
Taking Submissions: Bear Creek Gazette

Deadline: December 10th, 2020 (Sorry!) Payment: $30 Theme: Weird, scary, and beautiful things that take place in the imaginary town of Bear Creek Welcome to the Bear Creek Gazette Bear Creek is a beautiful town that doesn't exist. The B.C.G is here to document the weird, scary and beautiful things that take place in the town. If you would like to write an article about your time in Bear Creek, please email us at ​ [email protected] ​ What we are looking for; Anything you would find in a regular news portal. So it can be a headline article about a serial killer on the loose, a Sudoku that tells you to kill yourself, a restaurant review that turns into rampant cannibalism or anything in between. While not a strictly horror themed site, I will always gravitate towards the unsettling and weird. Your creative process is entirely up to you, and you can go absolutely wild as far as I am concerned. Think Welcome to Night Vale, The Wicker Man, Twin Peaks and you are on the right track. While writing for a newspaper might seem constricting, this is an extremely strange town and almost anything goes. I aim to be as immersive as possible, so obviously I won’t be able to run 25 of the same type of article. If two people submit cool articles detailing the same sort of thing, only one will get chosen. If this happens I am going to strip naked, staple both pieces onto my body and run through the woods until one falls off. No word limit/image count. Send me anything. Format it however you want. I am not going to reject something because it’s in 48pt Comic Sans. Response time will be between 1 and 2 weeks. This 6 month thing is nonsense...

Taking Submissions: Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World (2021 edition)

Deadline: December 15th, 2020 Payment: 2 cents per word and a contributors copy Theme: The greatest and most complete travel anthology of (fictional) haunted buildings in the world. Title: Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World (2021 edition) Edited by: Charlatan Bardot and Eric J. Guignard Publisher: Dark Moon Books (Los Angeles, CA) Submissions Accepted: November 15–December 15, 2020 Projected Release Date: Summer, 2021 Word Count: Short Stories between approximately 1,500–4,500 words (soft range). Payment: Two (2) cents per word and one contributor copy in each of all published formats. Reprints?: NO Multiple and/or Simultaneous Submissions: YES Response Time: January 15, 2021 (or earlier) Send submissions and queries to: [email protected] ### The greatest and most complete travel anthology of (fictional) haunted buildings in the world is opening soon! Hosted by Professor Charlatan Bardot, PhD, EdD, EJG, and curated by Eric J. Guignard, this book is seeking dark fiction short stories about haunted buildings (excluding houses) around the globe. Consider that, essentially, these are “Haunted House” types of stories, except they are to be set in ANY type of structure that is not a house; i.e. the theme of this book is for haunted buildings or structures that are subject of a fantastic, terrifying, magical, weird, or otherwise thrilling or speculative tale, but that the subject building is not a traditional stick-built/frame residential house. Additionally, these are to be “fictional buildings” (don’t use the Eastern State Penitentiary as the site of your story, but you could use a similar haunted prison modeled off, and named differently than, Eastern State Penitentiary). Use your wildest imagination for these tales of architecture and intrigue—any type of building (excluding traditional houses) is welcome. A haunted igloo? Yes! A possessed Yurt? Totally! Go wild with these tales, but not to the point of silliness. Although the book idea is playful, and I want the stories to be fun, they also should...

Taking Submissions: Baffling Magazine

Deadline: December 15th, 2020 (Sorry for the short notice!) Payment: 8 cents per word Theme: speculative stories that explore science fiction, fantasy, and horror with a queer bent. Baffling Magazine currently publishes two flash story a month on our Patreon. Subsequently, each quarter of published work will be shared for free online on our website. We will publish additional work each month as our Patreon grows and will share those guidelines as we get closer to each milestone. ✷ The compensation level for original stories accepted to Baffling Magazine is $0.08/word. Stories will be published first on our Patreon, then made available in our quarterly issues, and finally in an annual print anthology. Submissions are currently open from December 1-15, 2020. To submit your work, please fill out this form. If you are unable to use the form for any reason, please email us at [email protected] for alternate submission instructions. We are looking for: Wordcount: Under 1,200 words. We would especially love to see more stories under 500 words. What we want to see: We are looking for speculative stories that explore science fiction, fantasy, and horror with a queer bent. We want queer stories and we want trans stories and we want aro/ace stories. We want indefinable stories. We welcome weird, slipstream, and interstitial writing. What we don’t want to see: We’re not interested in unexamined bigotry or sexual violence; pieces that include such should be nuanced or looking at the post-event experience of the survivors. Guidelines: Please submit your story in .doc or .docx file, formatted in something approaching Standard Manuscript Format. Use italics for italics etc. One of the editors has a slight aversion to Courier and a fondness for Georgia. Please include a cover/query letter with the title, length, and a brief bio. You may include...

Taking Submissions: The Howling Dead

Deadline: December 15th, 2020 Payment: $10 Theme: Furry Zombies The Howling Dead Deadline: December 15, 2020 Editor: Cedric G! Bacon Word count: 2,500-8,000; a little above and a little below will be acceptable The horror...the funky horror! Zombies have been a part of our cultural zeitgeist for decades, from each Night and Dawn and into the Day of the Living Dead, on up to the ones who Walk, Thurston Howl Publications is proud to add to the with their first “furry zombie” anthology, THE HOWLING DEAD! Your zombies can be the shambling Romero variety, the more comedic, or the more horrific, let your hungry imagination be satiated! Please note we are a progressive press and do not publish any conservative works. At least one major character must be furry. We will NOT accept: Racism, sexism, or discrimination presented in a positive light. Pedophilia or sex with characters under the age of 18 presented in a positive light. Rape, torture, dubious consent, forced seduction presented in a positive light. Snuff or Necrophilia presented in a positive light If you are in doubt, ASK. Better to ask then to get a straight up rejection! If you are unsure, just shoot me an email at [email protected]. (restrictions borrowed from Voice: You can submit up to three stories, but we will only accept one per author (if any). Reprints are fine, but you have to own full permission of the work in order for us to consider it. We will not accept simultaneous submissions. Payment: Authors will receive 10 USD per story. We will inform all authors regarding decisions within a week or two after the deadline. Via: Weasel Press's Submittable.

Taking Submissions: It’s All Fun and Games Until Somebody Dies

Deadline: December 21st, 2020 Payment: $10 and a contributors copy Theme: In this story collection, the games are taking over and they’re out for blood. Open submissions being accepted for “It’s All Fun and Games Until Somebody Dies” 11/1/20 - 12/21/20 D&T Publishing proudly presents “It’s All Fun and Games Until Somebody Dies.” We all know the games. The ones we played as kids. The ones we all have fond memories of, crowded around a kitchen table with family, piled in the floor with friends around the TV, or standing in front of the flashing lights of an arcade game. The games that when we look back at our childhood, we have at least one memory of. But what if, those games turned sinister? What if they were real and out for revenge? In this story collection, the games are taking over and they’re out for blood. Specific information: - Accepting stories of 3,000-5,000 words about being killed in or by a game. - It can be a board or video game, game show or virtual reality. Do not use any actual games or a closely related premise to any current/past games. They must be new ideas and concepts. If they are too closely related, they will not be accepted. - Single spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman preferred. Clean and edited copy, as much as possible. Submit in .doc or .docx format. Please, no weird fonts or spacing. Email it to [email protected] - A confirmation email will be sent to you within 24 hours of receipt of your submission. Please make sure that your name is on your submission. If you are using a pen name, please include your real name, as well. - For your email, please use “Games” as the subject. - Acceptance emails will be sent...

Mirror World Publishing Is Open For Novel And Novella Submissions

Deadline: December 24th, 2020 Payment: 50% of net profits Theme: Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Romance, LGBT-themed, Adventure, Paranormal/Occult, Comedy, Historical, Portal Fiction, A blend of any two or more of the above genres, Cross-genre, mixed genre, or things that don't fit genre norms, Adult, New Adult, Young Adult, Middle Grade, or Children's (please specify your target market in your query letter) We are an independent Canadian press of escapism fiction for all ages  and we are passionate about success. We partner with our authors to make the books we produce the best they can be and aim to market them together for maximum exposure.  We're proud to be able to offer our books as both paperbacks and e-books. We offer higher royalties than the industry standard  (50% of net profits), author copies at wholesale rate, and worldwide distribution. We respond to all queries we receive within six to eight weeks with a personal response, including suggestions on how to improve your manuscript even if it is not the right fit for us, so there is no need to send a follow-up inquiry. We also promise never to charge our authors for any part of the publishing process, and there is no fee to submit.    Please note: We are a traditional style publishing house, NOT a vanity press, which means we DO NOT charge our authors ANYTHING to publish with us. We proudly support our authors in every way we can and we gladly pay them royalties on every sale.  We're looking for Escapism Fiction... Our goal is to provide readers with the ability to escape the mundane through wildly creative fiction. We're looking for books that act as gateways to other worlds, times, or versions of reality. We prefer strong story telling, engaging openings, and compelling character development as well as imaginative settings, vivid world building, and interesting themes. If your manuscript transports a reader...

Taking Submissions: To Live Again…

Deadline: December 25th, 2020 Payment: $0.01 per word and a percentage of royalties Theme: The idea of resurrection, and of course, it’s aftermath. Due Date: December 25, 2020 Word Count: 1,000 to 7,500 words Payment: $0.01 per word and a percentage of royalties Who doesn’t want to live again? The idea of resurrection and conquering death is something that can be seen in many myths and legends of cultures around the world. This anthology will deal with the idea of resurrection, and of course, it’s aftermath. Please email your submissions to [email protected] with the subject line of “Resurrection Submission” in standard manuscript format. Also please include a short bio. Please note: All submission calls are open to writers from around the world; however we currently only publish in the English language. Via: Antimony and Elder Lace Press.

Taking Submissions: UNTITLED Flash Horror Anthology

Deadline: December 26th, 2020 Payment: 8 cents per word Theme: Cemetery Chillers, Spook Houses, Supernatural Slashers, Witchcraft, Within the Woods We’re looking for 500-1,000 word horror flash fiction for a “pocket-sized” anthology. Paying $.08/word for original stories, no reprints. Reading until DEC 26, 2020. The theme of the anthology is horror subgenre medley. Please choose a theme to write and submit a story for: Cemetery Chillers, Spook Houses, Supernatural Slashers, Witchcraft, Within the Woods. You’re free to submit (1) story per theme, so up to (5) stories. The ‘themes’ are open to interpretation, but we are looking for sinister tales. In your submission email subject line please include the title of your story, word count, and theme! Please attach your story as an RTF or DOC file. You’re welcome to submit stories up to 1,200 words, but we will delete stories over 1,200 words and under 500 words. We will accept stories before December, but will hold many stories without responding until we have a complete TOC. Simultaneous submissions are fine. We’re looking for First Rights Publishing and will ask that you don’t reprint your story until OCT 31, 2021. Send submissions to [email protected] -Joe Sullivan, Editor   Note for debut/young authors: Established authors hate writing anything under 6k words. This call is wide open. We want to give you a space, but you have to give yourself a chance. Write something new with the theme in mind, have at least a vague idea of what we publish, and don’t go over 1k words. We like NoSleep Podcast, Michael Wehunt, timeless urban legends, and stories with fresh takes on popular themes. Via: Cemetery Gates Media.

Taking Submissions: Campfire Macabre

December 26th, 2020 Payment: 8 cents per word Theme: Any of the following: Cemetery Chillers, Spook Houses, Supernatural Slashers, Witchcraft, Within the Woods We’re looking for 500-1,000 word horror flash fiction for a “pocket-sized” anthology. Paying $.08/word for original stories, no reprints. Reading until DEC 26, 2020(or until we fill each section of the book, approx. 40-50 stories .) The theme of the anthology is horror subgenre medley. Please choose a theme to write and submit a story for: Cemetery Chillers, Spook Houses, Supernatural Slashers, Witchcraft, Within the Woods. You’re free to submit (1) story per theme, so up to (5) stories. The ‘themes’ are open to interpretation, but we are looking for sinister tales. In your submission email subject line please include the title of your story, word count, and theme! Please attach your story as an RTF or DOC file. You’re welcome to submit stories up to 1,200 words, but we will delete stories over 1,200 words and under 500 words. We will accept stories before December, but will hold many stories without responding until we have a complete TOC. Simultaneous submissions are fine. We’re looking for First Rights Publishing and will ask that you don’t reprint your story until OCT 31, 2021. Send submissions to [email protected] -Joe Sullivan, Editor Note for debut/young authors: Established authors hate writing anything under 6k words. This call is wide open. We want to give you a space, but you have to give yourself a chance. Write something new with the theme in mind, have at least a vague idea of what we publish, and don’t go over 1k words. We like NoSleep Podcast, Michael Wehunt, timeless urban legends, and stories with fresh takes on popular themes(no ghost POV stories, please.) Stories accepted per theme as of 9/14: Cemetery Chillers 4/10 Spook Houses 5/10 Supernatural Slashers 4/10 Witchcraft 5/10 Within the Woods...

Taking Submissions: Survival

Deadline: December 30th, 2020 Payment: $30 and a contributor's copy Theme: Survival in Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, or Contemporary We are seeking morally ambiguous stories with the fantasy, horror, sci-fi, and contemporary fiction genres surrounding the theme of survival. Not many things in this world are straightforward. Many individuals have encountered moments of extreme moral compromise when faced with a choice that meant life or death, or the perception of such. From the outside, it may seem that some choices can be evaluated in the simple vein of right or wrong, ethical or not. Yet when placed in a situation that perpetuates a choice between survival and death, would we have the same opinion? The theme of survival is meant to highlight situations that deserve another glance, that are not clean cut or easily defined within the realm of typical ethical boundaries. How far must a person go to survive? Or is death the choice we make instead of going against our morals? What will we do to survive? If you have a short story that fits the morally gray theme of survival, check out our submission guidelines below.   Details Submission Period: October 1 to December 30, 2020 Word Limit: 12K words per piece, not including addition information below Submission Cost: Free Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Contemporary  Previously unpublished works  You may submit up to 2 pieces, but each work must be a separate submission Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please let us know if the work is accepted elsewhere Please don’t send us all pandemic stories – if we pick any, it will only be very few What to Include with Your Submission *Please read carefully*:  A 3 – 5 sentence bio with social media links A paragraph detailing how and why your story is keeping with Inked’s mission to publish morally gray...