Epeolatry Book Review: The Wrong Girl & Other Warnings by Angela Slatter

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Title: The Wrong Girl & Other Warnings
By: Angela Slatter
Genre: Horror
Publisher: Brain Jar Press
Release Date: October 17th, 2023
Synopsis: From the award-winning Angela Slatter, author of The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings, All The Murmuring Bones, and The Path of Thorns, comes a collection of twelve short stories showcasing the scope of her extraordinary talent.
In The Wrong Girl and Other Warnings, Slatter shows us that ‘innocent’ should never be mistaken for ‘safe’, while spinning tales of witches, Victorian-era detectives, bad parents, unrepentant killers, and ancient wisdom.
In A Matter Of Light, detective Kit Casswell is called upon to lend her experience with the supernatural to a very unwilling consulting detective. In Widows’ Walk, a quartet of witches band together in a single house, secretly working to protect young women. In the titular tale, The Wrong Girl, a frustrated artist turns the romance of her fickle friend and tiresome sister into a deadly masterpiece.
Wry, savage, and written with the precision of a writer at the top of her game, The Wrong Girl and Other Warnings is a gift to those who already love Slatter’s fiction and those discovering her exquisite stories for the first time.
If you’re a lover of dark fantasy you must be familiar with Australian writer Angela Slatter ( aka AG Slatter), author of several novels and short story collections, and recipient of various literary awards.
Her latest collection includes twelve short stories, showcasing once again her extraordinary ability of creating engrossing plots, where reality and magic continuously meet, told in a spellbinding narrative style. Her stories are never boring and her power of imagination appears to be extraordinary and boundless.
Among the various tales featured in the present volume, there are some which deserve a particular mention.
“Widows Walk” is a fabulous example of Slatter’s mesmerizing storytelling making the reader so deeply involved to almost forget if there is a real plot.
“ The Wrong Girl” is yet another superb piece of fiction, perceptive and insightful, portraying the difficult relationships of a girl with her sister and with her own boyfriend and their tragic consequences.
The fascinating “ When We Fall, We Forget” describes the fatal encounter between a vindictive fallen angel and a priest with a disreputable past.
“ The Three Burdens of Nest Wynne” is a truly outstanding piece of dark fiction where long gone tragedies return to haunt a young woman and her old father.
A great collection not to be missed.