What’s in a name? DocSketch is now SignWell

What’s in a name? DocSketch is now SignWell

By Amanda Headlee 

There is one thing that is always certain about life, and that is change. For authors who have submitted to The Horror Tree and received publishing contracts, you may have noticed that the contracts were sent through a paperless documentation signing product called DocSketch. We at The Horror Tree love this product as it is easy to use and intuitive. 

With over 60,000 businesses depending on DocSketch for signing documents, CEO Ruben Gamez and his marketing team decided to reassess the branding of their product to better reflect their ongoing focus in making documentation easier to sign electronically and conveniently accessible online. 

This resulted in the rebranding of the product to be named SignWell

Going forward, The Horror Tree contributors who receive acceptance on submissions will continue to receive their contracts via email; however, the tool used for sending and electronically signing the documents will be through SignWell. 

What does this mean for you? Nothing other than the product name, logo, and domain have changed.

  • User logins remain the same.
  • Personal account information is unchanged.
  • Documentation signing is still completed in the same electronic fashion.

Gamez assures that their mission to providing an ease-of-use system for electronically transmitting and signing documentation remains unaffected. The team at SignWell are excited to continue assisting companies seamlessly move forward in the realm of electronic documentation.

Click here to view SignWell’s security compliance and protocols.

If you’re looking to offer contracts to customers (Ahem, publishers!) you can sign up right here.

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