What would happen if Children’s Books Were Presented as Mystical Horror Stories?
What would happen if Children’s Books Were Presented as Mystical Horror Stories?
Mystical horror stories are designed to immerse their audience into a world where their lives are put at risk. They usually have one common element, the antagonist is perceived as supernatural; this antagonist can be either evil or simply very powerful. This type of story could be used to teach children about greed and its consequences.
Since the antagonists are perceived as supernatural, they would be considered evil. The protagonist of these stories could either outsmart or kill the antagonist to realize what it has done is wrong. This type of story could be used when teaching children about greed and how an individual can overcome their selfishness before it takes over their character completely.
You could use Scrooge from Dickens’ A Christmas Carol as an example because even though he was greedy, his personality changed for the better once he humbled himself. On the other hand, sometimes some characters do not follow the rules simply because they are too powerful, like Satan in Milton’s Paradise Lost or Zeus in Homer’s Illiad, so the protagonist would have to fight instead of outsmarting or appease them.
This type of story could teach children about greed and how following the rules ensures that they are safe, appropriate lifelong friends who have their backs. You could use Thidwick from Dr. Seuss’ Big-Hearted Moose as an example because even though he let his friends live on his antlers, it led him to be attacked by hunters who looked for antelopes with six horns instead of 4. If Thidwick refused to share his home with others, he would not have been in danger.
Are horror stories bad for kids? Why should we Actually Consider sharing Sad and Scary Stories with Our Kids
Horror stories have been around for a long time; ever since humans have existed, they have told each other scary stories. This has not always been a bad thing, but as years passed, people began to be concerned about the effect these stories would have on children who listen to them.
Ideally, horror stories can help children learn how to deal with difficult situations and have more courage when going up against an evil character from a story. Horror stories may only harm children if they are specifically designed to be horrific or scary to make a profit rather than tell a story.
According to Todd, a lead editor at best essay writing services, “a scary story is like any other story; it is supposed to get the reader’s emotions going and encourage them to think about their own lives”. Children can benefit from these stories because they help them apply what they learn in the real world. Horror stories can also teach children how to deal with difficult situations and make up for past mistakes.
For example, a child whose peers have bullied could read or hear about someone who was bullied and overcame this obstacle, thus freeing himself of future anxiety attacks. This doesn’t in any way imply that we should always use horror stories when trying to teach children about greed, but certain circumstances are perfectly acceptable.
We have seen time after time in history where people have taken advantage of others and done things that were not right; therefore, a story to teach children about greed can be a handy tool. It is important for parents to be aware of what their children are taking in and act accordingly.
Explaining the message behind these stories will help them understand why something is presented, positive or negative. If a story is really too scary for a child, you should not make him sit through the entire thing so that he could learn something from it. Being scared is okay, but being terrified can have lasting effects on a child’s psyche, making horror stories inappropriate.
Horror stories shouldn’t cause harm if are used appropriately and with caution; therefore. In fact, they can have very beneficial effects on children if used correctly by their parents. They help children deal with difficult situations so they do not need to face them alone, which can be very reassuring. Sometimes it’s okay to be scared of things, but you must learn not to let this fear control your actions and make you act irrationally.
What do you think About the Idea of Mystery Kids Theater?
Most kids who like watching movies will love this concept; children are never too young or old for entertainment even though it might seem that way. These videos can also present situations where the protagonist is faced with evil characters (that would teach children about greed).
He uses his brains to outsmart them instead of fighting them because they are bigger than him (teaching children how to deal with difficult situations). The downside to this will be for parents; they will need to screen each movie before allowing their child to watch it.
Ideally, there isn’t anything wrong with presenting these videos as mystical stories; however, it would help if there were some disclaimer so children understand the real meaning behind them. For instance, “Mystery Kids Theater presents a story about greed and using your brain instead of sword fighting” or something like this would suffice.
A little disclaimer at the beginning saying what type of story it actually is can help kids enjoy their movie without confusion afterward. Also, parents will need to screen these videos before allowing their children to watch them because even though they are aimed at older kids, there might be some inappropriate content for younger children. Mystery Kids Theater can serve as a great learning tool, but then, parents mustn’t forget about the real purpose behind stories and how they can help children grow into good people.
What about Presenting Old Fairytales as Mystical Horror Stories Rather than Kid-friendly Storytelling?
Fairytale re-telling horror stories should be a great idea. There are many of them which have been published, and it’s an interesting concept. However, there are some things that need to be considered before making this kind of decision.
- Firstly, the age group for these kinds of stories must be older because they can deal with mature topics, so it would not be appropriate for younger children.
- Secondly, reviewing old classics is always beneficial to readers because you get to see what was actually written by the author to understand their message better. This will help parents when explaining complex concepts to their children using these books as examples because there is no doubt that kids like reading fairy tales much more than other types of literature.
Final Word
Presenting children’s books as mystical horror stories can be a bright idea if you aim to impart a specific lesson to your child. Not all horror stories may be appropriate for your child depending on his/her age, so it would help if you take some time to screen the books though.
Author Bio
Eliza Sadler is a professional journalist and an experienced essay writing service provider. She has been working as a freelancer, mostly offering essay writer services. She also writes plenty of articles. Eliza is always focused on doing quality work to achieve her goals and objectives. She is fascinated by her ability to create original pieces of work that meet some of the stringent of standards. Connect with her on email.