Category: Non-fiction


Taking Submissions: Plott Hound Magazine March 2025 Window

Submission Window: March 1st -March 15th, 2025
Payment: 8 cents per word for fiction, $50 for poetry, $100 for non-fiction essays
Theme: Animal-centric speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror)

Submission Periods:
The publishing schedule is quarterly/seasonly. Submission calls open at the start of each season, close in the middle of the first month for reading and responses, and issues aim to be released by the end of the season.

Spring: March 1-March 15, 2025

Summer: June 1-June 15, 2025

Fall: September 1-September 15, 2025

Winter: December 1-December 15, 2025

PROSE Submission Guidelines
-Word limit for original short fiction: 1000 (minimum) – 5000 words (maximum) (sweet spot/preferred: 3000 – 4000 words)

-Maximum word limit for original flash fiction: 999 words

-Reprints: not accepted at this time (unless we meet the Kickstarter stretch goal for 2025!)

-Pay rate: 8 cents/word

-Format: Standard Manuscript Format. 12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, .doc or .docx files. Mailing address and phone number are not required on the header.

-Simultaneous submissions are allowed! Just make sure to give us a howl if your submission has been accepted elsewhere before we make a decision on it.

-Cover letter: please include author name, name of submission, word count, publishing credits (if applicable), any experience pertinent to the story. (For example, if you are a marine biologist and your story features marine animals, do mention that!) Inclusion of content warnings is optional. Do not summarize your story in the cover letter; let the submission speak for itself.

-Translations to English: allowed, welcome, and encouraged! They must be original short fiction or flash within the corresponding word limits. In the cover letter, please state that the work is translated into English from (original language), and include names of the original author and translator.

Plott Hound Magazine welcomes and encourages submissions from writers of all races, religion (creed), gender expression, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, disability, marital status, and military status.

-Stories should be submitted through Moksha (not available yet; link will be provided here when submissions open). Please do not submit through email or postal service.


Taking Submissions: Waffle-Fried Issue #1

Deadline: January 20th, 2025
Payment: Contributors Copy
Theme: Longing

Have you ever eaten cold waffle fries in your underwear at like, 2am? No? Well, you should.

Leftovers you’ve convinced yourself you’ll heat up later and eat but then just eat them by the light of the fridge – though it’s unclear why you’re in your underwear. It’s a wonderfully strange experience and that’s kind of what we’re aiming for. A wonderfully strange experience but in words and art.

Got a piece that doesn’t quite fit elsewhere? We want to read it. Experimenting with format or style? Love it; send it our way. We want your abandoned words, your collection of phrases tucked away in your Notes app, that strangely-written but oddly elegant poem that doesn’t play well with others. We’re looking for hybrids, lyrics, prose, poetry; whatever you’ve got, we’ll read (within reason).


Issue #1

longing [ˈlôNGiNG]
a yearning desire


Waffle Fried is currently accepting unpublished creative non-fiction, poetry, short fiction, journalism, and visual art that explores the theme of longing – whether it be for something or someone once had or never found, the tale of the one who got away, or even an overwhelming craving (for waffle fries, perhaps?). However you interpret the theme is what we’d like to see, so long as it obviously fits.

Published authors and artists will receive a print copy of Issue #1, which may or may not be available for purchase.

Submissions can only be sent via Duosuma. Any submission sent by email will be deleted without being read.

Word count limit for fiction and creative non-fiction is 2,000 words. 

Poetry line limit is 30.


Taking Submissions: New Myths First 2025 Window

Submission Window: January 1st -February 28th, 2025
Payment:3 cents/word with a minimum payment of $50, $50 for book reviews, $80 for artwork
Theme: Science Fiction and Fantasy

Reading past issues is the best way to know if your submission is a good fit for 

We like to balance each quarterly issue between science fiction and fantasy, dark and light, serious and humorous, hard and soft science fiction, and longer and shorter works.
Our readers are not fixated on a single style or tone or genre, but prefer a quality sample of the field. Think tapas or dim sum. Maximum length is 10,000 words. Please keep submissions PG or cleaner.

Submission Period
New Myths considers submissions between January 1-February 28 and June 1-July 31. 

Artwork, requests for book reviews, and other correspondence can be submitted at any time. 


Taking Submissions: The First Line – Spring 2025

Deadline: February 1st, 2025
Payment: $25.00 – $50.00 for fiction, $5.00 – $10.00 for poetry
Theme: Story must begin with: Jayce recognized the man right away but couldn’t remember his name.

Jayce recognized the man right away but couldn’t remember his name.
Due date: February 1, 2025

We love that writers around the world are inspired by our first lines, and we know that not every story will be sent to us. However, we ask that you do not submit stories starting with our first lines to other journals (or post them online on public sites) until we’ve notified you as to our decision (usually four weeks after the deadline). When the entire premise of the publication revolves around one sentence, we don’t want it to look as if we stole that sentence from another writer. If you have questions, feel free to drop us a line.

Also, we understand that writers may add our first line to a story they are currently working on or have already completed, and that’s cool. But please do not add our first line to a previously published story and submit it to us. We do not accept previously published stories, even if they have been repurposed for our first lines. And, just to be clear, we do not accept simultaneous submissions.

One more thing while I’ve got you here: Writers compete against one another for magazine space, so, technically, every literary magazine is running a contest. There are, however, literary magazines that run traditional contests, where they charge entry fees and rank the winners. We do not – nor will we ever – charge a submission fee, nor do we rank our stories in order of importance. Occasionally, we run contests to help come up with new first lines, or we run fun, gimmicky competitions for free stuff, but the actual journal is not a contest in the traditional sense.

Fiction: All stories must be written with the first line provided. The line cannot be altered in any way, unless otherwise noted by the editors. The story should be between 300 and 5,000 words (this is more like a guideline and not a hard-and-fast rule; going over or under the word count won’t get your story tossed from the slush pile). The sentences can be found on the home page of The First Line’s website, as well as in the prior issue. Note: We are open to all genres. We try to make TFL as eclectic as possible.

Poetry: We do accept poetry, though rarely. We have no restrictions on form or line count, but all poems must begin with the first line provided. The line cannot be altered in any way.

Non-Fiction: 500-800 word critical essays about your favorite first line from a literary work.

All Submissions: Writers should include a two- to three-sentence biography of themselves that we can use in the journal should your story, poem, or essay be accepted.

Multiple Submissions: We don’t mind if you want to submit multiple submissions for the same issue. However, it is unlikely we will use more than one of your stories or poems in the same issue.

Four-Part Stories: If you think you are up to the challenge, you can write a four-part story that uses the spring, summer, fall, and winter sentences (five parts, if you are brave enough to include a fifth story that ends with the last line). However, all parts must be submitted at once (a single email or snail mail) before the February 1st deadline. (If selected, each part will be published in its respective issue.)

Submissions: We prefer you send manuscripts via email to submission (@) thefirstline (dot) com. We accept stories in MS Word or Word Perfect format (we prefer attachments). Please do not send pdf versions of your story or links to online docs. Make sure your name and contact information, as well as your bio, are part of the attachment. Stories also can be sent to The First Line‘s post office box. No manuscripts will be returned without an accompanying SASE with sufficient return postage.


Taking Submissions: Springtime Fair

Deadline: January 20th, 2025
Payment: 2 cents per word, 1 cent per word for reprints
Theme: Stories that center around a craft, recipe, or ritual AND each author will provide a set of instructions to make/enact the craft, recipe, or ritual that was featured in their story
Note: This is a vegan magazine. They will not generally publish mentions of leather/animal-products, meat/animal consumption, etc. and will request that they be changed to a vegan alternative during the edit process
Note: Reprints welcome

Reading periods/When to send

Submissions are currently open. They will close on .

About the Anthology

Welcome to the Hearth Stories Springtime Fair! In this anthology we will be featuring stories that center around a craft, recipe, or ritual (see below for specifics). In addition to the story, each author will provide a set of instructions to make/enact the craft, recipe, or ritual that was featured in their story. The idea is that this will let readers enjoy a great story while also learning something and engaging with the story in an interesting way. The story and the instructions should be firmly related (not just a random thing to make, paired with a random story).

So, what are we talking about when we talk about crafts, recipes, and rituals? Here are some examples, but you are by no means limited to these:

Crochet, Knitting, Sewing, Weaving, Macrame
Jewelry Making
Recipes (Vegan Only)
Baking (bread, pastry, etc)
Cooking (soups, sides, mains)
Remedies, Medicines, Tinctures
Magic or Spellcraft
Yoga, Qi-Gong, Tai-Chi, etc.

When using the above suggestions keep in mind that you can be very specific—a specific knitting pattern, for example—or you can be fairly general—an introduction to knitting, for example. Either is fine. For the most part we are looking for something fairly brief, but still actionable. In most cases the instructions should be shorter than the story. The submitting author needs to have the rights to use the instructions (you cannot just grab a pattern for something off the internet and call it yours without legal risk; the contract has a section where you will affirm you have the right to license the work you are submitting for publication).


Ongoing Submission: Sometimes Hilarious Horror Winter

Payment: Short horror stories of up to 15,000 words – Original:$25 Reprints: $10, 1-4 original horror-centric poems with a connecting theme – Original: $25 Reprints: $10, , Novel chapters w/a complete narrative: $10, Cover Art: $25, Regular Columns or featured articles: Pay negotiable.
Theme: Horror with humor

Featured Guest Author Submission Guidelines: Sometimes Hilarious Horror

Hi, and thanks for your interest in submitting to Sometimes Hilarious Horror. We’re really proud of our little mag and excited to check out your submission.

What exactly is a Guest Author? If selected, we’ll include your submission in an upcoming issue of Sometimes Hilarious Horror, offered exclusively to subscribers of the Sometimes Hilarious Horror Ko-Fi page. Payment for selected original short stories is $25. In addition to publication of your story, we’ll ask you to complete a short interview so our readers can get to know you. Guest authors are encouraged (though not required) to market their appearance on social media and to your existing readership, families, etc.

What are we looking for? Great Question!
–Original, unpublished short horror stories of up to 15,000 words (pay $25)
–Submissions of 1-4 original, unpublished horror-centric poems with a central or connecting theme (pay $25).
–Reprints (previously published work that you currently own the rights to) of the above categories. (pay $10)
–Novel chapters will be considered provided they are a complete narrative. (pay $10)
–Cover art (pay $25). Accepted artists are also invited to be interviewed for the issue in which their work appears.
–Have an idea for a feature article or a regular column? Tell us all about it. Pay negotiable.

Taking Submissions: Solar Punk Magazine October 2024 Window

Submission Window: October 1st-14th, 2024
Payment: Fiction: 1500-7500 words ($.08 per word, $100 minimum), Poetry: One poem of up to three pages ($40 per poem), Nonfiction: 1000-2000 words ($75 per essay or article), Cover Art: $100 for reprints, $200 for original unpublished, Interior Art: $50 for reprints, $100 for original unpublished
Theme: Speculative fiction works that stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement

Submissions are currently closed. Our next and final submission windows for 2024 will be open from October 1-14, 2024. Our 2025 submission schedule will be released by the end of summer 2024.

(Note: At the moment, our nonfiction department is always open for submissions. If the fiction, poetry, and art portals are closed and you submit those through the open nonfiction portal, your submission will be automatically rejected without being considered.)


Ongoing Submissions: Write or Die non-fiction articles on writing

Payment: $50 for essays, $25 for interviews
Theme: Essays that focus on the writing life and especially love work where the personal intersects with the critical. Pitches for interviews with authors
Editor’s Note: This isn’t a fiction market but as what they’re looking for so directly pertains to authors, I felt you might all be interested!


We are interested in essays that focus on the writing life and especially love work where the personal intersects with the critical. We love essays that examine how publishing, reading, teaching, spirituality, sexuality, identity, obsession, labor, and family shape writing. Unconventional book reviews, insights on niche literary topicslyric essays on craft, and stories about writing that are also about something seemingly unrelated really excite us. More than anything, we like to be surprised, so if you think you have something that speaks to writing or literature in some way, send it to us!

  • Always open
  • Pays 50 USD
  • Max words: 3000
