Ongoing Submissions: Horrifying Tales of Wonder!

Payment: $100
Theme: Weird Fiction (see below) set in the 1880s-1930s

A weird fiction podcast in the style of Gilded-Age radio drama

House Blackwood seeks short stories and audio scripts set in the 1880s-1930s – in the style of classic weird / horror radio shows such as Weird CircleInner SanctumQuiet PleaseThe Whistler, &c.

Submission guidelines:

  1. Be aware that weird fiction does not mean “stories that are weird.” Weird fiction is a specific literary genre – and only submissions within this genre will be considered.
  2. Listen to early 20th-century radio dramas. Get a feel for the format, tone and style. Period-accurate dialogue and idiom are welcomed – but we live and breathe this era, and will recoil at false notes.
  3. Since most of our streaming platforms ban or flag explicit content, please avoid submitting work that would violate those restrictions. In essence, consider whether your story could safely be read on mid-century radio.
  4. Read your story or script aloud, and consider how it will sound to an audience of podcast listeners. Work written expressly for radio stands the strongest chance of acceptance.

We are paying $100 for weird fiction of 3,500 words or less, and for macabre radio scripts of 30 pages or less. Only Word docs following Shunn manuscript format, and scripts following standard screenplay format, will be considered. Please submit to house3lackwood at gmail dot com.

Via: House Blackwood.

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