
Taking Submissions: Survival

Deadline: December 30th, 2020 Payment: $30 and a contributor's copy Theme: Survival in Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, or Contemporary We are seeking morally ambiguous stories with the fantasy, horror, sci-fi, and contemporary fiction genres surrounding the theme of survival. Not many things in this world are straightforward. Many individuals have encountered moments of extreme moral compromise when faced with a choice that meant life or death, or the perception of such. From the outside, it may seem that some choices can be evaluated in the simple vein of right or wrong, ethical or not. Yet when placed in a situation that perpetuates a choice between survival and death, would we have the same opinion? The theme of survival is meant to highlight situations that deserve another glance, that are not clean cut or easily defined within the realm of typical ethical boundaries. How far must a person go to survive? Or is death the choice we make instead of going against our morals? What will we do to survive? If you have a short story that fits the morally gray theme of survival, check out our submission guidelines below.   Details Submission Period: October 1 to December 30, 2020 Word Limit: 12K words per piece, not including addition information below Submission Cost: Free Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Contemporary  Previously unpublished works  You may submit up to 2 pieces, but each work must be a separate submission Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please let us know if the work is accepted elsewhere Please don’t send us all pandemic stories – if we pick any, it will only be very few What to Include with Your Submission *Please read carefully*:  A 3 – 5 sentence bio with social media links A paragraph detailing how and why your story is keeping with Inked’s mission to publish morally gray...

Taking Submissions: Beneath the Misty Surface

Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Payment: $5 Theme: A fantastical war going on under the fog, a new planet that needs some adventurers to discover it, a monster to scare someone’s socks off under the misty surface of a glass pane, or anything in between. Content: A fantastical war going on under the fog, a new planet that needs some adventurers to discover it, a monster to scare someone’s socks off under the misty surface of a glass pane, or anything in between. Accepted Styles: Short stories and flash fiction Accepted Genres: Anything that isn't erotica or children's fiction Simultaneous Submissions: These are allowed, but please withdraw your submission immediately if accepted by another publisher. Reprints: No. Stories posted on the internet, including but not limited to, FB, personal websites, blogs, etc., are considered published. Number of Submissions per Author: 1 short story or 3 pieces of flash fiction Length: A short story should be less than 5,000 words. Each flash fiction piece should be less than 1,500 words. Payment: Free electronic copy of the book and $5 per author, regardless of number of accepted submissions. Requested Rights: First rights to digital, audio, and print formats in English. Exclusive for one year from publication. After that year all rights revert back to the author. Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Formatting: Stories must be submitted electronically as a .docx attachment in an email to [email protected]. Submission should be 12 point font, Times New Roman, and double spaced. The document name should include the name of your submission. Please include the title and page numbers in the header of the attachment. In the body of your email please include your name, author name/website, address, short story title, and word count of submission. IF IN DOUBT PLEASE SUBMIT! Via: Pub 518.

Spirit (Rated R)

Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Payment: Royalties Theme: All shifters Deadline – December 31st, 2020 Publication – April 2021 Word Count – 5,000-15,000 Theme – Shifters! Any animal shifters, settings, genres, etc are acceptable. All stories must include a main or secondary character that does not have a heterosexual preference. Publisher INFORMATION Company name:        Dragon Soul Press Anthology Submission Email: [email protected] Website:           Facebook:         Duotrope:          The Grinder:       CHECKLIST Introduction of author                                                        This is not where the biography goes. Author Contact Information / Pen name MUST be included with real name. If real name is same as pen name, state so in email. Author Biography in Third Person in 100-200 words        Mandatory minimum of 100. Submission Word Count                                                   Also applies to poetry. Word count. Not line count.   Submission Formatted in Times New Roman 12 PT Font. One-inch margins. No indentations. No double-spacing. No extra spacing between paragraphs. No chapters. Only DOC and DOCX accepted.   Summary/Query Letter                                                      Summarized outline of all major events within the story. All emails should be addressed as “Dear Editor” Email subject and file name must be as follows – “Story Title by Author Name for (Name of) Anthology” All of the author’s social media links, including website if applicable Author must have an active social media account.   Important information Maximum of two submissions per anthology per author. Authors can submit to all anthologies simultaneously. Reprints from third party sources accepted IF author currently holds full rights. We will not publish duplicate stories within DSP. Authors get 30% Royalties for first year from date of publication. Afterwards, 30% of all proceeds go to a charity chosen by the Publisher. Story rights - The Publisher permanently reserves the right to publish the Work within the Anthology while the Author keeps ownership rights to the Work. Do not...

Taking Submissions: Chiral Mad 5

Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Payment: $0.06/word, contributors copy Theme: The End Is the Beginning / The Beginning Is the End Note: Only open to underrepresented demographics (POC, LGBTQIA+, female) My voice needs to be heard. How can I submit? If you are not part of an underrepresented demographic (POC, LGBTQIA+, female), please do not submit at this time, but feel free to send recommendations; otherwise, if you feel your voice needs to be heard, send your submission to [email protected] (or just click the email link, but read the next part before doing so). There are no formatting guidelines other than file type: .doc, .dotx, .rtx, or plain text. The words are what matter. What can I submit? Fiction (5,000 words or fewer recommended, payment capped at 5K), only one submission at a time. If you receive a rejection, feel free to submit again, immediately. No reprints. Poetry (50 lines or fewer, payment capped at 50 lines), up to 5 poems at a time. If you receive a rejection, feel free to submit up to 5 more, immediately. No reprints. Artwork (9.25 height x 6.25 width, 300 DPI, black-and-white), .jpg preferred for initial consideration. Payment Fiction - $0.06 per word, US, capped at 5,000 words Poetry - $1 per line, US, capped at 50 lines Artwork - exposure only, unless contracted individually Contributor copies of all editions Deadline December 31st, 2020 (end of the year, basically) Contract A publishing contract will be made available for all accepted work, to be signed by both parties prior to publication. Here's what you can expect: Written Backwards requests first worldwide print rights Rights revert back to the creator immediately upon publication You're allowing your work to be published in this anthology for as long as there is a need for the anthology, but you get your rights back the moment it goes...

Taking Submissions: The Modern Deity’s Guide To Surviving Humanity

Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Payment: 8 cents per word+ Theme: Urban fantasy stories set in the modern-day world with some type of god or deity as the central focus of the story THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE anthology Kickstarter (back us at has hit its goal!  If you have a story idea that fits one of the anthology themes, write it up, revise it, polish it, and send it in for consideration.  I've posted the guidelines below. THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE Submission Guidelines Zombies Need Brains LLC is accepting submissions to its three science fiction and fantasy anthologies THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE.  Stories must be submitted in electronic form as an attachment with the title of the story as the file name in .doc or .docx format.  The header of the email should include the name of the anthology the submission is for along with the title of the submission (for example:  DERELICT:  Ghost Ships Gone Wild!).  The content of the email should also include which anthology the manuscript is intended for.  Please send multiple manuscripts in separate emails; you may submit to any or all of the anthologies as many times as you wish.  Manuscripts should be in manuscript format, meaning double-spaced, 12pt font, standard margins on top, bottom and sides, and pages numbered.  Please use Times New Roman font.  The first page should include the Title of the story, Author’s name, address, and email, and Pseudonym if different from the author’s real name.  Italics and bold should be in italics and bold. Stories for this anthology must be original (no reprints or previously published material), no more than 7,500 words in length, and must...

Taking Submissions: Derelict

Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Payment: 8 cents per word+ Theme: Abandoned ships, whether it be ships at sea or starships in space. THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE anthology Kickstarter (back us at has hit its goal!  If you have a story idea that fits one of the anthology themes, write it up, revise it, polish it, and send it in for consideration.  I've posted the guidelines below. THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE Submission Guidelines Zombies Need Brains LLC is accepting submissions to its three science fiction and fantasy anthologies THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE.  Stories must be submitted in electronic form as an attachment with the title of the story as the file name in .doc or .docx format.  The header of the email should include the name of the anthology the submission is for along with the title of the submission (for example:  DERELICT:  Ghost Ships Gone Wild!).  The content of the email should also include which anthology the manuscript is intended for.  Please send multiple manuscripts in separate emails; you may submit to any or all of the anthologies as many times as you wish.  Manuscripts should be in manuscript format, meaning double-spaced, 12pt font, standard margins on top, bottom and sides, and pages numbered.  Please use Times New Roman font.  The first page should include the Title of the story, Author’s name, address, and email, and Pseudonym if different from the author’s real name.  Italics and bold should be in italics and bold. Stories for this anthology must be original (no reprints or previously published material), no more than 7,500 words in length, and must satisfy the theme of the anthology. DERELICT is to feature...

Taking Submissions: When Worlds Collide

Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Payment: 8 cents per word+ Theme: Science fiction and fantasy stories, including alternate history stories, where two different cultures “collide” in some way. THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE anthology Kickstarter (back us at has hit its goal!  If you have a story idea that fits one of the anthology themes, write it up, revise it, polish it, and send it in for consideration.  I've posted the guidelines below. THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE Submission Guidelines Zombies Need Brains LLC is accepting submissions to its three science fiction and fantasy anthologies THE MODERN DEITY’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING HUMANITY, DERELICT, and WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE.  Stories must be submitted in electronic form as an attachment with the title of the story as the file name in .doc or .docx format.  The header of the email should include the name of the anthology the submission is for along with the title of the submission (for example:  DERELICT:  Ghost Ships Gone Wild!).  The content of the email should also include which anthology the manuscript is intended for.  Please send multiple manuscripts in separate emails; you may submit to any or all of the anthologies as many times as you wish.  Manuscripts should be in manuscript format, meaning double-spaced, 12pt font, standard margins on top, bottom and sides, and pages numbered.  Please use Times New Roman font.  The first page should include the Title of the story, Author’s name, address, and email, and Pseudonym if different from the author’s real name.  Italics and bold should be in italics and bold. Stories for this anthology must be original (no reprints or previously published material), no more than 7,500 words in length, and must satisfy the theme of the...

Taking Submissions: Resist with every inch and every breath

Deadline: December 31st 2020 Payment: $25 for original work, $15 for reprints Theme: Resist with every inch and every breath. Note: Officially opens to ALL on November 1st, however, currently open to Black, Indigenous, people of color, migrants, queer, disabled, women, working class, currently or formerly incarcerated, and/or living in poverty Note: Reprints allowed Lonely Cryptid Media is now accepting submissions for our second anthology, to be published September 2021. Theme: Resist with every inch and every breath. Stories of resistance and rebellion, but also of the steps in between and the change that comes after. People around the world rise up and resist those who hold power over them. In the middle of an unprecedented global pandemic, oppression persists and is magnified as crises lay bare the systemic inequalities within societies around the world. This anthology will invite us to reflect on this moment, but also imagine a world beyond it. What will happen if the momentum of Black Lives Matter carries us through and ends state violence? What does a world post-Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) look like? What does a world without any borders at all look like? What will be the result of teachers’ and athletes’ strikes? How might we forestall climate catastrophe and work towards climate utopia instead? How can a pandemic be a time to come together even as we stay apart? What does a post-oppression world have in store for us? What will be the outcome of resistance to injustice? What does the future hold? Tell us about resistance big and small; real and imagined; rooted in reality or fantastical in nature; science fictional or science factual; historical, contemporary, or in the future. The everyday resistance of women. The power of youth and children’s rebellions. Resistance in the streets. The dismantling of white...

Taking Submissions: We’re Here: The Best Queer Speculative Fiction 2020

Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Payment: $0.01/word Theme: The best speculative stories published in 2020 that implicitly or explicitly explores queerness and/or transness. Note: Reprints Only WE’RE HERE: THE BEST QUEER SPECULATIVE FICTION 2020 is now open for submissions. The anthology will be co-edited by CL Clark and series editor Charles Payseur. Expected publication will be Summer 2021 from Neon Hemlock Press. Learn more about the press here: Submissions are open for all speculative work published in 2020 under 17,500 words that deals either implicitly or explicitly with queerness. If you're not sure, send it in and let the editors decide. The compensation level for stories accepted to WE’RE HERE: THE BEST SPECULATIVE FICTION 2020 is $0.01/word. Submissions will close December 31st 2020. Editors are encouraged to recommend work from their publications and can submit multiple stories for consideration. Authors may also submit their own work; authors from all underrepresented backgrounds and marginalized communities are strongly encouraged to submit. Please don’t self-reject. Please note that we will not be sending rejections for this anthology, as is standard for other Best Of anthologies. The authors of selected stories will be reached out to in April 2021. We will be announcing our ToC in May 2021. The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form. We are looking for: • Wordcount: Under 17,500 words. • What we want to see: We are looking for the best speculative stories published in 2020 that implicitly or explicitly explores queerness and/or transness. We refer to queerness that is inclusive of ace/aro stories, trans and nonbinary stories, and intersex stories. • What we don’t want to see: Original work, unqueer work, non-speculative work. Guidelines: • Please submit your story in .pdf, .doc or .docx file,...

Taking Submissions: Nemesis

Deadline: December 31st, 2020 Payment: $10 for short stories (3000-8000 words) Theme: Tales of enemies to the forever bound Working Title: Nemesis ​ Deadline: Dec 31 2020 or When Full Premise:Sometimes great loves begin with great fury. These are such tales of passion and partnership that ignite somewhere closer to hate.  Warriors on opposite ends of a battlefield align to oppose a greater evil. Sworn enemies become bound brothers for the greater good. Whatever it is that puts them at odds, its no match to the power of what binds them together. ​ Preference will be given to #OwnVoices, female authors, LGBTQA stories, but all are welcome to submit! Encouraged Tropes:  Enemies to Lovers Foe Romance Subtext (But skip the sub and make it TEXT!) Belligerent Sexual Tension The Only One Allowed to Defeat You ​ Pairing Examples: Buffy/Spike Rey/Kylo Batman/Joker (In fan fiction LOL) The Doctor/ The Master Riddick/Fry (Pitch Black) The Length Accepted: Flash, and Shorts. Eligibility: Open to all. No Reprints. No simultaneous submissions. Multiple Submissions: See guidelines and story lengths for the number of submissions per pen name. Publication: Feb 2021 Author compensation: Standard. See guidelines and story lengths for details. Submission Guidelines ​ Unless otherwise stated, all submissions should be sent to [email protected] Please fill the subject line as follows:  “SUBMISSION CALL – Author Name – Story Title” ​ Address the email to WTP for a general submission, or a specific editor if you choose (some calls will be run by different individuals). Length ​ Drabble = EXACTLY 100 words. Excludes title and author. Hyphenated words count as 1. Scene break markers and em-dashes are also excluded. No more than 5 drabbles per Pen Name per submission project. These may be submitted at the same time if connected to one another, but all must stand alone as they are likely to be...