Taking Submissions: Not Meant for Each Other
Deadline: April 1st, 2021
Payment: Royalties
Theme: A story about the ending of a romantic relationship, any genre.
LBP is pleased to announce that we will be accepting short story submissions for the months of February/March 2021!
We will choose 8-12 submissions to be published in our 2021 summer anthology, “Not Meant for Each Other”!
The topic for submissions: a story about the ending of a romantic relationship.
Important note: The goal for writers here to give us characters that we care enough about within a short space to be upset or elated over their relationship ending.
Accepted stories will be published in ‘Not Meant for Each Other’ summer anthology! E-book and print!
Every genre qualifies.
Works must be previously unpublished.
Must be at least 3k but no more than 9k.
Submissions must be in Times New Roman 12pt.
No headers or footers, please. Name and title on top/left of first page.
Submissions deadline is April 1st, 2021.
All submissions must be submitted to [email protected]. Add ‘Not Meant for Each Other Submission’ in the subject line.
Selected Stories:
Will be notified by email no later than April 15th, 2021. Winners will receive full publishing credit in the anthology w/competitive royalty.
Via: Lost Boys Press.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!