Taking Submissions: Enchanted Conversation: 2022 January Window (Early Listing)
Submission Window: January 1st-3rd 2021
Payment: $50
Theme: Weather.
A new theme, weather, starts in January 2022.
Hi there! We’ll no doubt write more about this later in the next year, but for now, what follows below will tell you all you need to know.
Added March 3, 3021: Although it states below that only one work per author per submission, I am suddenly getting multiple poems at a time. Only one story or poem per submission, per author. (Kate Wolford, Editor-In-Chief.)
And the theme for 2022? It’s “WEATHER.”
(No more submissions are being accepted for publication in December of 2021).
The following is relevant to all submissions for 2022, and the first submission window opens Jan. 1. More below.
Writing opportunities for 2022 include:
New Fairy Tales: Fairy tales that are almost or entirely new or are just new takes on old tales are all welcome. Mashups of existing fairy tales are welcome as well. Submissions must follow the theme below to be considered.
Poetry: Poetry inspired by fairy tales and that follows the theme is also welcome.
Please read the following in its entirety before submitting.
Want to know what is likely to get published here? There are well over 10 years of stories, essays and art on this current site. It’s the best place to start if you want to be published here.
Only the kind of submissions outlined below will be accepted at EC in 2022.
* Writers will have a chance to submit fairy-tale inspired stories/poems five times in 2022. Since we will be choosing eight to 10 works per publishing month, there are up to 50 slots to be filled in 2022. That’s a lot! And it does not count contests.
* Here are the submission periods for both fiction and non-fiction: Every other month (starting in January 2022, and going through November 2022), the submissions window will open.
Enchanted Conversation is NOT opening for submissions in December 2021. Also, the current theme has ended. The new theme, which will be weather, starts in January, 2022. The 2022 submissions window times include Jan. 1, at 12 a.m. EST, to Jan. 3 at 11:59 p.m. EST. March 1, at 12 a.m. EST, to March 3 at 11:59 p.m. EST. May 1 at 12 a.m. EST, to May 3 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Aug. 1 at 12 a.m. EST, to Aug. 3 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Oct.1 at 12 a.m. EST, to Oct. 3 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
* No submissions will be considered if received outside of the windows stated above.
* You submit through email only. Please use this address only: [email protected]. That’s for submissions only.
* Your last name, the month you are submitting for, and the year should be in the subject line of the email of your submission. Example: If you are submitting for publication in April 2022 and your last name is Smith, you should write Smith, April 2022 in the subject line.
* You must be 18 years old or older, but may be from any country. Only works in English, please. You should try to use American English word forms and punctuation.
* Do not send attachments. They will not be opened or considered. Paste your work in the body of an email.
* You will receive a response telling you Kate has received your submission.
* No editorial feedback of any kind will be provided. We will not justify editorial decisions either.
* No fancy spacing or characters, please. Do not indent for new paragraphs. Just do an extra return between them. Please, single space between lines and after sentences.
*For fiction writers: Heavy dialogue is often very hard to format. Resist the urge. When it comes to fiction, remember that classic fairy tales are often not heavy on dialogue. But that doesn’t mean your tales should have no dialogue, just use it judiciously.
* A bio in the third person and no more than 50 words should be in the submission email below the story.
*You should include a word count below the story.
* A Paypal address must be included. Without one, work will not be considered.Only previously unpublished work, please.
* Only one work per writer per submission period. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but once we have accepted a story or poem for publication, we expect authors to withdraw their submissions from other publications.
* First electronic rights are being sought, as are rights to use the work for promoting Enchanted Conversation in perpetuity, although you will retain the right to withdraw consent for using your work in promotional efforts after one year from publication. Once the story or poem or essay is published on the website, Enchanted Conversation, you are free to shop it elsewhere—meaning electronic rights revert to you. EC will keep the work indefinitely on the site unless you request that it should be removed.
*EC only publishes online, at fairytalemagazine.com.
* Your story must come with a title.
* All things being equal, authors who comment and support EC will get greater consideration of their work. But quality takes precedence over all other considerations.
* You may resubmit a poem or story or essay once during the course of the year if your work was not chosen the first time you submitted.
*If you have a work published in EC in 2022, please wait three months before resubmitting.
* All questions, but no submissions, should be sent to [email protected].
Here’s what Kate wants:
The theme for 2022 is “weather.” That means rain, blizzards, hail, lightning, hurricanes, thunder, heat, clouds. That’s it. Weather. How you use weather is up to you. It does not need to be a major part of a story or poem, but it does need to be discernibly part of the work.
What does that mean? It means you should submit works that have at least an element of the theme above. You may retell an existing fairy tale or use a story for a jumping off place for your poem or story. You can mashup two or more fairy tales. The theme may figure into your work in subtle or large ways. It’s all up to you.
Remember, stories and poems must have the theme in them, even though it needn’t be a huge part of the story. You do not have to write about magic, but do bear in mind that all fairy tale related fiction and poetry needs an element of the supernatural—as well as transformation.
Poems can be any length, but stories or nonfiction should be between 750 and 1,000 words. Twice in 2022, EC will be open to longer tales, but only when there is a special post alerting you to this. Don’t just send longer work unless it is specifically requested.
The essence of classic fairy tales should be maintained when you write these stories and poems. (I (Kate) tend to prefer things to end happily, but it’s not essential. Please think of the classic fairy tale form when writing stories.)
Absolutely none of the following for any submissions: Sci-fi, lengthy grossout descriptions of bodily functions or injuries, dystopian, descriptions of people’s bodies through the objectifying eyes of the protagonist, erotica, high fantasy, stage magic, excessive world building, time-travel, horror/gore, futuristic, space travel, western, love triangles. Also, EC is NOT a young children’s publication. Period. It’s essential that you read past EC stories and nonfiction to see what we will publish going forward. EC is a web publication only.
EC prefers “own voices.” Follow this LINK for information on own voices.
*All works: $50. US dollars only. Payment is sent upon publication.
* Again, EC is buying first world electronic rights and the right to use the work in promotional material. So when the work is published here you are free to publish or sell it elsewhere. EC will keep the story or essay indefinitely on the site unless you request that we remove it. We can use the work for promotional purposes for one year, after which the author can request that we stop.
* Payment will be made through PayPal only. No PayPal address, no publication.
* Non-acceptance emails will not be sent out. Instead, the names of those whose works are chosen will be posted on EC around mid month. Example: In January, it will likely be on the 10th to the 12th. If your story is on the published chosen list, EC will contact you at the email address you used to submit. You have 72 hours to respond to Kate’s acceptance email. In other words, do not abandon your submission.
* Once the chosen works are announced on this website, and if yours was not chosen, that’s my way of communicating my editorial decision. Shop the story elsewhere. There are many great publication sites out there. Go for it. I mean that sincerely (KW).
* The chosen works will usually be published on the first through fourth Mondays or Tuesdays of the month.
Via: Enchanted Conversation.