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Taking Submissions: NonBinary Review #20 Books of Blood

Deadline: January 23rd, 2019 Payment: 1 cent per word for fiction, $10 for poetry Note: Reprints Allowed Note: Our apologies for the short window, it was pointed out we missed posting this one prior to the #21 listing. NonBinary Review is a quarterly digital literary journal that joins poetry, fiction, essays, and art around each issue's theme. We invite  authors to explore each theme in any way that speaks to them: re-write a  familiar story from a new point of view, mash genres together, give us a  personal essay about some aspect of our theme that has haunted you all  your life. We also invite art that will accompany the literature. All submissions must have a clear and obvious relationship to some specific aspect of the source text (a character, episode, or setting). Submissions only related by a vague, general, thematic similarity are unlikely to be accepted. We are open to submissions which relate to the first three volumes (sixteen stories) of the Clive Barker series Books of Blood. Please bear in mind that we're looking for pieces that relate to the BOOKS ONLY. References to movies or television shows will not be accepted. Submissions which do not tie into the plots or make use of characters/settings from the stories WILL NOT be considered—there needs to be a clear connection to the source material.  We want language that makes us reach for a dictionary or a tissue or both. Words in combinations and patterns that leave the faint of heart a little dizzy. FICTION, CREATIVE NON-FICTION, FLASH & HYBRID/EXPERIMENTAL NonBinary Review accepts fiction and creative non-fiction of up to 5,000  words in length, although shorter is probably better. Fiction should be double spaced, 12-point type, in Times New Roman or similar font in a  Word document or text file. We do not accept .pdfs. Authors...