Ongoing Submissions: 224-Verse
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Space Opera
Theme: Space Opera.
Submission Period: Ongoing.
Word Count: Anything from 2,000 words to novel length. Submission should be written in third person point of perspective, past tense.
Author Eligibility: Open to all.
Reprints: Not allowed.
Simultaneous Submissions: Not allowed.
Multiple Submissions: Allowed but please wait for a response on your previous submission before sending the next.
Publication: Each story will be a standalone publication, published in digital format, unless otherwise indicated. Sequels are always a possibility, as are print editions, especially for authors with multiple pieces accepted into the universe.
Author Compensation: Royalty split.
To find out more, about what content we are looking for, please visit our 224-Verse page.
Please make sure to read our Submission Guidelines before submitting. Thanks!
At Starry Eyed Press we strive to share the best possible version of your stories with the world. Therefore, all accepted material will receive professional in depth editing and formatting. If you are uncomfortable with this, please do not submit to us.
Please email your story as attached Word document to: [email protected]
Put the category name, the story title and your pen name in the subject line. Categories would be the novel, novella, short read, 244-Verse, Galactic Treks or the anthology name.
Include your legal name, address, pen name, story title and word count in the email body and at the beginning of your word document.
If you want to make us happy, we love submissions in Shunn format or our house style:
· American English or German
· Arial 12 or Times New Roman 12
· Double line spacing
· No indent for the first line, auto indent new paragraphs
· *** for scene breaks
· Numbers written out in dialog
Here is the link to the Word templates for short stories and novels from the Shunn-website.
Via: Starry Eyed Press.