
Taking Submissions: Nordic Press Quarterly Anthology Contest

Nordic Press Publishing , Sweden

Deadline: March 16th, 2023 Payment: 60% of net sales Theme: Novella that includes the image below as the theme for the story Quarterly Novella Contest Nordic Press is now opening up for quarterly novella submissions. The idea is that every third month images and quotes will be presented that will be grounds for inspiration, both for theme and genre. The best novella for each quarter will be published by Nordic Press or one of the imprints as both a paperback and ebook. As usual we would like authors to follow our regular guidelines which can be found on here. We would also like you to submit through that same page. The chosen novella will be announced on the 30th March 2023. ​ Please include the keywords 'March Quarterly Contest' in your submission so we know it will be filtered to the correct location on our end. ​ Our prompt for this contest is for you to write a story inspired by this image: ​ Image provided by: Contest Rules Open to: Anyone Word length: 17.500- 40.000 Submission guidelines: see Nordic Press’ homepage Royalties: 60% of net sales Published as: ebook and paperback Deadline: March 16th 2023 General Submission Guidelines PLEASE NOTE THIS PAGE IS INTENDED FOR 'GENERAL SUBMISSIONS'FOR OUR OPEN CALLS AND ANTHOLOGIES PLEASE USE THE APPROPRIATE  FORM  ​ Please read the submission guidelines in full. Failure to comply could result in your submission being rejected or not considered. Whilst we are open to all genres and styles of writing, ultimately we reserve the right to reject topics that are not suitable for our publications. Please read the individual submission call information for guidance.​ All submissions must be in English. Submitting your work All submissions should be made via our form. Submit the first three chapters of your manuscript -or- first 25 pages, whichever is hit first. ...

Taking Submissions: No Trouble at All

Eric Raglin

Submission Window: March 1st, 2023 – March 15th Extended submission period for writers of marginalized backgrounds (broadly defined) March 16th — March 22nd. Payment: At least 4 cents per word, possibly higher dependant on a Kickstarter Theme: Stories of polite horror: Edited by Eric Raglin and Alexis DuBon for Cursed Morsels Press, No Trouble at All will feature stories of polite horror: horror disguised through polite faces/manners, horror allowed to exist when politeness comes at the cost of self-preservation, and any other interpretation of the theme. We love thought-provoking stories, complex characters, unapologetic weirdness, and bold narrative risk-taking. We’ve received questions about whether this is a “Midwest nice” anthology. It is not, but your story can explore that aspect of polite horror if it speaks to you. Polite horror is all around us. Think about how power works. How those without it are expected to smile and accept injustice for fear of retribution. How those with power dress up ugly realities and make suffering palatable to prevent resistance. Polite horrors come from both sides of the weapon—the wielder and the wounded. They color our intimate, familial, professional, cultural, and political realities. Don’t feel limited to any particular environment. Take it somewhere close—a domestic partnership; or take it larger scale—Good Germans. Have fun, go nuts. Before reading the rest of the submission guidelines, note that the existence of this project is contingent on the success of its Kickstarter campaign. We are grateful to everyone who spreads the word. Donations can be made at the following link: . Note that some writers have specifically been invited to contribute. The anthology will be a mix of solicited stories and stories selected from the open call submission period. Submissions are open to all writers, but we especially encourage submissions from writers of marginalized groups. Open to...

Taking Submissions: Game Over Books Submission Period V.7 (Novels, Novellas, Collections)

Game Over Books

Deadline: March 22nd, 2023 Payment: 30% royalties and 25 author copies. Theme: Work that is entertaining and thought-provoking, cheery, dark, or otherwise. Game Over Books Submission Period V.7 Please read carefully because our guidelines have changed… again. For this reading period, we ask that you send us the full manuscript. ​ This reading period will be split into two sections. The prose reading period (novels, novellas, short story collections, etc) will be from 3/1/23 to 3/22/23. The poetry reading period (full-length, chapbooks, etc) will be from 5/1/23 to 5/31/23. If your collection is hybrid, send it during the poetry reading period. ​ Game Over Books generally offers 30% royalties and 25 author copies. Sample contracts can be found here. If you have questions, notes, or concerns about our contract, please don't hesitate to reach out. ​ Guidelines!! ​ Manuscripts should be in Times New Roman, size 12 font. Please include a title page and a table of contents. On the title page, please include your name, genre, and page count. Please include an acknowledgements page, if applicable. GoB no longer does “blind readings.” Your name is important and part of who you are so no need to remove it from the manuscript. Keep it in! Individual poems/stories may be previously published, but the manuscript as a whole should not be previously published. We accept simultaneous submissions. If chosen, you will be asked to remove your work from simultaneous review upon notification. If your work is chosen at another publication, please notify us immediately. What We're Looking For!! Game Over Books is looking to publish work that is entertaining and thought-provoking, cheery, dark, or otherwise. The type of work that makes you say “oh shit!” and you have to pause and look around to make sure no one actually heard you say that out...

Taking Submissions: Passageway

Sans Press

Deadline: March 27th, 2023 Payment: €150 Theme: Stories inspired by a passageway that explores new areas or territory Note: Apologies for the late notice, I only found this one today From Feb 21st to March 27th*, we are open for short story submissions for our new collection, Passageway! We are looking for stories of all genres that respond to our title and/or cover art, and selected writers will receive a flat rate of €150 for accepted submissions. Home is behind, the world ahead (Tolkien, 1954) The paths of perception are thrown open, and new realities loom beyond – all that is left to do is to cross the passageway. New adventures, friends and foes, and whole worlds out there; all of that is being promised to those who cross the threshold. Without any guarantees, or without knowing what's out there, we want to follow the journeys of those who dare to go beyond. Maybe the passage will upend reality itself, or maybe it'll only show a new way to live in the same old one; it might lead into parallel dimensions or take you inside yourself; and maybe, the person that steps in will not be the same that steps back out, if they ever do. Passageway is for stories that dare to experiment, that cross further than they have ever been before, and that encounter whatever may come with hope and open arms. For our fifth anthology, we want stories inspired by our title – Passageway – and the cover artwork below, created by artist Monge Han. All genres of writing are welcome, as long as they explore a story of embracing the unknown (which can be as real or as magic as your heart desires)! More than any specific story or style, we want the emotional response the...

Taking Submissions: The Midnight Zone (Early Listing)

Dragon Roost Press

Submission Window: February 1st - March 30th, 2023 Payment: Contributors copy and 3 cents per word Theme: Never-before-seen monsters! Open for submissions February 1 from Dragon’s Roost Press: a dark, speculative new anthology series, THE MIDNIGHT ZONE. Join featured authors Ramsey Campbell, Gemma Files, Gabino Iglesias, Gwendolyn Kiste, Joe R. Lansdale, Jonathan Maberry, Lucy A. Snyder, Jeffrey Thomas, and Gaby Triana, and the twisted editorial minds that brought you Stitched Lips, Appetites, Burnt Fur, and Harmony & Dissonance, to go to strange-and-dark new places, to plumb the depths of a Twilight Zone with sand in its teeth. For our first sojourn, editors Douglas Gwilym & Ken MacGregor will aim the submersible toward the place where the unseen monsters feed–Novus Monstrum. Send us your original story that meaningfully features a never-before-seen monster (however you define the word). Submissions will be open from Feb. 1 to March 30. Length 1k-5k, with a sweet spot of 3k. 3 cents a word plus contributor’s copy. MORE DETAILS TO COME! This is just an advance notice so that you have a chance to get started! Post will be updated with all of the details ASAP!

Taking Submissions: Novus Monstrum: The Midnight Zone (Full Call)

Dragon Roost Press

Submission Window: February 1st, 2023 - March 30th, 2023 Payment: 3 cents per word plus 1 contributor’s copy. Theme: Stories with original monsters Note: We had previously included a listing for this call, however, it was only a partial one and we now have the full details to share!) NOVUS MONSTRUM OPENING 2 FEB for submissions from Dragon’s Roost Press: volume one of the weird, dark, speculative new anthology series,   THE MIDNIGHT ZONE Our first season of mind-rattling speculations, our volume one, is a menagerie of original monsters. To qualify, your story must feature, meaningfully, a never-before-seen monster (however you define the word) and must contain a speculative element. 1000-5000 words, with a sweet spot of 3k. All land, sea, space, time, earth, wind, and fire monsters welcome. Join featured authors Ramsey Campbell, Gemma Files, Gabino Iglesias, Gwendolyn Kiste, Joe R. Lansdale, Jonathan Maberry, Lucy A. Snyder, Jeffrey Thomas, and Gaby Triana, and the twisted editorial minds that brought you Stitched Lips, Appetites, Burnt Fur, and Harmony & Dissonance, to go to strange-and-dark new places, to plumb the depths of a Twilight Zone with sand in its teeth. The real-world midnight zone is that depth between 1,000 and 3,000 meters in the ocean where no sunlight penetrates.The pressure is intense, life is fleeting, and predators and scavengers abound. Take us to that place only you know, the one that is inhospitable, surprising, uncomfortable, strange, or otherworldly. In The Midnight Zone, we’ll lose ourselves and awake to find an impossible face staring, inches from our own.   THE DETAILS: Novus Monstrum opens for submissions at midnight on February 1, 2023, and closes at 11:59 on March 30, 2023. Please adhere to Shunn format or a reasonable facsimile (but never two spaces after a period, for the love of Ligotti). The goal is nice, clean, professional copy. A readable 12-point font and basic contact information. Attach your document in .doc,...

Taking Submissions: We Fear Not the Sea

Paper Angel Press

Deadline: March 30th, 2023 Payment: 2 cents per word Theme: Stories inspired by sea shanties, more on that below! This is a Call for Submissions for We Fear Not the Sea, an anthology of stories inspired by sea shanties. Each tale should be based on, or somehow incorporate, one sea shanty and include a speculative element of some kind. Give us your adventures with ghosts, sea monsters, and mermaids! Put us in the salty sea boots of sailors, whalers, pirates, and privateers! Open for Submissions: January 9, 2023 through March 30, 2023 Expected Publication: June 2023 Submission Requirements Your story: should be approximately 2,000 – 6,000 words in length. should be based on the content of or incorporate the use of a sea shanty. should not contain erotica, or excessive violence or gore. should be an original submission and not previously published. should not be simultaneous submission to other markets. Please submit only one story per submission. Payment Payment (after publication) will be: $0.02 per word one (1) trade paperback contributor edition one (1) hardcover contributor edition access to ten (10) digital contributor copies Manuscript Formats Send us your complete, finished manuscripts in digital (.DOCX, .RTF, or .ODT) format to fearnotthesea (at) Please use a standard manuscript format. If you’re not sure what one is, here’s a good source. Please include “We Fear Not The Sea Anthology” in the Subject line of your submission. Include the following in your cover letter/email: Title of your story Your legal name Your preferred name or pseudonym (if different from your legal name) Your preferred email address Story genre Approximate word count Name of the shanty on which your story is based Short author biography (3-4 sentences) If you’re not sure if your story is something that we’d be interested in publishing, please feel free to...

Taking Submissions: SNAFU: PUNK’D (Early Listing)

Submission Window: January 1st, 2023 - March 31st, 2023 Payment: AUD5c/word and one contributor copy Theme: Action horror/specfic ‘punk’ genre. AU5c/word / 2k-7.5k words  Opens Jan 1st 2023/Closes March 31st 2023 (in your time zone). Fantasy, Horror, or Science Fiction, but all must have a military/action focus Theme – action horror/specfic ‘punk’ genre. WHAT WE WANT ACTION-BASED horror/specfic within conflict in a past, present, or future filled with the aspects that make your story a ‘punk’ subgenre tale. The ‘punk’ genres we are referring to are listed at these two URLs: Think Bladerunner for cyberpunk, Naked Lunch for biopunk, the Crysis videogames for nanopunk, The League of Extraordinary Gentleman for steampunk and so on… anything that can be considered a high-action monster story set within an obviously ‘punk’ theme. If you choose an obscure sub-punk style, please make it obvious for us which one it is in. For level of unnatural creature we will give priority to, think Frankenstein’s Army, Van Helsing, Dog Soldiers or Aliens. We want lots of monster goodness and lots of action. Please ensure the action is central to the story, from start to finish, and don’t forget monsters! This volume is like the previous volumes squared. Even more all action. We want extreme action (yes, I said it again) and it really should be in the style of military or paramilitary action. RANDOM THING – please begin your cover email with ‘Hello Geoff (I read the guidelines)’. This is for two reasons. One, I hate being called Mr Brown. Two, I wanted to make sure you are reading these guidelines. No proper greeting, we won’t read your work. We will delete and not respond to your email. And to say it again, full action. Nothing less. Hoo-rah! We actively encourage submissions from all cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and identities. Storytelling is for everyone, and...

Taking Submissions: A Coup Of Owls Summer 2023 Issue (Early Listing)

A Coup Of Owls

Submission Window: March 1st - 31st, 2023 Payment: Drabbles and Flash - £5, Short Stories 1001 to 4000 words - £10, Short Stories 4001 to 8000 words - £15 Theme: Stories you’ve poured your soul into but haven’t been able to find the right home for. We’re looking for stories that make us feel something. Warmth, love, melancholy, rage. Note: Only publishes creators from under represented and/or marginalized communities. WE ONLY PUBLISH CREATORS FROM UNDER REPRESENTED AND/OR MARGINALISED BACKGROUNDS AND/OR COMMUNITIES We don't ask for any proof, we take this on trust with the expectation that anyone not from a marginalised background or underrepresented community wouldn't take up the space of someone who is. We ask you to consider this before submitting. QUARTERLY ONLINE ANTHOLOGY: BRIEF We’re looking for stories you’ve poured your soul into but haven’t been able to find the right home for. We’re looking for stories that make us feel something. Warmth, love, melancholy, rage. We want it all.  All genres, styles and themes will be considered and we especially love stories that are outside the box in their telling. Ambiguous endings? Non-linear storytelling? Antagonist’s point-of-view? A story told in just one scene? We love it all.   SUBMISSIONS: OPEN Quarterly Online Anthology Submission Schedule: December 1st - 31st (Spring Issue) March 1st - 31st (Summer Issue) July 1st - 31st (Autumn Issue) September 1st - 30th (Winter Issue) ​ we do not have set issue themes but feel free to be inspired by the season, seasonal occasions and events ​ Click Here For Print Anthology Information SUBMISSION GUIDELINES - ONLINE ONLY These are the guidelines for our Quarterly Online Anthology. For more information on print anthologies go to Print Anthologies How to submit: Please submit via the form at the bottom of this page. If you have any problems using the form please email us...

Taking Submissions: Mother Knows Best

Black Spot Books

Deadline: March 31st, 2023 Payment: 6 cents per word Theme: A women-in-horror anthology inspired by "bad mothers." Note: All writers who identify as women (cis, trans, and non-binary femmes) are welcome to submit. MOTHER KNOWS BEST: Tales of Homemade Horror is a women-in-horror anthology inspired by "bad mothers." We're looking for your best horror stories featuring mother-figures: mama trauma, smother-mother, etc. MOTHER KNOWS BEST is a women-in-horror anthology. All writers who identify as women (cis, trans, and non-binary femmes) are welcome to submit. International submissions always welcomed! Featured Contributors include: Gwendolyn Kiste Kristi DeMeester Kelsea Yu Zin E. Rocklyn With an introduction by: Sadie Hartmann Edited by: Lindy Ryan GUIDELINES: Payment: 6 cents a word (USD) Length: 1000 to 5000 words Submission Period: January 2023 to March 31, 2023. All submissions will be read after close. Due to the volume of submissions, we may not be able to offer comments on every rejection, and appreciate your understanding. Expected Release Date: May 2024 (traditional trade) No reprints, multiple subs, or simultaneous subs. Use classic Shunn formatting. Via: Black Spot Books' Submittable.