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Taking Submissions: Eidetic Quarterly – Beach Horror

April 18, 2024

Deadline: April 18th, 2024
Payment: $10 and a contributor’s copy
Theme: Beach Horror

We’re back baby and we’re looking for your best creepy stories. The talented team – Nora B. Peevy (Managing Editor and Submissions Reader) and Thomas Stewart (Art Director and Submissions Reader) will be working together to bring you the newly vamped version of Eidetic Quarterly. Our inaugural summer issue is coming out on July 4th, Independence Day, 2024. 

We are accepting ten stories.

Theme: Beach Horror

Submissions are open: From March 18, 2024, through April 18, 2024. You may submit another story, if yours is rejected, but please, only one at a time. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, if you let us know. If your story is accepted elsewhere, please tell us immediately, so we can pull it from consideration. It is not fair to our other authors to miss out on an opportunity because your lack of communication.

Word Count – 1,500-3,000 words, not including your story title or byline.

Standard Formatting: Use Modern Shunn Format. If you are not familiar with Modern Shunn format for stories, you can check it out here: Modern Manuscript Format | William Shunn

Send a cover letter with a short bio to: [email protected]

Name your file: “Beach Horror-(Story Name)-(Author Last Name)”

Payment: $10 and one free hard copy of the publication.

What we do want: Your best tales about beach creature features, vacations gone wrong, and anything else you can scare up beach horror related. Be original. 

What we don’t want: Hate towards any group of people, child molestation, violence against animals, children, or any group of people, beastiality, and extreme gore. This is not a splatterpunk magazine. Please don’t send us Jaws rewrites. We don’t want to deal with copyright issues. Lovecraft stories are wonderful, but we also don’t want an entire beach horror magazine based on this genre either. If your Lovecraft story is well written, we might accept it, but this is NOT a Lovecraft themed issue. It is beach horror.

Artist Competition: We are also holding an artist competition judged by our talented Art Director, Thomas Stewart. The art does not have to fit this summer’s theme, but please adhere to the same guidelines above about what we don’t want. 

Submissions are open: From March 18, 2024, through April 18, 2024.

First place: Your art will be published in Eidetic Quarterly, and you receive a free month’s subscription.

Second place: Your name will be mentioned in Eidetic Quarterly, and you will receive a free week’s subscription.

Third place: You will be given an honorable mention in Eidetic Quarterly.

Good luck to all of you creative fiends and misfits! Let the writing and art begin now!


April 18, 2024