Ongoing Submissions: Gaze
Payment: $25
to submit to gaze journal:
gaze is interested in what it means to see or be seen. how and why we see as we see. gaze as a form of violence, as ownership, as intrusion. gaze as an attempt to apprehend. or how we love each other through the act of looking. we are wide open to interpretation; think of “gaze” less as a theme and more as an invitation. we want your poems, your stories, your essays, your meditations, your audio or video, your artwork, your passion project, your experiment, your cry in the dark. most of all, we want to know how you go on loving. we think this has something to do with looking. looking, of course, not being limited to only a literal gaze.
you may send up to 10 pages of poetry, prose, or some combination thereof for consideration. for audio/video/other experiments, please send up to three files. we welcome experimental forms as well as those that are more traditional.
include a brief, third person bio – we’re more interested in your smoldering passions, who you’re reading, what captivates and compels you than we are in where you’ve been previously published. please also attach a photograph – either of yourself or one that you’ve taken. do not include a cover letter – we respect your time and assume you have better things to do.
send submissions (pdf or docx) to gazesubmissions at gmail dot com.
nuts and bolts
gaze will never charge for submissions.
we pay contributors $25 (usd) per accepted piece (we use Square Cash, Venmo, Paypal, or Transferwise).
submit previously unpublished work. it is ok if the work has been featured on your personal blog or social media, so long as it has not appeared in a journal of any kind. simultaneous submissions are fine; notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere.
all rights revert back to the writer/artist upon publication. we ask only that you credit us in the event of any future publication.
every writer published in 2018 will automatically be included in the Loving Gaze project, an annual social practice experiment. details forthcoming.
please wait six months between submissions.
Via: Gaze Journal.