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Taking Submissions: Beneath the Misty Surface
December 31, 2020
Deadline: December 31st, 2020
Payment: $5
Theme: A fantastical war going on under the fog, a new planet that needs some adventurers to discover it, a monster to scare someone’s socks off under the misty surface of a glass pane, or anything in between.
A fantastical war going on under the fog, a new planet that needs some adventurers to discover it, a monster to scare someone’s socks off under the misty surface of a glass pane, or anything in between.
Accepted Styles:
Short stories and flash fiction
Accepted Genres:
Anything that isn’t erotica or children’s fiction
Simultaneous Submissions:
These are allowed, but please withdraw your submission immediately if accepted by another publisher.
No. Stories posted on the internet, including but not limited to, FB, personal websites, blogs, etc., are considered published.
Number of Submissions per Author:
1 short story or 3 pieces of flash fiction
A short story should be less than 5,000 words. Each flash fiction piece should be less than 1,500 words.
Free electronic copy of the book and $5 per author, regardless of number of accepted submissions.
Requested Rights:
First rights to digital, audio, and print formats in English. Exclusive for one year from publication. After that year all rights revert back to the author.
December 31st, 2020
Stories must be submitted electronically as a .docx attachment in an email to [email protected]. Submission should be 12 point font, Times New Roman, and double spaced. The document name should include the name of your submission. Please include the title and page numbers in the header of the attachment.
In the body of your email please include your name, author name/website, address, short story title, and word count of submission.
Via: Pub 518.
- About the Author
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!