Category: Flash

Flash Fiction

Taking Submissions: Solarpunk Conflicts

Deadline: November 1st, 2024
Payment: 2 contributors copies if released in print, 5 cents CAD per word, .25 CAD per word for poetry up to 200 words with .10 CAD per word after
Theme: The conflicts related to the hopeful and optimistic nature of Solarpunk (see below.)
Note: Stories will also be discussed academically as a part of the editor’s PhD dissertation.

Solarpunk is optimistic. Solarpunk is hopeful. Solarpunk is about change and unity. Solarpunks seem to agree on these points. But what are the points of conflict within solarpunk? When do solarpunks disagree, and why? Is solarpunk a monolith, is it fractured and disparate, or is it somewhere in between? What spaces of tension exist within both genre and community that can flare to sudden flame at the right (or wrong) provocation? And, what do these conflicts look like in a solarpunk world?

This anthology is about these conflicts. Stories should explore a solarpunk conflict, either one manufactured entirely for the story, or one based in a real-world point of contention you feel currently divides solarpunks, or that has done so in the past. Conflicts can be as small or as grand as you would like, though the story as a whole should be legibly solarpunk and should not champion a non-solarpunk ethos.

I also invite stories that speak to perceived gaps in the solarpunk canon – for example, there has been commentary before on how solarpunk is close to afrofuturism in aspect and some goals, but has very little overlap. While there are some stories that do address that missing overlap, there is, of course, room for more.


Taking Submissions: Electric Spec November Issue 2024

Deadline: October 15th, 2024
Payment: $20 per story or artwork
Theme: Electric Spec prefers science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre, but we’re willing to push the limits of traditional forms of these genres.

Fiction Submission Guidelinessubmissions at electricspec (dot) com

Issues are published at the end of February, May, August, and November. We reserve the right to shift publication date slightly, as necessary.

We have reading periods for each issue, though we never close to submissions.

February closes January 15

May closes April 15

August closes July 15

November closes October 15

We do not consider stories or art created, or partially created, by A.I.

We consider stories between 250 and 7000 words with speculative fiction elements. We prefer science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre, but we’re willing to push the limits of traditional forms of these genres.

We do not consider poetry, stories with over-the-top sex or violence, serials, novels, fan fiction, or non-fiction. We don’t accept multiple submissions; in other words, only submit one story at a time and wait for a response before submitting another. We accept simultaneous submissions as long as you let us know up front and tell us as soon as it’s accepted elsewhere. We do not publish reprints, including anything that has appeared on a website.

We pay $20 for each story we publish. We buy first-printing world exclusive rights for four months. Payment will be made shortly after publication using PayPal. We encourage our authors to establish a PayPal account if they don’t already have one.

We prefer to read submissions in traditional manuscript format. This means indented paragraphs instead of left justification, and Courier or Times New Roman font in 12 pt, double-spaced. Also, please include the title, your name, address, and word length on the first page of your story.

To submit your story to Electric Spec, e-mail it as an attachment in Rich Text Format (RTF) to submissions at electricspec (dot) com. Use the following subject line: SUBMISSION: Story Title by Author’s Name (Word Count). In the body of the e-mail, include writing credits, if any, and the word count of the story. We do not generally open attachments unaccompanied by a cover letter.

If you submit, please put our email address on you approved email list so you receive our reply. There’s some info about whitelisting on the Electric Spec Blog.

Please do not submit the same story more than once, and please submit only one story at a time.

A note on our editorial policy: before publication we may work with the author to edit the story for length or readability. However, we always remain true to the spirit of the story and the author has final approval.

Please don’t query us about your story submission. We don’t have the manpower to answer such queries. An editor will email you back as soon as possible with the decision about your story. This can take a few days, or, a few months. We make every effort to get back to authors in a timely manner but we get a lot of submissions so sometimes it’s not possible.

Because we are a quarterly magazine, it may take us up to three and a half months to make a final decision, but we will let you know if your story is being held for voting. Please note we do not send out messages upon receipt of stories.

If you want to withdraw a story from consideration, please e-mail us at submissions at electricspec (dot) com and include the word WITHDRAW in the subject line. If you have urgent questions or comments (not a query about the status of your story), please e-mail us at our submissions address and include the word QUERY in the subject line.


Taking Submissions: Cosmic Roots And Eldritch Shores August 2024 (Early Listing)

Submission Window: August 1st-2nd, 2024
Payment: 8 cents per word for original, 2 cents for reprints, For artwork: $10 for the non-exclusive right to use each image, for as long as the site is online.  If we publish a print collection we will pay a pro-rata share for each image used.
Theme: Well written original work in science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, and eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and/or graphic story form, and from around the world.
Note: Reprints welcome



Submissions Schedule

The first and second day of every month, 12 am of the 1st to 12 am of the 3rd, E.S.T.

For reading impaired individuals, our submissions manager and ‘forget password’ have a captcha compatible with screen readers.

We pay 8¢ per word for new fiction, 2¢ per word for fiction reprints, 2 – 8¢ per word for new fact-based work, 1- 4¢ per word for reprinted fact articles.
For new poetry, we pay $1 per line, and for reprints we pay 50¢ a line  We’re looking for poems up to 40 lines. We’ll consider longer poems but that would be a hard sell, and words over 40 lines would be paid at 8¢ per word.

We sponsor The Kepler Award to recognize and encourage writers of excellent science fiction and fantasy stories that creatively extrapolate on known science in constructive and exciting ways. You can learn aboutThe Kepler Award here.

You can read a copy of our standard contract here.   It can be varied as needed to include the rights of translators, voice actors, etc.


Taking Submissions: The Orange & Bee Issue #3

Open Window: August 1st to the 14th
Payment: $50 per poem, $80 per story for flash, 8 cents per word for short fiction
Theme: Works of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction that engage in a significant way with the long history of fairy tales

Upcoming submission windows

  • Submission window for Issue #3: 1 to 14 August (closes midnight AEST on 14 August)

We do not accept multiple submissions (one piece per submission window, please!), or simultaneous submissions.

Submitting your work

Word/line limits

  • Poetry: up to 50 lines (but we’re a little bit flexible!)
  • Flash: up to 1000 words
  • Short fiction/non-fiction: up to 4000 words


Taking Submissions: Die Laughing Literary Magazine #1

Submission Window: July 15th – 31st, 2024
Payment: $10 for flash – 2 per issue, $25 for shorts – 4 per issue, $30 for cover art
Theme: Stories that are both funny and scary

What we want:

  • That sweet spot of horror comedy that is genuinely funny but also genuinely scary. Can be as goofy, gory, or smutty as you like!
  • Work that punches up, not down. (“If the person on the gallows makes a grim joke, that’s gallows humor. If someone in the crowd makes a joke, that’s part of the execution.” – Alexandra Erin, Twitter.)
  • Do not self reject! (Unless your story has one of the below unfunny things, in which case feel free to self reject.)
  • For cover art submissions, please see toward the bottom of the page.


Taking Submissions: Carnage House Issue 4

Deadline: August 1st, 2024
Payment: $5
Theme: Splatter-friendly extreme horror stories

We want solid, entertaining writing that evokes feelings. Carnage House is a splatter friendly web ’zine—so nothing against cozy, but cozy, we’re not. We’re looking for gore, extreme horror, splatterpunk, and horror with sexual elements to it. For a better understanding of what we’ll take, think of the Hot Blood book series or Love in Vein. Or, as a more practical proposition, read our back issues at

We invite LGBTQIA and BIPOC themes, and we encourage authors from diverse backgrounds to submit to us.


Taking Submissions: Astral Alien Fiction Second 2024 Window

Submission Window: July 7th – 28th, 2024
Theme: Stories that are told from an alien perspective (See below for more details.)
Payment: $20 per story

Here you will find all you need to send us your stories. We look forward to reading them. As a reminder: we only publish five stories per issue. Magazines like ours generally receive submissions numbering in the hundreds. Don’t be too hard on yourself if we do not take yours. There is a lot of competition and it mostly comes down to individual editor opinion (which is unpredictable and not a reflection of quality of writing necessarily). We know the submission process is hard and we wish you the very best in your writing.

When to Submit

Submissions are open:

  • January 7th–28th (closing at 10pm PST on the 28th)
  • July 7th–28th (closing at 10pm PST on the 28th)

What to Submit

Astral publishes short stories ranging from 1,000–7,000 words. We want stories that are told from an alien perspective. By alien we usually mean extraterrestrial… but other perspectives can also qualify, such as Lovecraftian horrors, plants, bacteria, etc. Send us weird and surreal stories that challenge our notions about ourselves and the universe.


Taking Submissions: Orion’s Belt 2024 Window

Deadline: September 1st, 2024
Payment: 8 cents per word for fiction and $25 for artwork
Theme: Literary Science Fiction and Fantasy

The Basics

Stories should be submitted to [email protected]. All stories must be under 1200 words (not including the title and byline). All stories over 1200 words will sadly be rejected automatically. All stories must contain significant speculative elements. This does not mean all sci-fi stories must have lasers and rockets. It just means a non-speculative story doesn’t become speculative if you include a single line clarifying the story takes place on Mars.

When to Submit

Because of the time needed to evaluate submissions and prepare stories for publication, Orion’s Belt has a limited submission window. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause to you. Stories submitted outside the submission window will not be deleted, but they will not be read until the submission window re-opens.

Our current submission window opened March 1st.

This submission window will be open until September 1st.
