CLOSED MARKET: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor Series
Sinister Smile Press still appears to be open at the time of this update, though this particular market appears to be closed.
Payment: $40.00 and a contributors copy
Theme: Slasher, stalker, serial killer crime fiction and must be written in the horror genre
Do you want your story to appear in our newest series, Let the Bodies Hit the Floor?
A Pile of Bodies, A Pile of Heads: Volume 1 & 2
Let the Bodies Hit the Floor Series
Submission Guidelines
Please read carefully. Submissions that don’t meet the guidelines will be automatically rejected.
All submissions will be reviewed and chosen stories will be published in A PILE OF BODIES, A PILE OF HEADS – The Let the Bodies Hit the Floor Series Volumes 1&2, which will both be released in August of 2021
Submissions must be between 5,000 and 10,000 words (Word counts are firm)
Title, submitter’s name, pen name (if different), story word count and author email address must be centered at the top of your submission
Submissions must be 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced with special first-line indentation of 0.5″
Submissions must be in .Docx or .Doc format with 1″ margins all around
Submissions should be clean and edited
Submissions must fit the theme of slasher, stalker, serial killer crime fiction and must be written in the horror genre. Think Dexter, Mind Hunters, American Horror Story, and Bates Motel to name a few examples. NOTE: volume 2 submissions must feature a female antagonist (slasher, serial killer, stalker, etc.).
Submissions cannot contain graphic sexual or rape scenes
Submissions must not have been published elsewhere before in any medium
The number of stories published per volume will depend on word count of the chosen stories, but will be no less than ten stories and no more than twenty per volume
Authors may submit as many stories as they want for review, however, there will be a limit of one published story per author, per volume
Simultaneous submissions are okay if author provides notice of such
Submissions will remain open until further notice and selected stories will appear in the first two volumes, or subsequent volumes as published. There is no submission deadline.
Submissions will be read in the order in which they are received
Authors will be notified as soon as possible if their story was selected or not
You worked hard on your story, so don’t take a chance on it never being read. Did you read the Submission Guidelines? Did you follow them? Does your story meet theme and word count? Unfortunately, we cannot consider stories that do not meet submission guidelines. It could be the best story that mankind will ever read and we will never know. Why? Because if your submission doesn’t meet guidelines, it will automatically be deleted. Don’t let this happen to you.
Submit Your Story
Authors That Are Selected For Inclusion Will:
Have their story published in the anthology
Receive a one-time payment of $40.00 (USD) per selected story
Receive a free paperback copy of the anthology within 45 days following the release date
Have access to buy author copies of paperback and hardcover editions at publisher’s cost, plus shipping
Agree to sign a Memorandum of Agreement giving permission for the story to be used in the anthology
Via: Sinister Smile Press.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!