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Taking Submissions: Sex and Revolution

Deadline: November 1st, 2017 Payment: Fiction: $100 and royalties. FLash: $30 and royalties Theme:  Sex and Revolution Let’s talk about sex. It is the one human drive about which we go to war, intellectually, spiritually, and physically.  Who you love, how you love, who you are when you do it:  any of these can put you on the front lines against your will, struggling for your life. So what if instead sex is the weapon with which you choose to fight?  What if sex is the blunt instrument, the stiletto between the ribs, the counter-intelligence whisper campaign designed to change hearts and minds? What if it’s the right f*ck that levels cities, the explosive catalyst bringing the whole conflict to an end once and for all? What would that look like?  Let’s find out. We’ll be open to anonymous submissions from 10/1 until the last candle gutters out on All Saints’ Day, looking for stories that dive deep into the subject of sex as a revolutionary act.  Here are a few things that might help you in figuring out what we want, and perhaps more importantly, what we don’t. Stories submitted for this issue should be about sex and revolution, however you choose to define those terms. Stories will be chosen for their adult subject matter. They will *also* be chosen for their adult treatment of that subject matter. We are open to all genres in the pursuit of this subject, but plain erotica (or out and out adult content) probably won’t make the cut. Unless it’s good erotica. (Or very, very good adult content.) As always, we welcome stories from across the entire spectrum of race, gender, and sexuality. And with those thoughts in mind, we bring you back to our regular submission guidelines already in progress. When thinking...