Taking Submissions: Eye to the Telescope #56
Deadline: March 15th, 2025
Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25
Theme: Plants
Eye to the Telescope 56, Plants, will be edited by Eva Papasoulioti.
Trees, flowers, shrubs; a green sea of liveliness, thrumming with energy. We have been using plants’ offerings for our survival ever since the dawn of time. Oxygen, food, clothes, tools, medicines: the list is endless and ever-growing. At the same time, the local flora have influenced our beliefs, blossomed in our myths and tales, seeded our science; we’ve made gods of the forests, of spring, of harvest season.
Plants and people coexist, co-depend, coevolve.
Send us poems in the theme of plants, from all cultural backgrounds. Show the impact of plants not only in life, but also in death. Poems about conspiring rainforests and singing Venus flytraps, roses that hide secrets and communities in their hundreds of petals, alien ferns that translate feelings. Poison ivies that survive deep space, thirty-meter azaleas terraforming Mars, myths about children made of pine needles.
Plants are home, culture and mystery. Create in their depths.