About The Horror Tree
The Horror Tree is a resource for genre and speculative fiction authors which was created in 2011. The main goal when starting the site was to include all of the latest horror anthologies and publishers that are taking paying submissions. A resource useful for both new and experienced publishers alike looking for an outlet for their written material! Each anthology that we list should have a set deadline as well as offer compensation in the form of direct payment, royalties, or at the very least a physical contributor’s copy.
Since that time we have expanded to include articles on every aspect of the writing process, fiction, guest posts, blog tours, and more!
Note: We do not make any money from you submitting to these anthologies, we are not releasing them, nor are we responsible for them in any way. Our goal is just to try and help out our fellow horror authors to have an easy way to find out what anthologies are open to submit to and have a community to work with.
If you are a horror author, I hope this is helpful for you!
Stuart Conover
Editor in Chief
Has your press, anthology, book, or original fiction been featured on Horror Tree or in Trembling With Fear?
Have you wanted a way to let the world know?
We now have two amazing graphics that you can share out to the world!
If you use them, please have them link to: https://horrortree.com/ or the direct post that you were featured on!

Stuart Conover
Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree! On the side he somehow finds time to write articles on ScienceFiction.com and is the Editor in Chief of the Journal Stone Network of sites.

Stephanie Ellis
Indie Bookshelf Releases
Stephanie Ellis writes dark speculative prose and poetry. Her novels include The Five Turns of the Wheel, Reborn, and The Woodcutter, and the novellas, Bottled and Paused. Her short stories appear in the collections The Reckoning and Devil Kin. She is a Rhysling and Elgin Award nominated poet and has written the collection Foundlings (with Cindy O’Quinn), Lilith Rising (with Shane Douglas Keene) and Metallurgy, as well as appearing in the HWA Poetry Showcase. She can be found supporting indie authors at HorrorTree.com via the weekly Indie Bookshelf Releases. She is an active member of the HWA and can be found at https://stephanieellis.org.

Lauren McMenemy
Trembling With Fear Editor-in-Chief
Lauren McMenemy wears many hats: Editor-in-Chief at Trembling With Fear for horrortree.com; PR and marketing for the British Fantasy Society; founder of the Society of Ink Slingers; curator of the Writing the Occult virtual events; writers hour host at London Writers Salon. With 25+ years as a professional writer across journalism, marketing, and communications, Lauren also works as a coach and mentor to writers looking to achieve goals, get accountability, or get support with their marketing efforts. She writes gothic and folk horror stories for her own amusement, and is currently working on a novel set in the world of the Victorian occult. You’ll find Lauren haunting south London, where she lives with her Doctor Who-obsessed husband, the ghost of their aged black house rabbit, and the entity that lives in the walls.

Catherine Jordan
Review Coordinator
CATHERINE JORDAN is an author of horror, dark fiction, and articles for her hometown—where she facilitates writing courses and has been an award judge.

Shalini Bethala
Trembling With Fear specials editor (Unholy Trinities, Serials, Themed editions)
Originally from New Orleans, Shalini grew up with a love for the hauntingly beautiful stories, ideas and folklore that were enmeshed with the city. She also developed a deep love for words and a well-told story. Anytime those two can marry, she’s there for it. She loves stories that lure, that haunt, that pull at heartstrings or that wrap one up in fear, anxious to know what’s going to happen next.

Nicole Simms
Columnist: Setting Self Doubt On Fire
Nicole J. Simms is a UK-based horror, crime and fantasy writer.
Her stories have been published in anthologies, in magazines and on websites. In 2016, she won the Nine Voices’ 50-Word Halloween Competition with her story ‘Meeting the Parents’. And, her self-published e-book The Book of Drabbles is now available to download for free.
She’s the deputy leader of the Oldbury Writing Group. In 2016, they published a WW2 anthology titled From Sunrise to Sunset.
Stephen King, Sharon Bolton, J. K. Rowling, R. L. Stine and Kelley Armstrong are some of her favourite authors. And, when she’s not writing, she loves to bake, paint, knit and go on nature walks.
Find out more at:
Website – http://nicole-j-simms.co.uk

Ken MacGregor
Columnist: Brain Babies
Ken MacGregor’s work has appeared in a whole mess of anthologies and magazines. His story collection, “An Aberrant Mind” is available online and in select bookstores. He edits an annual horror-themed anthology for the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers. Ken is an Affiliate member of HWA. One time, he even made a zombie movie. Recently, he co-wrote a novel and is working on the sequel. Ken lives in Michigan with his family and two cats, one of whom is dead but still haunts the place.

Angeline Trevena
Columnist: 'Story Worms'
Angeline Trevena is a British dystopian horror author. The first book in her Paper Duchess series, The Bottle Stopper, was published in 2015, and her short stories appear in various anthologies and magazines. The most unlikely of horror writers, Angeline is scared of just about everything, and still can’t sleep in a fully dark room. She goes weak at the sight of blood, can’t share a room with a spider, but does have a streak of evil in her somewhere. Find out more at www.angelinetrevena.co.uk

Rob E. Boley
Writing Staff
Rob E. Boley likes to make blank pages darker. By day, he manages and analyzes big data. Yet each morning before sunrise, he rises to strike terror into the hearts of the unfortunate characters dwelling in his novels, stories, and poems. He co-founded Howling Unicorn Press with his wife, author Megan Hart, to conjure tales that thrill, chill, and fulfill. You can learn more about this weird figure of the dark by visiting his website at www.robboley.com.

Alyson Faye
Writing Staff
Alyson lives in West Yorkshire, UK with her husband, teen son and four rescue animals. Her fiction has been published widely in print anthologies – DeadCades, Women in Horror Annual 2, Trembling with Fear 1 &2, Coffin Bell Journal 1, Stories from Stone, Ellipsis, Rejected (ed. Erin Crocker) and in many ezines, but most often on the Horror Tree site, in Siren’s Call.
She performs at open mics, teaches, edits and hangs out with her dog on the moor in all weathers.

Devin Sauve
Writing Staff
A fellow purveyor of horror fiction stretching from child-like curiosity to unhindered obsession, Devin consumes all pieces of horror in any format, making sure to wheedle out the good ones to save for later. Having dual passions for reading and writing, Devin tries to exercise both while balancing the hunt for a way to make such passions financially beneficial. When he’s not sitting down with a good book, gazing at a blank word document, or sneaking a peak of those ominous woods out behind his house, he can be found exploring alternate worlds of game, film, and voice acting and the writing (and horror) found in each.

Jason Ivey
Writing Staff
My name is Jason Dwayne Ivey. I was born in Dillon, SC and raised in rural North Carolina. I am a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke where I majored in Computer Graphics. My true passion though is writing. I’ve had a few credits to my name so far including: winning a “Last Man Standing” contest with Wizard Magazine, being a finalist in a Game of Thrones compendium for an essay of mine, interviewing a New York times best-selling author for a Star Wars website, and having a bunch of letters published in several Marvel comic books. Besides writing, I am also a huge movie fan (action, sci-fi, horror), love reading (comics, Stephen King, A. Lee Martinez, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not), and enjoy the action and theatrics of professional wrestling. I’ve been living in the same rural area I was raised for nearly 40 years now, with my family, and several pets. As far as life goals go I hope to one day be a professional author, restauranteur, and to work in the comic/film industry. As for any horror-related experiences I’ve met Gunnar Hansen and Ken Forree years ago at a local halloween themed fund raiser. Oh and I’ve met Steve Niles too. Then there is my personal project that I hope to publish one day which is a fictional universe about monsters inside of a specially-built prison.

Angelique Fawns
Writing Staff
Angelique Fawns is a journalist and writer of speculative fiction. She has a day job working for Global TV in Toronto, and lives on a farm with far too many animals, including an attack llama. You can find her interviews on horrortree.com, and her fiction in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Pulp Modern, The Corona Book of Ghost Stories, and a variety of anthologies.

Brenda Tadych
Writing Staff
Brenda Tadych is a Pennsylvania native and locally published author. She credits black and white classic monster movies with cultivating her excitement in horror, and the 1970’s for enriching it with “The Exorcist,” “Halloween,” and that guy who introduced her to characters like Carrie White, Mr. Barlow, and Jack Torrance. She digs supernatural experiences and is always up for a trip to a gallery reading event or table tipping.
For a journey into her random world, visit her blog (that she aspires to give more attention to) at brendasumthin2say.blogspot.com

Diane Sismour
Writing Staff
Diane Sismour writes poetry, short stories and novels with a dry humor and fast-paced plots in Romantic Suspense, Psychological Thrillers and Crime Fiction. Look for her at conferences and workshops. Her thoughts, “There’s a little horror in every romance.”
When she’s not traveling, Diane works with her cleaning technicians at Sismour’s Janitorial Co. She enjoys creating characters while shaded under the maple tree and greeting guests at her Leaser Lake B and B located in the foothills of the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. Diane is a member of RWA, Liberty States Fiction Writers, the Bethlehem Writers Group, and HWA.

John C Adams
Writing Staff
John C Adams is a nonbinary author and critic of horror and fantasy fiction. They’ve had stories published in Sirens Call, the Horror Zine and other publications. You can also read their fiction in anthologies from Lycan Valley Press, Horrified Press, Fantasia Divinity and Jersey Pines Ink.
Longlisted twice for the Aeon Award, John was also a runner up for the Enrico Charles Literary Award. They have a Postgraduate Certificate in Creative Writing from Newcastle University.
John is an Oxford graduate and non-practising solicitor, living in Northumberland UK but conducting the ultimate long-distance relationship with their boyfriend in Pennsylvania.

Liz Butcher
Ex-Interview Coordinator
Liz Butcher resides in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband, daughter, and two cats, Pandora and Zeus. While writing is her passion, her numerous interests include history, astronomy, the paranormal, mythology, reading, art, knitting and music – all which help fuel her imagination. She also loves being out in nature, especially amongst the trees or near the water. Liz has published a number of short stories in anthologies and currently has a multitude of projects in the works including her upcoming short story collection, “After Dark” and her novel, ‘Fates Revenge’.

Kerry Lipp
Columnist: Six Hundred Sixty Six Bottles of Blood on the Wall
Kerry lives in Dayton, Ohio. He hates the sun and loves making fun of dead people. His parents started reading his stories and they’ve consequently booted him from their will. Kerry’s work appears in several anthologies including DOA2 from Blood Bound Books and Attack of the B-Movie Monsters from Grinning Skull Press. His work has been featured multiple times on The Wicked Library podcast. He is currently editing his first novel and shopping a bizarro novella. KGSL rarely (but still) blogs at www.HorrorTree.com and will launch his own website sometime before he dies. Say hi on Twitter @kerrylipp or come find him on Facebook. And he wants you to remember to always cover the camera on your laptop. You never know who is watching you.

Franklin Murdock
Columnist: Notes From Purgatory
Franklin Charles Murdock is a fiction writer from the Midwestern United States. Though most of his work is harvested from the vast landscapes of horror, fantasy, and science fiction, Franklin strives to spin tales outside the conventions of these genres.
His work has appeared in A Murder of Storytellers, Dark Lanes, Dark Fuse,
Under the Bed Magazine, 69 Flavors of Paranoia, MicroHorror, Liquid Imagination, Yellow Mama, Heavy Hands Ink, WEIRDYEAR, Phantom Kangaroo, and various other publications. Most recently, he’s been coauthoring the serial epic BEARD THE IMMORTAL on swordandportent.com. He also maintains franklinmurdock.com.