Ongoing Submissions: Mithila Review
Payment: $10 for original poetry, essays, flash stories (under 2.5K words), and reprints; $50 for original stories between 4-8K words or longer.
Note: Reprints Allowed
Mithila Review is a speculative arts and culture magazine. We are open to original submissions as well as translations from around the world.
Along with original speculative fiction and poetry, we will host reviews, discussions and appreciations of stories, books, movies, television series, arts, comics, etc that explore interstitial spaces and marginal experience in the world we live today.
What are speculative arts?
Speculative arts and culture encompass literary and artistic works in the broad genre with supernatural, fantastical or futuristic elements i.e. science fiction, fantasy, science fantasy, horror, alternative history, magic realism, uncanny and weird. Learn more.
You’re welcome to join our Science Fiction and Fantasy group on Facebook for reading recommendations, academic resources and occasional call for submissions.
We welcome literary and speculative poetry from around the world. Please send us your best work. Our favorite poets include Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, Amal El-Mohtar, Arundhathi Subramaniam, Gwendolyn Brooks, Kabir, Li-Young Lee, Shweta Narayan, Sofia Samatar, W.B. Yeats, among others.
We are looking for speculative fiction that explores the interstitial spaces and marginal experience. We are also open to excellent literary fiction with speculative elements.
Stories that we love regularly appear in leading SF magazines including Strange Horizons, Clarkesworld, Tor,Uncanny, Apex, Lightspeed, Nightmare, Futures (Nature), Interfictions, Daily Science Fiction, Drabblecast, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, PodCastle, EscapePod, among others.
Important tips:
Please send one story, essay, film or book review or up to 3 poems in a single document at a time tosubmissions[@]
Document formatting tips: Please use Times New Roman, Font Size 12. We accept .doc and .docx formats.
Response Time: 1-3 weeks. Average: 1 week.
Payment: $10 for original poetry, essays, flash stories (under 2.5K words), and reprints; $50 for original stories between 4-8K words or longer. (Update: 10/24/16)
Rights: We need first world electronic rights (text), and non-exclusive audio and anthology rights for our planned annual anthology.
Patrons: We need patrons to help us become a professional market for emerging and award-winning poets, authors and artists across the world.
Via: Mithila Review.