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Taking Submissions: Neo-Opsis
February 15, 2016
Deadline: February 15th, 2016
Payment: 2.5 cents (Canadian) per word, to a maximum of $125.00. Contributors will also receive one copy of the issue their contribution appears in if their submission is 2,000 words or less, or two copies of the issue if their submission is over 2,000 words.
Written Submission Guidelines:
Accepting new submissions: January 15 to February 15, 2016
Neo-opsis will consider material submitted by any writer, professional or amateur. It is our intention to not set down a lot of ground rules for these stories. We don’t want to miss something that we would really like just because it doesn’t fit our rules, but we are more likely to publish stories that are less than 6000 words and fit a science fiction or fantasy theme. We tend not to publish horror.
The kind of poem that is more likely to be accepted, for publication in Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine, is the kind of poem that will appeal to a wide range of people.
If emailed, we prefer only one submission per email, attached to the email as a MS Word .doc file, or .rtf file, but we will not refuse a story that is included within the body of an email. An easy to read format is best, font size 12 or 14, and double-spaced. Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. (If you have a SPAM filter, be sure that our response can make it back to you.) The subject line of your email should include the word Submission, the title of your submission, and if possible the approximate word count. Be sure to include your email address in your contact information at the top of your manuscript. (Your contact information will be kept in the strictest confidence and not sold or spammed.) All emailed submissions will receive an auto reply email usually within two weeks of it being sent. The first stage of consideration may take up to eight weeks. No simultaneous submissions please, and no previously published works.
If mailed, manuscripts must be in an easy to read format; font size 12 or 14, single sided, double-spaced. The Author’s name and address as well as a page count should be on the first page of the manuscript. All pages should be numbered. If you wish your manuscript(s) returned or acknowledged by mail, please include a self-addressed envelope, stamped, if in Canada, or include an international reply coupon if the address is outside of Canada. If you do not need your submission(s) returned, please consider including an email address for our response to your submission(s). Submissions that do not include a return email address, or a self addressed envelope with Canadian stamps or an international reply coupon, will be disposed of without reply. No simultaneous submissions please and no previously published works.
(A simultaneous submission is a submission that is sent to several publishers at the same time. Most magazine publishers accept single submissions only, meaning each story/submission is sent to a single publisher. The story/submission is not sent to the next publisher until the first has rejected it. Publishers, especially small press, have very limited budgets, and often cannot afford the expense of time and money to consider and prepare to publish a submission that then turns out to have already been accepted by another publisher only the day or week before.)
Payment: (upon publication)
First North American serial rights for accepted stories and poems are purchased at 2.5 cents (Canadian) per word, to a maximum of $125.00. Contributors will also receive one copy of the issue their contribution appears in if their submission is 2,000 words or less, or two copies of the issue if their submission is over 2,000 words.
Mailing Address:
Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine
4129 Carey Road
Victoria, BC, Canada V8Z 4G5
These Guidelines were updated on January 4, 2016. If you have any questions email us at [email protected].
Via: Neo-opsis.