Seeds & Leaves Are Falling From The Horror Tree As We Look Towards November!
It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die.
Happy November! I’m sad to see that October has already come and gone as this Halloween season flew by far too quickly to properly enjoy.
I’m so amazingly happy to still be able to shout out from the rooftops that ‘Trembling With Fear: Year 1‘ is out, and we’re somehow still going strong! Now that it has been released we can take a quick breath and move forward with a slew of new ideas for the site we have in the works as well as get further ahead on prepping for Year 2!
What Is New At The Horror Tree?!
Outside of ‘Trembling With Fear: Year 1’ as mentioned above, there hasn’t been a lot that is really “new” this month. We have a new writer contributing her first piece tomorrow so a warm pre-welcome to Tabitha Milam-Fisher!
Articles: We didn’t have any non-themed articles this month but we’ll be changing that up for November starting tomorrow with what should be a few more on the horizon!
Interviews: Jeremy Hicks, Eric Ian Steele, Lee Murray, Sarah Rayne.
Book Reviews: ‘Old Hollow‘ by: Ambrose Stolliker,
Video Refresh: 5 Step Plan For Success, Karen Runge Interview, Raising The Dead,
What Is About To Grow At The Horror Tree?
Our future Artificial Intelligence Overlords have demanded that we install a chatbot on the site to help navigate areas among other things. We’re looking into potentially implementing one in the coming month. It’ll be simple, but it should do the trick! Outside of the robots coming to take over the world, we’re also looking into some shopping ideas and making various updates around the site! More on that soon!
Looking to contribute to The Horror Tree?
We’re always on the lookout for more help at The Horror Tree! Patreon is always a great way to help out.
We also always have a STRONG need for book reviewers!
However, if you’re looking to add your personal touch to things there are other options!
From ongoing contributors to web developers that would be interested in working with us on online applications for authors, to guest blogs, to someone willing to track open markets, to being a stop on your blog tour, and so on. If you are interested please drop us a line through our contact page today!
Have anything you’d like to see us add in the future?
We’re here for you so if you believe there is a service, column, or anything else we could list that you’d want to see please reach out via our contact page!
A Brief Social Update!
Once again, we’re trying to share how the Horror Tree is growing socially. I need to keep a focus on this as it is hard to find ways to grow our social media and keeping track shows how many authors and readers we’re able to reach!
- Horror Tree’s Twitter – We’ve gone from 6714 to 6756 followers, sadly a rather slow growth month on our most active platform!
- Horror Tree’s Facebook –Has seen a change from 1801 to 1844 likes!
- Horror Tree’s Instagram – We’ve gone from 662 to 659 followers. Sadly we’ve lost a few even though we appear to have more interactions compared to last month. Go figure! 😉
- Horror Tree’s Pinterest – The least active of our social media presence has 12 followers. No changes here.
- Horror Tree’s YouTube subscribers have changed from 33 to 35, at least its growing in the right direction if not too quickly! We’re still searching for more ideas of other content to put here.
As always, I hope we’re helping you out and we’d love to see your comments with any suggestions or thoughts on what we’re doing! Thanks for being a reader!
Also, if you’re in need of a bit of a break, don’t forget to play The Horror Tree Game!
- About the Author
- Latest Posts
Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!
(Un) lucky 13 on Pinterest! Already subscribed to the rest! Have a great November!
Hah! Awesome, thanks so much for the support! 🙂