CLOSED: Spaceports & Spidersilk
The open call for Spaceports & Spidersilk no longer appears to be listed
Payment: 6.00 for each accepted original story; $2.00 for each accepted story reprint; $2.00 for each accepted poem; and 10.00 for the door art
Note: Reprints Allowed
Note: Younger Target Audience – READ!
Spaceports & Spidersilk is an online magazine for younger readers [8 to 17 and beyond]. Formerly it was called KidVisions. Spaceports & Spidersilk features short stories, poems, and art, as well as brief essays on science and the environment, interviews, quizzes, contests, [and, quite frankly, anything else that is genre-oriented and will help encourage the younger generation to read…and to dream, especially about going to the stars]. We at Nomadic Delirium Press hope that younger writers and artists, as well as adults, will submit their work.
The genres for Spaceports & Spidersilk include fantasy, science fiction, and a category we are going to define as ‘shadow stories’. Shadow stories are mild horror. We want spooky, not terrifying. Most of all, we want ADVENTURES! And especially SF or fantasy adventures.
Also, we are looking for works set in a speculative genre, rather than about a speculative genre. In other words, we want stories where the fantasy or science fiction is real within the piece, not pieces where those elements turn out to be a dream, or even a daydream.
While we believe that adult readers can and will enjoy good stories aimed at kids, we still want stories which are aimed at kids. Generally, kids (especially in the 8-14 range ) prefer to read about other kids. Stories about middle-aged couples seldom appeal.
No reader, young or old, wants to be force fed a moral. Too often stories written for kids seem to be all about the lesson the reader is meant to learn, and few things are as likely to make readers run screaming. Give us a good story, one that entertains and connects with emotions. If that story causes the readers to rethink something, or proves an interesting point, great, but in the end it has to be something they enjoy reading.
The guidelines for submissions to Spaceports & Spidersilk are simple and straightforward. Here they are:
What we want:
Spaceports & Spidersilk will consider—
genre stories of up to 3000 words.
poetry of up to 25 lines.
art, in color or black-and-white
essays of up to 800 words.
interviews and articles of up to 800 words
Spaceports & Spidersilk will accept reprints, provided they are identified as such, provided you have the rights to the work, and provided you tell us where and when the submission was first published. We do not accept simultaneous submissions.
What we DO NOT want:
NO “bad language”. This includes cussing, swearing, and those wonderful hyphenated words you use when you whack your thumb with a hammer. You know what they are. I don’t have to tell you. Also, no racial epithets. You know what those are, too.
NO sex. Your characters may kiss, or fall in love, or get married, but that’s all.
What we ALMOST DO NOT want:
NO drugs, unless there are severe and very clear consequences to the character involved with them.
NO sexist language. I said ‘almost’. It is quite typical of boys of a certain age to say things like, “She can’t do that, she’s just a girl.” Usually, in real life, such statements are preludes to valuable and sometimes painful lessons learned. So it must be in the fiction you submit to Spaceports & Spidersilk.
Effective 01/01/2008, Marcie Lynn Tentchoff is the editor of Spaceports & Spidersilk.
Payment–Effective the issue of March 2008, the following payments apply:
Spaceports & Spidersilk will pay $6.00 for each accepted original story; $2.00 for each accepted story reprint; $2.00 for each accepted poem; and 10.00 for the door art. These rates are effective with the December 2011 issue.
Please submit stories and essays [and articles, etc] as RTF attachments to Spacesilk at yahoo dot com. You will have to convert this to a usable address, of course. Please write SUBMISSION and the title of your piece in the subject line of your e-mail.
Please submit poems in the body of the e-mail to Spacesilk at yahoo dot com. You will have to convert this to a usable address, of course. Please write SUBMISSION and the title of your piece in the subject line of your e-mail.
Please submit art as a jpeg attachment to Spacesilk at yahoo dot com. You will have to convert this to a usable address, of course. Please write SUBMISSION and the title of your piece in the subject line of your e-mail.
If Spaceports & Spidersilk accepts your submission, we will ask for your mailing address so that we may send your payment. We will also ask for a brief bio of the writer or artist.
If you have any questions about this, or about Spaceports & Spidersilk, please e-mail them to Spacesilk at yahoo dot com. Again, you will have to convert this to a usable address.
Via: Nomadic Delirium Press.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!