Taking Submissions: Nowhere Fast
Deadline: October 28th, 2022
Payment: 6 cents per word and a contributors copy
Theme: Coming of age with a horror twist
A Coming of Age Horror Anthology
open call for submissions!
Do you love the nostalgic feel of the Amblin movies of the 80s and 90s? Tales that may well have impacted on your own childhood. The Goonies, Stand by Me, ET, Jurassic Park etc.?
Nowhere Fast pays homage to the well-loved theme, Coming of Age, and then adds a horror element. Did you ever just wish you could have made The Goonies a little gorier? That ET was actually evil or that Hook was based on the Hookman urban legend rather than just a bumbling pirate? What if The Explorers was as violent as Aliens or The Craft had a Blair Witch vibe?
Now is your chance to make your twist on these classics a reality.
PLEASE NOTE – these movies and characters are IP and cannot be used without permission. Your story should be a tribute, not a sequel. Any work featuring actual characters from these movies will be rejected.
Nowhere Fast is a COA anthology which is a mixture of invite and submissions. We can tell you that everyone involved is very excited about this and we have a fantastic foreword and cover lined up.
TOC so far …
Brian Keene
Josh Malerman
Jonathan Janz
CJ Tudor
Cynthia Pelayo
Adam Cesare
Richard Chizmar
Hailey Piper
Gwendolyn Kiste
Stephen Graham Jones
Kathe Koja
Kasey Lansdale
We would like to see varied interpretations of this sub-genre and invite diverse and own voices to bring their own flair and unique flavour to their narrative.
This is open to anyone; we actively encourage all writers, whether you have pages of previous publications or still looking for your first acceptance.
Antho will be published Fall 2023.
Theme: Coming of age with a horror twist
Deadline: October 28 2022
Word Count: 3000-5000 Words
Multiple Submissions: Yes
Simultaneous Submissions: Yes but please let us know as soon as possible if you wish to withdraw.
Reprints: No.
Payment: Pro rate sale at 0.06 cents per word. Each author will receive one hard copy and PDF/mobi.
Rights: 12 months exclusivity following the publication date of the anthology.
Correspondence: Please be patient while we read all the stories, and whilst we will reply to every acceptance or rejection, we *may* be unable to give you a detailed reason for our decision if we receive a lot of submissions. We hope you understand.
Formatting: Standard 12pt font, please no large or coloured fonts. Standard margins. Make sure to put your name, address and email address on the top of the first page. Also include a short first-person bio and note as to why you chose the particular film or character you are paying homage to.
Submission email/Questions: [email protected].
Please use ‘NowherefastCOA – Story title – author name’ in the Subject box.
Via: Clash Books.