Need A Break From Your Writing? How About Checking Out A Horror Block?
This box is sadly no longer active
Everyone needs a quick writing break now and again but you should at least take one that involves the genre you are writing about. How about a quick one that involves some horror toys once a month? I’ve recently been contacted to review the October release of Horror Block (which are the cool buys behind Nerd Block but with a focus on terror!) It’s a box that can contain toys, shirts, and more that are shipped out once a month (the 25th to be exact.)
With it being October and Halloween we’re getting a a special treat and it sounds like next month we might be able to have a surprise for one of our lucky readers that involves one of these troves of awesomeness. Did I mention that this month’s block is going to include some awesome reading material? What type you ask? Well…
Who doesn’t love Fangoria? (Actually don’t answer that there are people who hate everything.) Still, an issue of one of the longest run horror mags sounds good. What else could be found in the box? Well we can’t give away specifics as they are supposed to be a surprise of what you get every month but this might give you a couple of hints…
Want to know more? Check out the video below and head over to Horror Block today!
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!
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