Ongoing Submissions: StoSo Times and StoSo Ink
by Stuart Conover · Published · Updated
Payment: Contributor’s Copy and $5
Theme: Speculative fiction – that is stories and poems and art in the genres of Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, and any combination thereof.
StoSo Press is currently seeking submissions for our new publications StoSo Times and StoSo Ink.
StoSo Times is a monthly online publication that specializes in the genres of Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Horror. StoSo Times will be sent first as a newsletter edition, then shared on our website as part of StoSo Ink. Our goal is to publish at least one story and one poem per genre on our online editions. Every 12 months we will include the year’s publications in a print anthology.
Eventually we plan to expand into publishing novels and nonfiction as it relates to SFFH, such as thought-provoking essays, book reviews and recommendations, author interviews, excerpts from forthcoming books, and other noteworthy industry news. Additionally, we intend to release more SFFH anthologies, video and audio content to further explore the realms of speculative fiction.
If you’re interested in volunteering as a slush reader (or other role) please reach out.
Detailed instructions for submitting to StoSo Press follow.
StoSo accepts submissions on a rolling basis — no reading periods and no reading/submission fees!
All submissions will be considered for both StoSo Times and StoSo Ink.
All submissions should follow proper manuscript format (modern edition, preferably). Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. Please attach all submissions in .doc format—we will not accept submissions embedded in the body of email. Include your bio in your cover letter. The subject line of your email should follow this format: SUBMISSION: [TITLE] (GENRE) (PROSE/POEM)
If your submission is selected for publication, you may receive an email from the Editor-in-Chief with suggested edits. Once edits are agreed upon, the piece will be scheduled for publication.
What We Publish: We’re looking for speculative fiction – that is stories and poems and art in the genres of Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, and any combination thereof.
Guidelines for Fiction: We are seeking speculative fiction stories up to 10,000 words. This is a flexible limit for the right story.
Guidelines for Poetry: We are seeking poems within or related to the genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.
Please keep in mind that due to the challenges and constraints of some of our publishing platforms, we may not be able to replicate unusual choices in formatting, such as mirrored or parallel text, interesting spacing and tabs, and so on. Please keep in mind that we may need to change the formatting should we offer to publish the work.
Anonymous Submissions: StoSo only accepts anonymous submissions. Do not include your name, address, phone number, or other similar identifiers on the manuscript. Please make sure the title is on the manuscript.
Simultaneous and Multiple Submissions: We do accept both of these, but please send each submission separately. For simultaneous submissions we ask that you inform us immediately if your work gets published elsewhere.
Reprints: Please submit your story with the word REPRINT in the header of your submission emails, like so: SUBMISSION: [TITLE] (GENRE) (PROSE/POEM) (REPRINT).
Language: We accept stories in English from all over the world. Translations are welcome and encouraged, even if the work has been previously published in another language
Things we won’t consider:
- Works that do not fit within the speculative fiction genres
- Please no erotica
- Partial or incomplete stories. Please don’t send us part of a story and ask us to request the rest of it if we’re interested.
- Stories with the words “thou” or “thine”.
Cover Letter: Paste your cover letter in the body of your email. Please include the following:
- a short author bio
- Title of Work
- 1-2 sentence summary of the submitted work
- Whether this is a simultaneous submission
Response Times: Response times will vary depending on volume, but may be as short as 24-hours to 12 weeks. Please feel free to reach out after this timeframe has elapsed without hearing back from StoSo. Include the story’s title and date of submission.
Payment: Unfortunately, we are unable to pay professional rates due to being so new. However, we are actively working on making progress towards being able to pay professional rates. For now, all accepted authors will receive a token payment of 5 USD, an ebook of every monthly edition for up to 12 months from acceptance, and a copy of the print edition for the year the work was published.
Rights: We claim non-exclusive world electronic rights (text and audio), and non-exclusive anthology rights for our annual anthology. All rights are restricted to the English language unless specifically stated otherwise.
Diversity Statement: We encourage people from typically marginalized or underrepresented communities to submit their work.
Statement on AI: We will not consider any submissions written using Chat GPT or any other AI software.
Via: Our Story Society.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!