Tagged: Semi-pro

Taking Submissions: Solarpunk Sunscapes

Deadline: November 1st, 2021
Payment: $.02 per word and a contributors copy
Theme: Optimistic views of the future


Story Length: 500 to 7,500 words
Story Payment: $.02 per word + contributor copy
Poem Length: 5 poems or 5 pages
Poetry Payment:
 $30 per poem + contributor copy
Submissions Open: September 1 — November 1, 2021
Expected Publication: Summer 2022
Editor: Justine Norton-Kertson

What is Solarpunk?

Solarpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that developed as a reaction to cyberpunk, the decades long dominance of apocalyptic fiction, and a growing desire to tell, read, hear, and watch stories that provide solutions to the very real and potentially catastrophic challenges of climate change. Solarpunk tells optimistic and hopeful stories about future societies (near-future or distant) powered by renewable energy, and where nature and technology coexist in harmony rather than in conflict. This is a subgenre that’s about restoring the web of life that connects us all. It’s about a desire to protect all life, not just human life. It’s about the drive to embrace and empower life, and restore the planet.

Solarpunk futures aren’t usually “perfect” utopias. Well sometimes they are, or at least really close — but not always, not even usually — and even when they come close they are still never without conflict and challenges. But they also are absolutely not dystopias.


Taking Submissions: Stories of the Eye (Early)

Submission Window: November 1st, 2021, to November 30th, 2021.
Payment: $0.02 per word plus a physical copy upon publication
Theme: Horror stories that explore the complex relationships between artists and models.

We didn’t know if we’d do it again, but Weirdpunk is finally publishing a new anthology with an open call.

Stories of the Eye will be edited by Sam Richard (Sabbath of the Fox-Devils, Wonderland Award-Winning To Wallow in Ash & Other Sorrows) and Joanna Koch (The Wingspan of Severed Hands, Shirley Jackson Award-Nominated The Couvade). It will be published in 2022. Read on for info.

Weirdpunk Books is seeking horror stories that explore the complex relationships between artists and models. Go beyond the male gaze. Show us the queer gaze, the disabled gaze, the un-colonialized gaze, the intergalactic gaze. Turn the model’s gaze on the artist or audience. Explore the power of images, why we bring them to life or destroy them through duplication and representation, and how the act of creating changes them and changes us. Invent a future art form or resurrect a forgotten handicraft. Define “model” as widely and surprisingly as you like: people, objects, trees, oceans, ideas. Examine obsession, violence, commitment, love, or indifference. Give us a botanical illustrator on an unknown planet, a modern-day Gericault shipwrecked in a studio with body parts becoming medical waste, a necromancing choreographer, or a performance artist looking for that one special element to transcend reality in a final postmodernist feat of madness.


Taking Submissions: Dark Recesses Winter 2021 Issue

Deadline: November 30th, 2021
Payment: 5 cents per word
Theme: horror/dark fiction


Breakdown of content:

8 fiction pieces (approximate word lengths) – 1x 5000, 1x 3000, 1x 2500, 2x 1500, 3x 500

3-5 non-fiction pieces – 1 article, 1-2 briefs, 1 interview and/or review


Ongoing Submissions: Simily


Payment: $0.02 for every unique story view,
Theme: SF, fantasy and speculative fiction

Simily is a new platform for both published and unpublished authors to self-publish short stories in various genres, including SF, fantasy and speculative fiction. We believe in the power of a good story and our goal is to help writers reach new readers, hone their craft, and receive payment in the process.
While our platform is in its early stages, we compensate authors $0.02 for every unique story view, including views from free accounts. Once we are up and running, writers will receive a portion of the subscription of paying readers (similar to Medium).
Authors retain all copyright to their work and are able to remove their work from Simily at any time.
We do not require exclusivity. You are free to publish or republish your work wherever you see fit. By submitting to Simily, you acknowledge that the work is your own and you have the right to publish it. See our Terms of Service for more information.
All stories must use proper English grammar, structure and syntax. You will be notified within 2-3 weeks if your story has been selected for publishing.


Ongoing Submissions: Sciencefictionery Magazine

Payment: 3 pence per word for fiction (UK)
Theme: A broad spectrum of stories from every Science Fiction subgenre

What we want:

We are looking for original works of fiction from 300 to 5000 words to feature in our magazine. We want to offer a broad spectrum of stories from every Science Fiction subgenre. So send us your robots and space cowboys. Send us your dystopian-alien-invasion-post-apocalyptic-cyberpunk tales. We like weird. We like adventure. We LOVE SCIFI!!


Taking Submissions: Silence in the City

Deadline: September 15, 2021
Payment: 6 cents per word
Theme: A city gone silent

Sudden disruptions in power and other major services sends a city into chaos. In the blink of an eye, the modern technological world fails. Is it a government plot? Experiment gone wrong? A foreign cyber attack? Alien invasion? A mystical incursion from beings beyond this dimension? Who knows? Now the noise and the bustle of the city has vanished and an eerie silence settles over the urban landscape. Within, there are stories of human violence, depravity, and desperation, but also heroism, selflessness, and sacrifice. Silence in the City is an anthology of speculative tales asking what happens when a city—and all of modern civilization—is plunged into darkness.


Ongoing Submissions: After Dinner Conversation

Payment: 1 cent per word

Do you accept unsolicited submissions?

Yes. Please see the information below on how to submit.

How do I submit?

  1. Email your submission to [email protected] with “After Dinner Conversation – Submission” in the Subject Line.
  2. Attach your story as .pdf document. If we can’t open it, it will be deleted.
  3. Assuming your story is accepted, we will send you a simple contract granting us the right to publish your story on our website. Additionally, your story will be considered for inclusion in future podcast discussions and/or as part of the Kindle Direct Publication “After Dinner Conversation” Series.
  4. No more than three submissions per six months.

What are your looking for?

Your writing can be any genre, and from any perspective. The important thing is that it spurs discussions and requires the reader to expand their mind. If you need an example, read “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by the amazing Ursula K. Le Guin or the convenience store scene from Chuck Palahniuk’s “Fight Club.” The point is, the short story should be interesting as a short story, but also have a deeper point for a longer discussion. If you are hurting for deep ideas to write about, you might want to watch these Crash Course videos on Philosophy. Of course, the best thing to do is read other short stories on the website.

We do not accept novels, poems, or artwork.

What length are you looking for?

  1. Children’s Stories: Under 1,500 words
  2. Young Adult: Under 5,000 words
  3. Adult: 1,500-15,000 words

What does this pay?

Accepted short stories from unsolicited submissions are $0.01 per word (limit $50).

How long will it take to hear back from you?

Usually just 1-2 weeks, but certainly under 1 month.

Via: After Dinner Conversation.

Ongoing Submissions: Metaphorosis


Payment: $.01/word

We publish science fiction and fantasy, broadly defined.

What we want:

  • style – We want writers who use language beautifully – so that words aren’t just the carrier for your story, they’re part of the scenery. We want the poetry of Roger Zelazny, the finesse and ingenuity of Jack Vance.
  • mood – We want stories with atmosphere, where mood is an important element. Think Patricia A. McKillip or Richard Llewellyn.
  • character – We want stories with characters – real people with real emotions, whether those people are aliens or trolls or both. Think Arthur C. Clarke or Richard Adams.
  • intellect and emotion – We want writing that makes us think and feel. We want the intellect of A. A. Attanasio, the social awareness of Ursula K. Le Guin, the impact of George R. R. Martin’ short fiction.
Whom do we like?

In addition to the above, we like Walter M. Miller, Jr., Richard Cowper, Theodore Sturgeon, Samuel Delany, James Thurber, Orson Scott Card, K. J. Parker, Robin Hobb, Julie Czerneda, Sean Stewart, Mari Ness, Ken Liu, Oliver Buckram, Fran Wilde, and a host of others. Not enough cues? See our reviews.

How long can my story be?

As long as it needs to be. Keep in mind, though, that we’re looking to average 4,000 words/per story; 1,000 to 6,000 words is the sweet spot. We’re unlikely to publish serials.

What we don’t want:
  • isms – We want stories with a modern perspective, not worlds that recreate historical mistakes. If your story is about gender relations, by all means have subservient women (or subservient men, or subservient gender neutrals) if it’s relevant. If that’s not what your story’s about, we’re not interested in a standard medieval model where men are in charge because they’re men, or a distant future world where skin color (or sexual orientation, or …) works just like it does today. Dream bigger.
  • retreads – we don’t mind if the concept of your story is something the world has seen before, so long as you do something new with it. But don’t send us Tolkien and Clarke with the names changed and a fresh coat of paint.
Hard sell

Nothing is out of bounds; we don’t want to set limits on imagination. However, we’re less likely to be interested in military SF, time travel, vampires, or zombies.

  • Reprints: No, unless specifically solicited.
  • Simultaneous: Yes, but if you sell your piece elsewhere, please withdraw it through Submittable.
  • Multiple: Yes, within reason (two pieces at a time).

Vegan bonus points


Follow the industry standard format defined by William Shunn. He has templates available, or you can use ours (LibreOffice, Word). We prefer a proportional, serif font like Cambria or Caladea.

Your story should be in one of the following file formats: ODT, DOC, DOCX, RTF.

Rights and payment:


We pay a semi-pro rate of $.01/word. We’re buying the rights to:

  • post the story on our website – exclusive for 6 months from publication, non-exclusive for the life of the magazine.
  • include the story in a monthly issue sent to Patreon supporters.
  • include the story in a best-of anthology published within the calendar year after your story is published in our magazine.

A sample contract is here.


We buy one piece of art per month, at a flat rate of $50. Art submitted must be 1563 x 2500 pixels, or a multiple thereof; templates are available as XCF, PSD, and JPG. We buy non-exclusive rights for use on our website, in a monthly issue, and in an annual anthology.

Content should include science fiction or fantasy elements. We’re not keen on violence or  erotica. We won’t take any pieces that show animals in subjugation.

A sample contract is here.

Payment process

We pay when we accept the piece, regardless of publication date. We pay only through PayPal.

How we’ll respond:

  • turnaround – we’ll try to respond within two weeks. Track your submission at Submission Grinderor Duotrope; we try to watch those figures as well as our own. We’ll likely be a bit slower when we first start up.
  • feedback – we’ll try to give feedback on the content your story, and on what page we decided the story wasn’t for us.

How to submit:

IFF you’ve read all the above,submit

Via: Metaphorosis.