The second week of May is dropping showers and amazing open calls for your writing!

As usual, we’ve had over 9 paying markets listed on this week and today Belinda brings her favorite four to you with some solid reasoning on why you should be checking them out! You can watch the latest round-up right here:

Another great week of markets to submit your fiction to!
Below are direct links to the four markets in question:

Haunt – Open for full novels
Deadline: June 30th, 2022
Payment: £200 and 15% royalty rate on print sales, 50% on audiobook and ebook sales.
Theme: Gothic, horror, and dark fiction genres (read below for more details.)

Deadline: July 31st, 2022
Payment: $30 and a contributor’s copy
Theme: Short stories & poetry that terrify without a single mention of blood or gore

50 Word Stories
Submission Window: June 1st-15th, 2022
Payment: 1 winner each month will win $10 Canadian
Theme: A story at exactly 50-words

Extremely Bizarro
Deadline: July 1st, 2022
Payment: £30
Theme: An extreme horror/bizarro anthology.

Taking Submissions: Extremely Bizarre

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