Category: Contributor’s Copy

Contributor’s Copy Only

Taking Submissions: You, Human, Vol. 2 – September Window

Submission Window: September 1st – 30th, 2024
Payment: 10 cents a word and a contributor’s copy
Theme: What does it mean to be alive? What does it mean to be real? What does it mean to exist? What does it mean to be human? Once again, Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics will be re-evaluated and revised to help define humanity

Written Backwards is not open to submissions at this time, but due to high interest and numerous inquiries about You, Human, Vol. 2 (to be released in 2025), we are announcing an early open call for submissions for the month of September, 2024. Do not send submissions yet (unless invited). The open call for submissions will begin September 1st and end September 30th later this year.


The first volume of You, Human (2016) won the Benjamin Franklin Award for science fiction and is the most successful and widely-read anthology published by Written Backwards. Josh Malerman’s story “The Jupiter Drop” was also nominated for the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction and is currently in development as a major motion picture.


Taking Submissions: Rotting Upright Volume 1

Deadline: January 15th, 2024
Payment: $15, 5 contributors copies, “future earning opportunities” (this part is unclear)
Theme: Zombie-themed stories of a short novella length to be released in collections

“Sometimes I think we’re all corpses. Just rotting upright.” (George Orwell, “Keep the Aspidistra Flying”)

Campfire Publishing is excited to announce that we are currently accepting submissions for, “Rotting Upright, Volume 1”, the first in our collection of Zombie themed horror stories!

Please read below to ensure that your story will be a good fit, and feel free to reach out to us–via the form located on our main page or by sending an email to [email protected]–if you have any questions.

“Rotting Upright” is the first volume in a horror collection dedicated to Zombie- themed horror stories. Campfire Publishing aspires to publish multiple volumes in the “Rotting Upright” collection, along with collections specific to a variety of themes in the horror genre.

What are we looking for?


Taking Submissions: Creature Feature Classics #2

Deadline: September 1st, 2024
Payment: £20 & 3 author copies
Theme: Vampires

Creature Feature Classics #2

Creatures of the Night

Creature Features #2 will be the second in an anthology series exploring everybody’s favourite horror monsters. The sequel to our lycanthropy anthology; this one is all about blood-sucking vampires!

We’re looking for a variety of stories so feel free to go in any direction your brain might wander – the more whacky, the better. We want a mixture of sub-genres so stories that think outside of the box will have a stronger chance of success. The less classic, haunted middle-age castle stories the better – if you feel strongly about yours do send it, but we want our inbox to be packed with variety. Horror with humour is warmly invited too.


Taking Submissions: The Light from Albemuth

Deadline: October 1st, 2024
Payment: Contributor’s Copy
Theme: The author must do a tarot reading and the results of that must affect the writing, in any genre, in some way

The Light from Albemuth is a print and electronic anthology that utilizes a tool of divination in a unique way: before sitting down to write a submission, be it story, poem or essay, the author is to do a tarot reading, with the intention that it affects the writing in some way, and then write. Any genre is acceptable, but nothing NC-17, please. Tarot and/or divination do not need to factor into the work itself when it comes to content.

Accompanying the piece should be a short ‘about the author’ blurb, and an explanation of the reading that was done before the author wrote the piece – and how they interpret it. This will be included in the anthology as well, so that as a whole, the book will be two things. First, a collection of short stories, poetry and essays. Second, a peek into how and whether Tarot can guide creativity.


Taking Submissions: Solarpunk Conflicts

Deadline: November 1st, 2024
Payment: 2 contributors copies if released in print, 5 cents CAD per word, .25 CAD per word for poetry up to 200 words with .10 CAD per word after
Theme: The conflicts related to the hopeful and optimistic nature of Solarpunk (see below.)
Note: Stories will also be discussed academically as a part of the editor’s PhD dissertation.

Solarpunk is optimistic. Solarpunk is hopeful. Solarpunk is about change and unity. Solarpunks seem to agree on these points. But what are the points of conflict within solarpunk? When do solarpunks disagree, and why? Is solarpunk a monolith, is it fractured and disparate, or is it somewhere in between? What spaces of tension exist within both genre and community that can flare to sudden flame at the right (or wrong) provocation? And, what do these conflicts look like in a solarpunk world?

This anthology is about these conflicts. Stories should explore a solarpunk conflict, either one manufactured entirely for the story, or one based in a real-world point of contention you feel currently divides solarpunks, or that has done so in the past. Conflicts can be as small or as grand as you would like, though the story as a whole should be legibly solarpunk and should not champion a non-solarpunk ethos.

I also invite stories that speak to perceived gaps in the solarpunk canon – for example, there has been commentary before on how solarpunk is close to afrofuturism in aspect and some goals, but has very little overlap. While there are some stories that do address that missing overlap, there is, of course, room for more.


Taking Submissions: The Stygian Zine January 2025 Issue

Deadline: November 30th, 2024
Payment: $20 (CAD) or a physical copy of the magazine
Theme: Tell us about your day-to-day darkness…

After the release of our first publication “The Stygian Collection”, there was demand to continue producing anthologies. To continue growing our community and keep the anthology spirit alive, The Stygian Society presents: The Stygian Zine!

January’s Theme: Slice of Life
Tell us about your day-to-day darkness…


Taking Submissions: Gods and Services

Deadline: August 30th, 2024
Payment: $25 plus contributor’s copy
Theme: A story about a store that sells Gods who are attached to items, or more importantly, the items themselves, further details below

This is an anthology different from most we have done. It is the follow-up to the original GODS & SERVICES, and there is a definite theme to which we will require far stricter adherence.

There is a store. It wasn’t there yesterday. It won’t be there tomorrow. There’s no way it could have fit where it is. The sign in the window obviously is meant to read GOODS & SERVICES, but one of the Os has fallen.

The proprietor is a sort of short, tall, fat, thin, young, old, sometimes a woman fellow named Hiram Priest. The merchandise is flea market quality mixed with priceless and rare antiques all sharing the same space with no apparent organization.


Taking Submissions: Bright Mirror

Deadline: September 30th, 2024
Payment: $10 and a contributors copy
Theme: Uplifting Science Fiction

Oddity Prodigy Productions is proud to announce we are open for submissions on our latest anthology: Bright Mirror!!
This will be the first science fiction anthology from Oddity Prodigy Productions, following our horror and urban fantasy offerings. There is a planned Kickstarter to cover publishing costs. Publishing date and distribution is as yet undecided.
The deadline for Submissions is September 30, 2024


Have you ever looked up at the stars in the night sky and imagined what it would be like to visit them? Have you ever felt awe and wonder when you look forward to the future? We are looking for stories that capture that feeling of hope and excitement? So much of our science fiction is rooted in cynicism about what’s next, and we are looking for stories that deal in the opposite. We want to read stories of discovery and promise! Stories set in worlds filled with marvels and imagination. In short, we would love to read your best utopian science fiction story.

Star Trek is the best example, but movies like the Fifth Element, Arrival, or Contact would also be examples of the kind of stories we’re going to collect for this anthology.
