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Taking Submissions: Third Point Press #15

Deadline: November 13th, 2019 Payment: $10 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Read our past issues to see what we like. Please do not submit the same piece to multiple categories. Please review your piece carefully before submitting – every time we receive a submission that is withdrawn for resubmittal, it counts towards our overall per-month submittal count. If you notice a small mistake, let us know. Otherwise, please do not attempt to resubmit. We pay $10/contributor via PayPal. If we publish your work, wait one calendar year before submitting again. If we decline your work, please wait until the next submission period to submit again (don’t submit within the same issue’s reading period) Simultaneous submissions are fine, just keep us in the loop. Withdraw your work (congrats!) or leave us a comment in Submittable. Previously published work cannot be considered (this include blogs, Facebook, Wattpad, etc). We retain first serial rights on work we accept and then all rights revert to the author. If the work is reprinted, we ask that Third Point Press be acknowledged as the place of initial publication. EXPEDITED READING ($5) If you use the expedited reading option in Submittable for poetry or fiction, we’ll put your work at the very top of our reading pile. You won’t get anything more than that (no preferential treatment, no instant acceptance). Think of it as a way of patting us on the back while satisfying that urge to avoid waiting in line. FEEDBACK OPTION ($7) You can also choose the feedback option when submitting. This simply ensures that we will provide our thoughts explaining what we liked, didn’t like, and thought could be improved on in your work. FICTION Send a short story up to 3,500 words or up to 3 flash pieces (each of which should not exceed 1,000 words). Do not send an...