 word story or You-Solve-It mystery. Multiple submissions are not allowed. Submissions must be original works of short fiction that have never appeared online or in print in any form. Avoid scenes of animal cruelty or excessive profanity/violence. We pay 2¢/word USD for accepted stories. Our average response time is 4-6 weeks.


Ongoing Submissions: Plotopolis

Payment: 8 cents per word
Theme: Interactive fiction that can be read/played in half an hour
Note: This is VERY different from our standard market but seemed quite interesting and I suspect that we’ll have 1-2 people who are interested!

Plotopolis publishes interactive fiction. Please read one of our pieces before submitting.

We consider all genres, but submissions should demonstrate strong writing craft. Additionally, pieces should work well within our publishing venues (currently Slack, Telegram, and a chat-interface on the web) and be created for Plotopolis.
