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Taking Submissions Iridium Magazine Autumn 2018 Issue
December 15, 2018
Deadline: December 15th, 2018
Payment: Original English short stories of up to 5,000 words (hard limit, shorter preferred) at $0.03/word. Reprints of stories up to 15,000 words (5,000 words or under preferred) at $0.01/word
Note: Reprints Accepted
- Original English short stories of up to 5,000 words (hard limit, shorter preferred) at $0.03/word
- Reprints of stories up to 15,000 words (5,000 words or under preferred) at $0.01/word
- Art pieces at $50/piece (reprints accepted)
- Essays at $50/piece (reprints not accepted)
*We define reprints as any work that has been seen by the public before, whether in another journal or online on personal sites/blogs/etc. Please inform us if your work has been printed before so we can credit.
The author grants Iridium Magazine for first world electronic rights (text and audio) and first print rights with 4 months exclusivity from date of publication and archiving.
Manuscripts and essays should be in standard manuscript format as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf WITHOUT identifying information. DO NOT put your name anywhere on the manuscript—any manuscripts with identifying information (incl. email or address) will be auto-rejected. The document should be labeled “Title (Genre)”.
Trigger Warnings
Please warn for any potentially triggering content in the body of your email. This includes mentions of or on-screen sexual assault, suicide/suicidal ideation, child sexual abuse, child abuse, abuse, etc. Don’t try to surprise or shock us–that will only result in a rejection.
How to Submit
Send submissions to [email protected] with the subject line “SUBMISSION: AUTHOR NAME – TITLE” and a 100-word, third-person bio and at least one (1) link. Unless solicited, any submissions sent directly to the editors or other email addresses will be ignored.
Simultaneous Submissions: Yes. Inform us in your cover letter that it is a simultaneous submission and email us if your submission has been accepted elsewhere so we can remove it from our queue.
Multiple Submissions: No. Do not submit more than one piece at a time.
- Genre fiction including genre fusions especially with a speculative bent and non-Western settings (including non-Western genres)
- Westerns
- Crime
- Fantasy
- Wuxia, High, Low, Quest, Urban, Paranormal, etc.
- Sci Fi
- Silkpunk, Cyberpunk, Clockpunk, Steampunk, Solarpunk, Dieselpunk etc.
- Romance
- Horror
- Speculative fiction
- Utopia/Dystopia
- Alt History
- Apocalyptic/Post-apocalyptic/Pastoral-apocalyptic
- Superhero
Selection of Works
We do not accept any works that do not have QUILTBAG+ content. Work will be judged based on skill and quality of the story rather than author identity. #ownvoices is great, but not a requirement. However, lived experience is key to writing good fiction. We encourage a cosmopolitan point of view.
Our reading periods are as follows:
- October 1 to December 15th
- April 1st to June 15th
Our Reading Recommendations
(NOTE: Not all these stories fit our guidelines, but they are in the realm of our desired fiction in terms of tone or content.)
- You’ll Surely Drown Here If You Stay (Genre fusion with ace MC)
- Elephants and Corpses (Speculative w/ trans character)
- 心也許很小很小世界卻很大很大 (The Heart May be Tiny but the World’s Enormous) (Speculative fiction, intersectional, and gay/bisexual characters)
- Smart-Aleck (Extra-Spicy Detective Stories, Issue 38, February 28, 1935) (Genre fiction [detective/noir] and QUILTBAG+)
- Everything You Left Behind (Speculative fiction and nonbinary character)
Via: Iridium Magazine.