No longer fits ‘ongoing’
Open Window: September 1 to August 15
Payment: LitMag Print: Upon acceptance, we pay $1,000 for fiction or nonfiction; $250 for a poem (or the rare short short) LitMag Online: Upon acceptance, we pay $250
What We Publish
LitMag Print
Short stories, novellas
Creative nonfiction; essays on literature, art, and culture, music; biography, memoir
No restrictions on style or form
LitMag Online
Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry
Up to 4,000 words.
We are drawn to big minds, large hearts, sharp pens
Word Count Limits
Print: 15,000 words
Online: 4,000 words
What to Send
One story or essay at a time, up to five poems.
Please wait until you have heard back from us before submitting again.
Previously Unpublished
We do not consider work that has previously been published either in print or online (including personal blogs etc.)
What We Pay
LitMag Print: Upon acceptance, we pay $1,000 for fiction or nonfiction; $250 for a poem (or the rare short short)
LitMag Online: Upon acceptance, we pay $250
What We Acquire
LitMag acquires First North American Serial Rights.
Copyright reverts to the author upon publication.
When to Submit
Regular submissions: September 1 to August 15
How to Submit
Online. (Saves trees, prevents paper cuts.) We use Submittable.
Multiple Submissions
Please submit only once in each category and wait until you receive our response before submitting again.
Simultaneous Submissions
Yes, of course. But please withdraw your submission immediately viaSubmittable if another publication beats us to your work.
Response time
We try to respond to submissions as quickly as possible and strive to send a decision within two months, but please understand that the volume of submissions may require us to take longer.
Via: LitMag.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!