The ePocalypse: e-mails at the end
DEADLINE: May 6th 2011
PAYMENT: Editor’s Choice: $150, Contributor’s Choice: $100, Runner’s Up: $50.00, Ten free contributor’s copies for other runner ups
The ePocalypse: e-mails at the end
Compiled by Jessy Marie Roberts
The world is ending. Humanity is on the brink of extinction. Read the electronic communications of Earth’s last survivors…
What are we looking for?
The ePocalypse will feature apocalyptic collaborative stories told/narrated exclusively through e-mail. Each story MUST have 2 or more collaborating authors. All e-mails must take place as the world as we know it is ending… earthquakes, floods, virus/disease, meteors, aliens, etc. We’re not really looking for zombie stories, though we will consider them if unique to the apocalyptic genre.
About the contest…
Editor’s Choice Award: $150.00 (split between teammates)
The Editor’s Choice Award will be picked by the editor/compiler of the anthology; decision will be at her sole discretion
Contributor’s Choice Award: $100.00 (split between teammates)
The Contributor’s Choice Award will be picked by the contributing authors of the anthology. When the anthology is compiled, copyedited and typeset, we will send out an interior proof to the authors to check their stories for last minute copyediting/formatting errors. At this time, contributing authors have the option to read through the other stories and vote for their favorite story. Authors can’t vote for their own story, and each contributing author can only vote once. No contributing author is required to vote, but all authors who do are entered into a “consolation drawing” for a free copy of the anthology.
Contributor’s Choice Runner-Up Award: $50.00 (split between teammates)
The team with the second highest Contributor’s Choice Award votes will win the Contributor’s Choice Runner-Up Award.
Consolation Drawing:
Every contributing author who casts a vote for the Contributor’s Choice Award will be entered into a drawing for a free copy of the anthology. We will draw TEN names from the hat upon publication and mail out a free copy of The ePocalypse to the winning authors.
***If the same story is selected for the Editor’s Choice Award and the Contributor’s Choice Award, the winning story will receive The Editor’s Choice Award prize ONLY; The second highest votes in the Contributor’s Choice Award will win the Contributor’s Choice Award and the third highest votes will win the Contributor’s Choice Runner-Up Award***
How do I submit?
Each collaborative writing team must select a TEAM CAPTAIN. The Captain will be responsible for submitting the story and will be the contact person between the collaborative team and Pill Hill Press; The Captain will be responsible for obtaining signatures for the contract; The Captain will receive the prize money and will be responsible for distributing the winnings amongst the team. Remember, teams MUST have at least 2 or more collaborating authors.
SUBMIT VIA ONLINE SUBMISSIONS MANAGER. In your COVER LETTER, please include the title of the story, the word count, list of collaborating authors, and a brief bio (third person) for each collaborating author to be printed in the back of the anthology if selected for publication.
Additional Info… PLEASE READ!!!
Original collaborative e-mail stories only, please. No reprints.
No simultaneous submissions, No multiple submissions.
As this is supposed to represent email communications, punctuation and grammar can by stylized to reflect the nature of the story – if the emails are between friends, they should be conversational; if the emails are between professionals, jargon is acceptable…
Stories MUST be in email format! Please include the following information for EACH email in the story (an example only – please substitute with correct information/details from your story):
From: ePocalypse Anthology [email protected]
To: Veggie Pizza Monster [email protected]
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 7:51 PM
Subject: Wanna buy a pizza slicer?
Write email message here…
Completed stories should be approximately 2,000-10,000 words
[Pill Hill Press.]