Ongoing Submissions: Cosmorama

Payment: $30
Theme: A mix of speculative fiction and literature stories with singular visions and points-of-view that are still very grounded in character

We like stories with singular visions and points-of-view that are still very grounded in character.

We’d like to sit somewhere between speculative fiction and literary fiction, taking aspects of both and creating something new and original.
We’re also keen to read pure literary fiction, especially if it challenges the reader to think about something in a new or different way.

Submit to us.
Have a pitch? A manuscript? A story you’d like to tell?
Check out our About Page for more.
Easy, right? No problem.
Right now, we’re looking for stories 5,000 words or under. You may submit up to three pieces of 1,000 words or fewer at a time, or one piece longer than 1,000 at a time.
No previously published works, please.
If we publish your piece, we will pay you $30.
Email us at [email protected]
Please include name and 1-3 sentence author bio.

Via: Cosmorama.

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