The Horror Tree Recent Markets, Articles, Interviews, and Fiction!

Trembling With Fear 7-14-24

Greetings, children of the dark. It’s all deadlines in TWF Towers this week, with our short story submissions window closing at the end of today (wherever you are in the world), and our summer special closing to subs tomorrow, 15 July. Get ‘em in quick, or miss out! If you’ve subbed over these windows, you’ll get your acknowledgement in the next few days. Everything is manual here; we don’t have any of those handy auto-response systems so your first hurdle, after getting the courage to hit submit, is to wear your most patient trousers.

The summer special will be Shalini’s last issue with us, and I am sad. But, as hinted a few weeks back, we’ve got a slew of new faces moving into TWF Towers and I can’t wait to introduce you to them. Just waiting on the boss being available to chat to people in a different time zone / not being on holiday. (I mean, how dare he, right?!)

My battery is very much drained today, so I’m going to send you straight into it.

This week’s menu of dark speculative fiction kicks things off with Alice Yustas, and a heartbreaking tale that goes to a place you’re not expecting. Note the content warning here for domestic abuse. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Alice Lawson’s eco lament,
  • Ryan van Ells’s buggy grossness (seriously; it’s not for anyone with insect phobias), and
  • Jack Fennell’s test subjects.

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

Hi all!

First off, I’d like to thank our upcoming newsletter sponsor for the next year! Please check out Charlotte Platt’s ‘One Smile More’!

Ena Sinclair, a Scottish mage and spy, abandons her role in a prominent Edinburgh college and escapes to London to avoid an arranged marriage.

But London is not safe: a mage killer is on the hunt…

Abducted by vampires ‘for her safety’, Ena is terrified the nest owner will drain her to fuel his power but also curious to learn about his magic. Taking this once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn more about what her college had warned were dangerous creatures, Ena finds herself fond of the nest, particularly their bonded leaders, Addison and Tobias.

As survivors of the Immortal War, the pair still navigate a schism in vampire society that they are trying to heal. They now seek a peaceful life and offer Ena protection until she finds her own path.

…and dark things await them all.

Ena’s college seeks to forcibly return her to Edinburgh, and a killer is still on the loose. Hidden resentments surface, and Ena pays the price. Magically unstable and isolated, she must rely on her non-magical training to avoid being turned or used as a weapon to harm the nest she has grown to care for.


Be sure to order a copy today!

Whew. I was on vacation all of last week so am currently in the vast realm of catching up on everything under the sun. I don’t have much in the ways of updates this week though promise that we’ve got some big news coming up! 

Now, for the standards:

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
  • The paperback is now live! Please be sure to order a copy of Shadowed Realms on Amazon, we’d love for you to check it out!

Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review! 🙂


Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Spectral Cities: Urban Decay through the Lens of Horror

Spectral Cities: Urban Decay through the Lens of Horror

In the crevices of urban landscapes, where the vibrancy of city lights dims, a different, more haunting beauty emerges. Spectral cities, or metropolises exhibiting signs of urban decay, often serve as the perfect backdrop for horror tales and the macabre. Through the lens of horror, these cities are not just spaces of neglect but realms where the past and present coalesce, birthing stories that captivate and terrify.


Taking Submissions: The Orange & Bee Issue #3

Open Window: August 1st to the 14th
Payment: $50 per poem, $80 per story for flash, 8 cents per word for short fiction
Theme: Works of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction that engage in a significant way with the long history of fairy tales

Upcoming submission windows

  • Submission window for Issue #3: 1 to 14 August (closes midnight AEST on 14 August)

We do not accept multiple submissions (one piece per submission window, please!), or simultaneous submissions.

Submitting your work

Word/line limits

  • Poetry: up to 50 lines (but we’re a little bit flexible!)
  • Flash: up to 1000 words
  • Short fiction/non-fiction: up to 4000 words


Indie Bookshelf Releases 07/12/2024

Got a book to launch, an event to promote, a kickstarter or seeking extra work/support as a result of being hit economically by life in general?

Get in touch and we’ll promote you here. The post is prepared each Thursday for publication on Friday. Contact us via Horror Tree’s contact address or connect via Twitter or Facebook.

Click on the book covers for more information. Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page – there’s all sorts lurking in the deep.



Epeolatry Book Review: Shadow Manor by Candace Nola


Our reviews may contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through the links in this article we may receive a small commission or referral fee. This happens without any additional cost to you.

Title: Shadow Manor
Author: Candace Nola
Genre: Gothic horror/Ghost Story
Publisher: Uncomfortably Dark Horror
Publication Date: 15th June, 2024

Synopsis: A stranded young woman seeking shelter from a violent storm discovers a journal written by the former lady of the manor. As the storm rages around her, something more than shadows shakes the girl to her core.

Will she be able to solve the mystery of the manor before time runs out?


Taking Submissions: Planet Black Joy

Deadline: January 1st, 2025
Payment: 8 cents per word for original stories, 2 cents per word for reprints
Theme: Speculative stories exploring and celebrating Black joy and pleasure.
Note: Authors who are women and non-binary folk who identify as Black, African, or of Afro-descendent heritage
Note: Reprints welcome

Edited by Chinelo Onwualu, Susana M. Morris, and Bill Campbell

You are cordially invited to contribute to an anthology of speculative fiction that’s being published through Rosarium Publishing titled Planet Black Joy in Fall 2025. The collection will feature about 20 to 25 short stories by women and non-binary folk who identify as Black, African, or of Afro-descendent heritage exploring and celebrating Black joy and pleasure.

What are we looking for?


Taking Submissions: Embrace the Silence

Deadline: October 30th, 2024
Payment: $25
Theme: Australian and New Zealand authors who identify as neurodivergent telling tales of characters accepting and embracing their neurodiversity

Last year a press in Australia made a call for neurodivergent voices and their short stories, but only if they had a medical diagnosis. In this country it can take two years to find the truth about ourselves – and at great cost – so Deadset Press wanted to provide an alternative for the neurodivergent writers of Australia. We made a call for those voices, and E. J. Dawson joined in, helping us create a neurodiverse apocalyptic anthology, EMBRACE THE SILENCE, open to anyone self-identifying as neurodivergent. But like many ND folk we had other commitments. We are now re-opening our submissions call on a wider scale for apocalyptic, dystopian and scifi short stories which focus on neurodiverse characters. There are not enough of these in fiction and we are hoping by broadening our submission call we can hear more of these voices.


“Each and Other” DreamForge Kickstarter

“Each and Other” DreamForge Kickstarter

By Angelique Fawns


My favorite positive Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine is DreamForge. In 2024-2025 they are hoping to publish at least 20 exceptional stories and poems embracing the theme of “Each and Other: Invisible Ties and Unseen Reflections. Not only do I belong to their writing group the DreamCasters, but I am a member of their Patreon and love the rewards in their Kickstarters!

They offer copies of their fantastic magazine, webinars, a novel manuscript review among other fun things.

Scot Noel, the editors shared his vision and writing hints. 
