Celebrate Earth Hour Day With Horror Tree!

Celebrate Earth Hour Day In 2020 With Horror Tree

Right now, times are a bit crazy. Many of us are stuck at home during the pandemic. While that is already making a huge positive impact on the environment, today is the day we can do even more!

For Earth Hour Day the goal is that tonight on Saturday, March 28th, 2020 at 8:30 PM your local time that you will turn off all the lights in your house for an hour to conserve energy.

Not only that, but spend this time getting away from the media, out of the house for a stroll, and just try to relax a bit if at all possible! Worst case scenario, if you have to write, NEED to write, we respect that! This is the perfect hour to break out a pen and paper and work on your current work in progress or the next piece in a different format. Plan an upcoming scene, flesh out a character that you’ve been neglecting in your story, and help the environment while doing so.

You can find out more at https://www.earthhour.org/

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