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Taking Submissions: This Twisted Earth
February 11, 2016
Deadline: February 11th, 2016
Payment: 4% royalties and physical copy
Submission deadline: February 11th, 2016
Payment: 4% royalties per story published. You will also receive a physical copy of the book, and you will be able to purchase additional copies at a reduced rate.
Six Minutes to Midnight are putting together a new shared world anthology to help realise your wildest time-twisting dreams. This Twisted Earth (Vol 1) is set for release in Autumn 2016. There is the potential for all kinds of stories in all kinds of genres, but we want this first volume to emphasise the Pulp vibe. Think of John Carter and Tarzan, think Black Mask Detective stories, think Doc Savage but go further. The fabric of Time has been unravelled. This is your chance to grab the skein of history and play cat’s cradle with it. Bring any people, any cultures, any creatures from Earth’s vast chronology together and weave us new stories, new cultures, and new mythologies.
This Twisted Earth gives you the licence to unleash your imaginations and reinvent our world. Walk your readers through as wide-eyed new arrivals or craft us a ‘used universe’ where the cataclysm happened millennia ago. Do you have the vision to help stitch together a Frankenstinian new world? The guts to splice genres, to tear apart convention and rummage through its entrails? If so, this is the sandpit for you.
We’re looking for thrilling plots, intriguing nuggets of real history, and truly inspired world-building. Under-represented cultures and histories will be welcomed with open arms in the true spirit of diversity, exploration and discovery. With history’s tipping points cast to the winds anything and everything is up for grabs. What treasures can you bring us?
Prospective writers are invited to join the This Twisted Earth Facebook group to interact with other writers, gain a clearer understanding of the project and help us bring a sense of cohesion to the book.
Send your story to [email protected] as either a .doc or .rtf file. The subject of your email should have your Surname, the word ‘Twisted’ and your word-count in it.
To avoid disappointment please ensure your submission reflects the brief and sticks to the following format:
- 4000 to 9000 words long, in Standard Manuscript Format.
- Typed in Times New Roman, size 12, double line spaced.
- Include your full details (name/address/telephone number/email address) at the top of your document.
Failure to comply will result in… CSI Australopithecus investigating your untimely demise on prime time television.
Previously published stories will not be considered for this anthology. Authors will retain copyright for their stories. As a shared-world project, please note that elements and events from your stories may be used as backdrops and reference points for future This Twisted Earth releases without impinging on your copyright.
A maximum of 3 stories can be submitted per author for consideration.
We will write to you between four and eight weeks after the submission deadline to let you know if you have been successful.
Good luck, and have fun!
Via: Six Minutes To Midnight.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!