Author: Willow Croft

June 2024 Horrorscopes: Beware the Creepy Children!

It’s summer, and you know what that means, right? The children we cooped up in school for the past several months are now running amok on every sidewalk,  mall, and in every park and swimming pool across the nation. Beware these little hellions, and read on to discover how you can survive this invasion of little pitter-patter feet!

Disclaimer: These are mock horoscopes and are meant for entertainment purposes only, and are not specifically representative of any particular person or people. No grownups were harmed in the making of these horoscopes. Well, maybe.


June 2024: Tarot Cards for Creative Inspiration

Deck: Oracle of the Trees by Francesca Romana Valente

This is a time. Note that I said “a time” not “the time”. It’s a very strange time out there. It’s summer but people may be leaning towards a time of introspection and reflection. To not just figure things out and how to create a better future, but a time to meet yourself anew. I usually don’t wax too new-agey since this is a horror/spec fic blog (or I try not to, anyway) but you, as creators, may find yourself not just feeling unusually still, but you may also be experiencing a deeper-than-usual profundity as you navigate your world(s), both inner and outer. It may also be a bit confusing, as you may find yourself suddenly craving a food or a dish that you usually don’t like, or discovering an area of interest that previously bored you, or that you treated more lightly in the past.

I’m actually going to gear this to the HT readers that are in the southern hemisphere, as it’s a time that feels more appropriate to winter in terms of quietness of being and of landscape, over the busyness of summer. But since it’s summer where I am, I’m going to draw on the symbolism of trees.


May 2024 Horrorscopes: Femme Fatales

May’s set of horoscopes embrace the wonderfully wicked world of wayward women. Get ready to be outsmarted and outgunned by these fierce femme fatales!

Disclaimer: These are mock horoscopes and are meant for entertainment purposes only, and are not specifically representative of any particular person or people.


April 2024 Horrorscopes: The Timeless Nature of…Vampires!

Vampires have always had a hold on people’s imagination for better or for worse, but they seem to be having a resurgence of interest lately. (Remember the 90s-era fascination with all things vampire?). In honor of the release of the movie Abigail this month, I’ve paired each sign with their fictional vampire counterpart. Hope your Spring season is chock-full of rainy, moody days that are perfect for writing your own creepy bloodsucker tales! (Info about the movie Abigail here:

Disclaimer: These are mock horoscopes and are meant for entertainment purposes only, and are not specifically representative of any particular/actual person or people.


April 2024: Tarot Cards for Writing Inspiration

Break out the bingo cards and the cribbage sets! We’re getting wild and crazy with a bunch of senior citizens who really know how to party…and get up to lots of mayhem, mischief, and perhaps even commit the occasional murder along the way. But you know the saying…what happens in the retirement home, stays in the retirement home. Right?

Hope you enjoy April’s 2024 tarot card reading for inspiration!


The Gloaming Gruesomeness Of Spring (Equinox)

It’s almost the first day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere, but the weather still feels very cranky, to put it mildly. So, what can we do to placate the tempestuous Mother Nature and her denizens? By turning the naturecore trend into a movement that’s about much more than consumerist indulgences.

Every horror writer knows that forests are not as idyllic as they seem—not only are they full of magic, they contain inscrutable secrets yet to be revealed even for the most devout of practical scientists.

This equinox, don’t just pass through the forest on the well-beaten path, blend in as much as possible with the dirt, the leaves, and the shadows.

Paradoxically, it’s also time to embrace the state of natural decay and accept that things don’t have to be perfectly pristine. Abandon the weed whackers, the leaf blowers, and even the driveway brooms and let your yards become as untidy as your windblown hair and your dirt-streaked visage.