Ongoing Submissions: The Dread Machine
Payment: ORIGINAL FICTION: $0.05 per word., REPRINTS: $0.01 per word., POETRY: $10 per poem.
Theme: Futuristic dark fiction, speculative fiction, cyberpunk, slipstream, and science fiction.
Note: Reprints Welcome
Note: I SWEAR I’ve listed this market before and couldn’t find it while prepping this post.
The Dread Machine publishes futuristic dark fiction, speculative fiction, cyberpunk, slipstream, and science fiction. We do not accept religious fiction, fetish horror, or erotica. All submissions must be in English.
We will accept previously published submissions, but not those that are available to the public online. If your story already appears online for free, publishing it would negatively impact both our SEO and that of the other publisher. We will accept previously published stories that are available online only if those stories are hidden behind a paywall.
We do accept simultaneous submissions. If someone else snatches your submission up before we do, we’d appreciate it if you’d immediately remove it from our queue by withdrawing via Moksha.
We accept multiple submissions. You may send us up to three stories simultaneously. Please do not combine your submissions. Each must be rated and reviewed independently.
Remove all personal identifying information from your file before uploading. Put identifying information in your cover letter, not in the filename, header, and/or footer of your story. We use a blind submission review process. Our readers should not know your name, address, phone number, or email address, nor should they have a long list of your professional accomplishments or links to your social media profiles. Please remove this information entirely, or your submission will be rejected for not following the guidelines. This is a firm policy. In addition to valuing your privacy, we believe all writers deserve a fair shot. Stories must stand on their own, apart from the writer’s notoriety and achievements.
Please send only your best work. We’re a small team with a tight budget, but we’re committed to establishing a competitive brand known for publishing high-quality fiction. In service of that mission (and out of necessity), we are extremely selective and strategic about which submissions and authors we invest in. Before submitting, familiarize yourself with the content we have already published on the site. Do your best to ensure your submission is free of obvious typos and grammatical errors. Content should be well-written and avoid clichés. Not every ending has to be dreadful. We welcome dark stories with wholesome and happy conclusions, too!
Via: The Dread Machine.