Category: Events

Taking Submissions: Eye to the Telescope #56

Deadline: March 15th, 2025
Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25
Theme: Plants

Eye to the Telescope 56, Plants, will be edited by Eva Papasoulioti.

Trees, flowers, shrubs; a green sea of liveliness, thrumming with energy. We have been using plants’ offerings for our survival ever since the dawn of time. Oxygen, food, clothes, tools, medicines: the list is endless and ever-growing. At the same time, the local flora have influenced our beliefs, blossomed in our myths and tales, seeded our science; we’ve made gods of the forests, of spring, of harvest season.

Plants and people coexist, co-depend, coevolve.

Send us poems in the theme of plants, from all cultural backgrounds. Show the impact of plants not only in life, but also in death. Poems about conspiring rainforests and singing Venus flytraps, roses that hide secrets and communities in their hundreds of petals, alien ferns that translate feelings. Poison ivies that survive deep space, thirty-meter azaleas terraforming Mars, myths about children made of pine needles.

Plants are home, culture and mystery. Create in their depths.


Taking Submissions: Fairy Tale Magazine: 2025 January Window

Submission Window: January 15th – 21st, 2025
Payment: $25
Theme: Seeking Sleeping Beauty tales and poems for the first issue of 2025.

Submission Guidelines


We changed our guidelines and updated our instructions on November 21, 2024

Please read thoroughly!

The Fairy Tale Magazine is an online lit magazine that publishes twice per year. We seek fairy tale stories and poems from and about a wide range of backgrounds. Our issues are released online on April 15th and November 1st.

The Fairy Tale Magazine is NOT a children’s publication. It is intended for those who are 15-years-of-age and older. We understand young children may see our publication, but it is intended for teens (age 15+) and adults. 

Themes for 2025
No submissions will be considered or acknowledged if received outside of the windows stated.​

Spring/Summer Theme: Sleeping Beauty

Seeking Sleeping Beauty tales and poems for the first issue of 2025.

Submissions will be open January 15 at 12am EST through January 21 at 11:59pm EST. (no fee) 


Cursed Dragon Ship – January 2025 Window For Novel Submissions

Submission Window: January 1st – 31st, 2025
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Unpublished speculative Fiction novels, ideally with series potential.

We are currently closed for submissions. However, we will open for one month next year to fill in the gaps in our 2026 schedule. So polish your manuscript and follow the directions below. We can’t wait to explore what you create during January of 2025. (If you send in a manuscript before January 1, 2025, it will be automatically rejected.)


Taking Submissions: NonBinary Review #40

Deadline: May 1st, 2025
Payment: 1 cent per word for fiction, $10 flat fee for poetry, $25 for visual art ($50 for cover art.)
Theme: Epiphany
Note: Reprints Welcome

NonBinary Review is currently open for submissions on the theme of EPIPHANY.

It’s a flash of inspiration. It’s a slow realization of something that was in front of you the whole time. It’s seeing something familiar from an entirely unexpected angle. We have these sudden flashes of inspiration all the time – some as subtle as discovering you like tea with honey, others as momentous as realizing that your idea for a new invention could change the world.

We’re looking for speculative takes on epiphany, from the realization that television is all real and true, to the discovery that the life you live in your dreams is your real life, and this one is the dream. We want to be just as surprised as your narrators by the things they discover and where those discoveries lead them.

We’re NOT looking for “I realized I hated my spouse so I left and my life got better” stories, sexual coming of age stories, or anything else that doesn’t fit the speculative genre.


Taking Submissions: Waffle-Fried Issue #1

Deadline: January 20th, 2025
Payment: Contributors Copy
Theme: Longing

Have you ever eaten cold waffle fries in your underwear at like, 2am? No? Well, you should.

Leftovers you’ve convinced yourself you’ll heat up later and eat but then just eat them by the light of the fridge – though it’s unclear why you’re in your underwear. It’s a wonderfully strange experience and that’s kind of what we’re aiming for. A wonderfully strange experience but in words and art.

Got a piece that doesn’t quite fit elsewhere? We want to read it. Experimenting with format or style? Love it; send it our way. We want your abandoned words, your collection of phrases tucked away in your Notes app, that strangely-written but oddly elegant poem that doesn’t play well with others. We’re looking for hybrids, lyrics, prose, poetry; whatever you’ve got, we’ll read (within reason).


Issue #1

longing [ˈlôNGiNG]
a yearning desire


Waffle Fried is currently accepting unpublished creative non-fiction, poetry, short fiction, journalism, and visual art that explores the theme of longing – whether it be for something or someone once had or never found, the tale of the one who got away, or even an overwhelming craving (for waffle fries, perhaps?). However you interpret the theme is what we’d like to see, so long as it obviously fits.

Published authors and artists will receive a print copy of Issue #1, which may or may not be available for purchase.

Submissions can only be sent via Duosuma. Any submission sent by email will be deleted without being read.

Word count limit for fiction and creative non-fiction is 2,000 words. 

Poetry line limit is 30.


Taking Submissions: Afterlives: Year’s Best Death Stories, 2024

Deadline: January 31st, 2025
Payment: Contributor’s Copy and 1 cent per word
Theme: Death-related fiction that was published between January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024

Afterlives: Year’s Best Death Stories, 2024

We want to read your death-related fiction!

Psychopomp will be publishing Afterlives: The Year’s Best Death Stories 2024, curated by Sheree Renée Thomas.

Please read the full guidelines before submitting so you can learn about:

  • what we’re looking for
  • how much we’re paying
  • what rights we are buying
  • and how to submit

Submission link below the guidelines.

What We’re Looking For:

We’re looking for stories specifically that have been published on and between January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024, with a word count between 1,000 words and 19,000 words (so: short stories and novelettes) that are about death.

This could mean exploring what happens to us after we die, traveling to the Underworld, Death gods, Death personified, metaphors for death, grieving, funerals, graves, stories based on death myths from cultures across the world, death magic, ghosts, resurrection, and so on.

We specifically are not interested in stories that are centered around:



Taking Submissions: Witch Craft

Deadline: January 19th, 2025
Payment: 8 cents/6 pence per word.
Theme: Folk Horror that deals with what it means to be a witch. Read on for more!

We’re delighted to let you know this new call for submissions is open! Please read through the submission details carefully as we’ve changed some of our guidelines and it could result in your submission not being acknowledged if you do not follow them.

Witch Craft
A New Collection of Folk Tales & Horror Stories

We are very excited to give you advance notice of a new call for submissions on the theme of Witch Craft, for our Beyond & Within series. We’re looking for around four stories to join the selection curated by the team who brought you Folk Horror: Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane. The call is open to all, though we expect to see a greater proportion of stories by authors identifying as women. We expect the stories to deal with what it means to be ‘witch’, and the rediscovery and reclaiming of that power, its links to nature – and the exploration of whether a witch is drawn to ‘good’ or ‘bad’, and why. Stories should be in the horror and folk horror veins, and we’d like to see as wide a range as possible – the history, stigma and varying interpretations from around the world that feed into this concept should yield some exciting results…


Taking Submissions: Carnival of Horror

Submission Window: January 1st – 31st, 2025
Payment: $25
Theme: Horror in abandoned amusement parks, traveling carnivals, haunted attractions, chilling circuses and more!

Amid the lights, games, and shows, in the shadows the bright lights don’t reach, are horrors of all kinds…

We’re looking for stories of abandoned amusement parks, traveling carnivals, haunted attractions, chilling circuses and more! Get ready: the Carnival of Horror is coming to a horror bookshelf near you!
