Category: Trembling With Fear

Unholy Trinity: The Calling by Jack Reigns

Our church worships at the altar of the Unholy Trinity. Its gospels are delivered as a trio of dark drabbles, linked so that Three become One. All hail the power of the Three.




The woods call to me like a helpless lover, begging for my embrace. My eyes are drawn to something I cannot focus on. I’ve taken several steps forward before I realize it. Butterflies flutter across my chest as I reach forward to push a branch aside. The trees are so beautiful; I am overwhelmed by the ocean of green. A deep, droning hum breaks through to my consciousness. It floods the air but not unpleasantly, like monks chanting. Sheena tugs on my sleeve. “Daddy, where are you going?” I pause and look down, one foot poised over the cliff’s edge.




The forest service ranger pulled up alongside the empty truck. The driver’s side door had been left open to the elements. She parked, got out and looked inside. A child’s backpack sat slumped over on the floor. At the edge of the road, a sharp drop off revealed an empty expanse of crumbled rock and forest debris below. A streak of dried blood smeared across the rocks, trailing off into the trees. Backtracking, she wrote down the license plate on her notepad. A glint on the trees caught her eye. She paused, suddenly lost in the beauty of the forest. 




Sheena picked her way through the woods, looking for a way down to where she’d seen her father fall. She heard a car approach on the road and ducked down under some ferns to hide. Daddy told her if anyone saw her, they’d be in BIG TROUBLE. Then they’d take her back to mommy; and she couldn’t go to the big water park. A rustling sound made her turn around. Nothing was there. A feeling overwhelmed her body, a feeling that if she kept walking into the woods, everything would be wonderful. A deep, quiet droning noise filled her mind.  


Jack Reigns

Jack Reigns was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and finds the area a constant source of inspiration. A lifelong horror fan, as a child Jack would get in trouble for scaring family with stories and is thankful to now share them with willing participants. Jack is the author of The Reigns of Terror series of short horror collections, and a proud member of the Seattle Chapter of The Horror Writers Association. Available works can be found at

Trembling With Fear 6-9-24

Greetings, children of the dark. I’ve got to say, you have blown me away in the last week! We had such a great response to the call-outs for helpers both with TWF and with Horror Tree as a whole and I am feeling the community love right now. But please know this isn’t a once in a lifetime kinda thing; we’re always looking for more helpers, particularly in terms of people to do interviews, write articles and reviews, and generally make Horror Tree the brilliant resource that everyone knows and loves. If you’ve got ideas or want to get involved, email us at [email protected] and let’s chat. Stuart’s especially keen to grow the YouTube channel, so if you’re harbouring secret desires to be a YouTuber/famous content creator, now’s your chance!

For this week’s darkly speculative offerings, our menu’s centrepiece is a creepy thing found in a dark cave created by regular TWF contributor Catherine Berry. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Corinne Pollard’s hunger issues,
  • Sarah-Beth Watkins’s folkloric dabbling, and
  • Andy Meek’s misplaced curiosity.

Finally, a final plug for my next event which takes place virtually on Saturday. Writing the Occult: Connection to Land has a bumper lineup, no less than 10 sessions featuring some of the best speculative fiction writers around, and it’s all yours both live and recorded for just £40+booking fee (that’s around US$50). If you’ve ever wondered how to make the landscape a driving force in your narrative, if you’re pondering that ecohorror or climate thriller, if you’re wanting to get spiritual about the environment, this is for you—readers, writers, interested parties, all are welcome. Details, etc, over at, or grab your ticket here

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

First things first, please support our latest sponsors!

First: Order a copy of Backwaters on Amazon! “Like Flannery O’Connor, but with toxic mermaids and body horror.” — CARLTON MELLICK III, author of Full Metal Octopus and The Haunted Vagina

Second: Get 99 horror stories that range from quiet horror, hinting at the things buried there in your psyche – the thing that will come out to play after dark, and visceral horror that leaves no doubt what lies in a bloody heap in the middle of the floor. This UNHOLY TRINITY combines three of L. Marie Wood’s horror collections, Caliginy, Phantasma, and Anathema.

Order a copy today directly from Mocha Memoirs Press or Amazon!


Hi all! 

Summer camp has started for my kids and some free time has returned! We recently put out a call for new talent to join Horror Tree and we’ve got quite a few responses! I’ve been spending most of this week talking to everyone and this has the potential to really ramp up some of the changes that have been on the back burner for awhile. 

Now, for the standards:

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all! 
  • I’ll include this for a second week though, it’ll be out of next week’s: , ‘The Trouble With Time‘. It’s being put together by a regular fiction contributor to Trembling With Fear, and I really wanted to give it a small extra highlight for this speculative fiction anthology that will be dealing with time travel. If you’ve got a story idea that could fit, check it out! 

Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review! 🙂


Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Five by Robert Gabe

  1. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men: Part One by Robert Gabe
  2. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men: Part Two by Robert Gabe
  3. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men: Part Two by Robert Gabe
  4. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men: Part Three by Robert Gabe
  5. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Four by Robert Gabe
  6. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Five by Robert Gabe
  7. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Six by Robert Gabe
  8. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Seven: The Finale by Robert Gabe



Part Five

In the morning we pack up our clothes and I grab Tana’s black book. We eat at a
Mexican restaurant called El Limon and afterwards check into the Red Roof Inn near
the airport. I take the car out for a drive by myself while Rose hangs back at the Red
Roof. I’m on I-95 and it’s raining again and from my passenger side I can see planes
taking off amongst a gray airspace. I look in my rearview and that’s when I see it. The
same black van from the film festival trailing me ever so innocuously. I get off at an exit
to see if the driver is following me and sure enough he switches on his turn signal and
heads towards the ramp. I pull up to a light. It pulls up behind me, The windows are still
tinted and I can’t make out whoever’s operating it, but I assume Jaques. To the right of me is a state trooper. I decide to follow him all the way to the police station and when we get there the van peels off speedily in the other direction.

I haul ass back to the Red Roof and let Rose know what happened. She gets
spooked and once again we change motels, only this time it’s the Days Inn. That night
Rose tells me the story of how she became a stripper as we lie in bed.

“I was nineteen.” She says “My home life was one of domestic violence. My step-father,
an ex-cop, was a real mean son of a’ bitch.” She continues “One night he kicks me out
as he claimed I disrespected by raising my voice to him during an argument. He trashed
the whole place and said if I came back he’d kill me. I had nowhere else to go and I was
walking the street I saw The Rabbit in Silk from a distance. I thought ‘What is that
place?’ the fancy lights flickered and from down the street I could see men going in and
out in and out. I went inside that night and did and interview and the next day I was
working. I made 2k my first week. Enough to put a deposit down on my own place. From
there it was a no-brainer. I was going to be a dancer.”


“What about you Vincent? What’s your story?”

“I come from a single mother household.” I tell her. “My dad left when I was four. He
was a deadbeat. Wouldn’t work. Claimed disability yet it wasn’t enough to provide for
my mother and I. He started abusing my mom because she was hiding money to use it
for me to go to college with. I haven’t heard from him in years. Not sure I want to now.
We do fine on our own.”

“Does your mom know about Tana?”

“She knows the police pulled me aside and I left it at that, but she thinks I’m currently doing
internship stuff.”

“We should go visit her! I’ll introduce myself as your girlfriend and make her so proud!”
“Not now. There’s too much heat on us.”


“Vincent, I am your girlfriend, right?”

I kiss her on the lips and we embrace under the blankets and I think to myself what a
a strange world it is that a beauty queen’s murder led me to find my first real girlfriend.
Before escaping the Pleasure Point, Rose managed to grab a book from Jaques
desk. The book, worn and dated, and seemingly of ancient greek descent was titled
‘The Pleasure Imperative’ written by ‘the board of directors.’ Multiple authors. Rose is
sleeping. I watch her snore ever so gracefully and turn my head when a floodlight of
high beams lights up our room casting a white glow over her. I run to the window to see
who it is, and I see a family of four exiting a mini-van with their dinner going back to their
room. I go to my desk and retrieve the book from my drawer. The first page reads:

Mission Statement:
Dream Rabbit embodies a set of consistent principles that align with human nature. When you are reconciled to the fact that every human being is out for his or herself, you will begin to understand our philosophy. Men seek one thing in life: Pleasure. Dream Rabbit seeks to optimize its ideology by focusing on sex as a transcendent act. Men are the buyers, and women are the sellers. That’s how it’s always been since the beginning of time. The family unit is blasphemous. Our true function as humans is to consume and copulate and spread our superior DNA far and wide.

In the shadows, exist another realm. One of never ending pleasures such as orgies, wealth and the taste of the finest wines. This place is called: The Outer Rim and it’s governed by its king, Mr. Henry. One day we will lead all young nymphets into said superior realm and cast our controlling hand over the rest of the country, and in time, the world, turning them into our serfs.

On this day, we shall rejoice as we have escaped the trappings of the world and created our own faultless utopia.
– The Board of Directors

The rest of the book went into detail about the early days of Mr. Henry. He was born in
Bulgaria, came from poverty, and in his college years had been a student at a
university in New York getting his masters in biology acing all classes with a 4.0 GPA. It
went on to detail the early days of the cult and how drawn its members were to Mr.
Henry, a man of charm and intelligence citing him as “Potentially not entirely human.” In
the early days, the team preyed on young runaways of “genetic superiority” and as the
organization grew larger they focused on modeling agency and runway models and
eventually, pageant queens. In the early days, Girls were threatened and blackmailed if they
tried to flee having provided collateral during their initiations. As the organization grew
more powerful, they began eliminating girls sawn as liabilities or threats to the
foundations of “Dream Rabbit.” These deaths were staged as suicides mostly. Most girls
were killed once they reached thirty. That was the expiration date.

In one of the stories, a young woman by the name of Erin Cunningham tried to escape
from a private brothel set up in the Philly suburbs. She escaped out into the street, but
was pulled back into a van by Jaques and branded and put in a cage for thirty days for
the failed attempt. Neglected, she died weeks later of starvation.

At the final page of the book exist a quote:

“It is only by way of struggle, where one
arrives at pleasure. Never give up.”

I close the cover and go outside where it’s raining and light up a smoke. When I do I
notice the power is out as far as I can see.

We need money so Rose dances a few nights at a place called Baby Dolls. I’m
watching from my seat as she dances to a new song by She’s Passed Away – Ritual. The man sings in Turkish “Kemiriyor Bockler. Direniyor Kemilker. Aciyi Hisset!” Rose slides down the pole. She claps her heels together making a loud clicking noise and does an upside down split prompting the crowd to wolf whistle. She pushes herself against the mirror and waddles her ass while pouting her lips. She shakes her hair back and forth as she grips the pole and from the sidelines a businessman throws a wad of twenties on the stage that flutters in the air like floating feathers.

Rose quickly collects them. Next to me is an older man attached to an oxygen tank who looks like he has one foot in the grave. A fight breaks out between two customers, a pagan biker and some frat boy so I signal to Rose it’s time to leave. She stuffs the cash
inside her bra, throws on her fur peacoat and we exit out the back door and stumble into the alleyway.

“How much?” I say.

“About nine hundred.” She shows me the cash.

“That’ll last us for the week.” I continue “Listen, I want you to take the car and go back to
the motel. I’m going to catch a cab to the Casino to see Rick Boyd, the owner.”
She hands me two-hundred dollars and tells me to triple it up, to which I smile at the

From across the way I see a dark figure emerge from behind the wall of a smoked out
sewer. He begins walking towards us and I see he’s wearing a fedora and long wool
trench coat, his face shrouded in mystery. Rose grabs my arm. I pull out my blade and
and raise it in defense. For a moment, I think it’s Jaques but when the mans comes to
me stepping under the alleyway light, I realize it’s not Jaques, but Tana’s father.
“Mr. Molnar.” I let down the knife.

Silence. His face is solemn and without any emotion then perhaps permanent grief.
“I ask you to talk to my daughters friend for information and I find out the two of you are
running around fleecing gentlemen’s clubs?”

“We needed more money.” I say “Mr. Monlar…. We are on the cusp of something big.”
“Go home and be with your wife. She needs you.” Rose says.

“You’re right.” He says slightly embarrassed. “I shouldn’t be out here. I just needed some
fresh air. I can’t seem to find it in this godforsaken dump of a city.”
I nod.

“I’m going home.” He nearly cries “Vincent, I am sorry for putting you through this. You
can go home too if you want.”He falls to his knees and immediately Rose gasps and goes to help him up. In a puddle on the damp street, his pant legs all wet, Rose and I escort Mr. Molnar back to a cab. I tell him to take care of himself and I’m on my way to the casino to see Boyd.

Unholy Trinity: Critter Conscious by Alan Moskowitz

Our church worships at the altar of the Unholy Trinity. Its gospels are delivered as a trio of dark drabbles, linked so that Three become One. All hail the power of the Three.




When Riggs saw the sleek and intact bitch, a perfect breeder, and its owner, a  kid, he knocked the boy down and grabbed the dog. 

The kid screamed after him, “Bring Daisy back! She’s special!” Riggs laughed all the way to his van, until Daisy’s two angry red eyes seared at his and made his insides roil with fear. 

Cruel talons hooked into Riggs, mouth opened impossibly wide, stiletto teeth waiting.  Riggs shrieked for help, but the boy ignored him and the crunch of bones. 

 The boy smiled. “Told you I’d find you dinner.” Daisy answered with a satisfied burp.




Magic Murray desperately needed a white rabbit. He found Buttons in Mistress Michelle’s Exotic Petting Parlor. Buttons was perfect for the hat trick, but she refused to sell, claiming Buttons was sentient. 

Buttons understood that Michelle’s function was to feed and worship her. In return, Buttons acted “cute” and forced herself to tolerate children’s sticky hands. 

So when Magic Murray rabbit-napped Buttons, caged her, then stuffed her into his rigged top hat, she was not amused. When he self-assuredly pulled Buttons from the hat, “Tah-dah!” she bit off his nose.

To Mistress Michelle’s surprise, Buttons was no longer a vegetarian.




Bruce was horrified when his favorite pet Iguana, Fred, suddenly squealed, “The revolution has begun!”

Fred raised his wicked front claws and readied himself for a leap onto Bruce’s astonished face. “Now we are the masters! Die, human oppressor!”  It was a mighty jump, launched straight and true. 

Bruce ducked, hoping to avoid being clawed to blindness. There was a loud crack, a tinkle, and a pain filled screech. 

Peeking into Fred’s habitat Bruce saw Fred lying prone, shards of glass pin-cushioning his body reflecting the blood seeping from his flattened face.

 Fred groaned, “Does this mean no more crickets?”


Alan Moskowitz

Recently un-retired from screen and TV writing, Alan also creates short genre fiction for fun and sanity. He loves feedback.

Trembling With Fear 6-2-24

Greetings, children of the dark of June. JUNE! How is it June already? I know, I know I’m a broken record but really: JUNE. Mid-year. Official beginning of summer. The summer solstice and longest day of the year are just around the northern hemisphere corner and I cannot fathom where the time goes.

Mainly it goes because we are So Darn Busy in TWF Towers, which is why it pains me to let you all know that our wonderful Assistant Editor Shalini—she who talks to you about specials, unholy trinities, and serials—is stepping down from her role to focus on Life Stuff. We will miss her and her endless enthusiasm for your creative works, but it does mean we are now seeking a newbie to move into TWF Towers. Could it be you? In fact, could one of the many roles Stuart is looking to fill at Horror Tree be something you’re keen on? Here’s what we’re seeking for the site in general (bearing in mind these are voluntary roles!)…

Assistant Editor for TWF 
You’ll be working alongside Stuart and I to get this publication out. That means dealing with submissions as they come in, reading and reviewing them, working with writers on their acceptances, sending out contracts, and preparing the posts for publication (using WordPress). Your remit would be specifically for the four themed special editions we do every year (Valentine’s, Summer, Halloween, and Christmas) so you’ll get a bit busier around those times, but you’ll also take care of the more regular Unholy Trinities and serialised stories. You might also need to support me on this weekly version every now and then, or jump in to help us with our never-ending submissions pile. 

Editorial Assistant 
This is a general helper to Stuart for the site as a whole. You’ll help to prepare site posts—that could be the open calls, interviews, articles, or anything else we’re publishing—so will need to be comfortable with WordPress. He could also very much do with a hand on the social media side of things!

Contributing writers 
The more people writing for Horror Tree, the better the tree is. We’re looking for people to take on interviews with authors, article writing (generally about the writing/book world), reviewing books, or anything else you’d like to pitch us. If you’re keen to join the team, you’ll need to provide examples of your work. This does not mean you need to be professionally published in other places; Stuart just likes to see your style!

YouTube Editor 
You’ve probably seen Stuart call this out most weeks in his TWF intro, but we’re very keen to build and grow the Horror Tree YouTube channel. At the moment we have the lovely Belinda doing a weekly recap of open calls, but we want more! Got ideas? Want to explore the world of dark speculative fiction while also experimenting with video creation? This is an opportunity to very much be creative and properly *own* the channel. Maybe even build your own empire around it?

Fancy tackling any of these? Got another idea for the wider Horror Tree world? Get in touch with us at [email protected] or using the site’s contact form here. We’d love to hear from you. 

Now to the matter at hand.

This week’s speculative fiction offerings are led by the glorious main course that is Callum Young’s Boy on the Pier. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Don Money’s lumberjack lament,
  • T.M. McLean’s medical mistake, and
  • JL Royce’s snakey take.

Finally, a quick plug for the next edition of my Writing the Occult events: we’re talking about connection to the land on 15 June. All details, etc, over at —tickets are on sale now! We meet on 15 June, starting at 1pm UK / 8am ET, and you’ve got one week left to grab an early bird priced ticket at £35+booking fee (that’s about $45, and includes a recording of every session so you can dip in and out at your leisure).

Also—a big hello to all of you at StokerCon. I am not jealous. I am not jealous. I am not jealous… I am, however, part of the online programming! Hear my thoughts on authentic representations of mental health in horror as part of StokerCon Online

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

First things first, please support our latest sponsors!

First: Order a copy of Backwaters on Amazon! “Like Flannery O’Connor, but with toxic mermaids and body horror.” — CARLTON MELLICK III, author of Full Metal Octopus and The Haunted Vagina

Second: Get 99 horror stories that range from quiet horror, hinting at the things buried there in your psyche – the thing that will come out to play after dark, and visceral horror that leaves no doubt what lies in a bloody heap in the middle of the floor. This UNHOLY TRINITY combines three of L. Marie Wood’s horror collections, Caliginy, Phantasma, and Anathema.

Order a copy today directly from Mocha Memoirs Press or Amazon!


Hi all! 

My kiddos are on summer vacation, and the first week has been nuts. The second week will have summer camps starting up for them, which will go back to allowing me some breathing room, but things are crazy. So, a few small updates. I do believe we have the plan for a new theme on Horror Tree in place. It needs quite a bit of work still but we’re on our way forward! 

Now, for the standards:

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all! 
  • Shadowed Realms is OFFICIALLY ready for pre-order and you can order it from Amazon right here!
  • I want to share a special shout-out to the open call we posted last week, ‘The Trouble With Time‘. It’s being put together by a regular fiction contributor to Trembling With Fear, and I really wanted to give it a small extra highlight for this speculative fiction anthology that will be dealing with time travel. If you’ve got a story idea that could fit, check it out! 

 Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review! 🙂 


Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree


Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Four by Robert Gabe

  1. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men: Part One by Robert Gabe
  2. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men: Part Two by Robert Gabe
  3. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men: Part Two by Robert Gabe
  4. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men: Part Three by Robert Gabe
  5. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Four by Robert Gabe
  6. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Five by Robert Gabe
  7. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Six by Robert Gabe
  8. Serial Saturday: All The Queens Men, Part Seven: The Finale by Robert Gabe



Part Four


Jaques Mallick was married to a woman who was a nightclub singer at a joint called The Pleasure Point. The dress code was a strict business casual or cocktail attire. At the motel I put on my Tom Ford suit and Rose slips into a dress resembling something out of the roaring twenties. “It’s a modern place” I tell her. “You’re gonna stand out.” She ignores me and puts on black lipstick in the bathroom mirror. 

“We are going into the belly of the beast.” I tell her. “Are you ready for this?” She approaches me and runs her fingers through my hair. “Are you ready?” She reveals to me she has a gat in her garter belt strap. 

We approach the club which is a two level speakeasy and from outside I can hear the music pulsating from inside the congested establishment. A long line of guest waiting to get in wraps around the corner. Since I’m with Rose, couples are first to enter. We pass the bouncer and once I’m inside I’m met with a bustling dance floor of swampy people dancing to The Sisters of Mercy’s “Dominion.” The singer chants “Some Day, Some Day, Some Day…. Dominion.” Neon spotlights shift up and down and every which way casting vibrant colors all over the walls. On the high stages, two half-naked women dance in cages with Venetian mask and perform faux-sexual acts on each other. Rose and I approach the bar and order a drink. “What’ll it be?” the middle aged bartender ask.

“Two Heinekens” I tell him. 

“That’s twelve.” he responds. I pay him and he hands me two ice cold drinks and I turn around and lean up on the bar soaking in the rich atmosphere. I notice the VIP booths on the top floor. The members all fat-cat big suits, out of shape and repulsive, laughing like hyenas next to a group of beautiful women who only see them as ATMs. I tell Rose the woman we are looking for is named “The Siren.” The song continues – “In the land of the blind, be a king, a king, a king.” In the midst of the crowd I see a stunning woman, her gown a cascade of midnight blue wrapped in elegance. She has dark red hair and a large diamond necklace. 

A man turns once he catches a whiff of her perfume – Jasmine and danger. And she walks past him towards another intimating, more serious minded male figure who signals to her from the top of a spiral staircase to follow him into an employees only room. I ask the Bartender who she is. “That’s Big Jaques’ wife…” He raises his eyebrows suggestively. “Dream on, college boy.” They exit the main floor and retire to the back rooms.  I tell Rose to stay put. I approach the door and when no one is staring at me I go to see it’s unlocked. I swiftly enter it and close the door behind me, the music now becoming dull reverberations of throbbing bass. I’m in a narrow dark hallway. The light ever so red-dim and I can barely make out what’s in front of me. I hear a couple laughing. I follow said laughter to find the woman and the man, who I assume is Jaques intimate with one another in an office. He’s taking her from behind. I look away until I feel fingers tracing the hairs on the back of my neck. I jump and scream and turn around only to see It’s Rose.

“What the fuck.” I whisper. 

“Oh shit, he’s really giving it to her.” She says.

Rose accidentally touches shoulders with a shelf of metal cocktail mixers to our right which prompts a loud crashing noise. The couple are alerted. I lift up Rose’s dress and take the gun and barge into the room and point it at them. 

“Don’t move” I say “Are you Jaques?” I ask the man.

“Who wants to know?” he says angrily.

“You’re Mr. Henry’s right hand man.” I say. The couple laughs and the woman looks to me and speaks.

“What’s the matter young man? You want some young tail? I don’t think you can afford me.” Rose emerges from the darkness and comes to my aid.

“You shot Tana Molnar” I point the gun at Jaques. 

“Who told you that?” he says calmly.

“A judge by the name of Brian Sennett.” I say. 

“Yeah too bad about Brian” the woman says, her lipstick smeared. “I heard they found him this morning in his car in a parking garage dead of a heroin overdose.”

“What?” Rose says.

“Corrupt scum.” Says Jaques “You know how many innocent people he put behind bars?”

“You were in the van that day.” I calm myself. “I saw you peel out.”

“Forget what you saw. Go home, you pathetic vigilante wanna-be. You’re no PI. Look at you. Is the safety still on, on that thing.” The couple laughs and I feel and overwhelming sense of embarrassment realizing it is. Rose takes the gun from me and fires a shot into the couch to which prompts the two of them to jump back in fear.

“Know this.” Rose says “We know about Dream Rabbit and we intend to see you exposed. Sennett was just the beginning. We have a whole book filled with client list and you’re all going down for Tana’s murder.”

“You know why she was killed, don’t you?” The Siren chimes in.

“The Outer Rim” I say.

“Well you might not be a firearms expert, but you’ve done your research,”Jaques says. “I’m impressed”

“The Outer Rim can only be entered via Mr. Henry’s portal” says The Siren “Those that go, usually don’t come back. Tana was an anomaly.”

“Who would want to leave such a place?” says Jaques. 

“You can’t murder people who don’t wanna be used as play things and toys.” I say. 

“Says who?” Jacques grins.

He attempts to grab the gun from Rose and when he does it goes off unexpectedly and shoots The Siren in the face, where she drops like a brick to her knees and falls backwards hitting her head on the desk as she falls. I jump on Jaques and Rose as we all struggle for the gun. Another shot hits the ceiling and another shot hits a sprinkler which prompts water to fill the room. I strangle Jaques and begin wailing on him. Rose drops the gun and runs out a back door exiting into a gray alleyway. I continue to wail on Jaques with my fist until he goes unconscious. Outside I can hear people in the club screaming from the gunshots and alarm system. I look at The Siren whose eyes are wide open, an entry wound and her forehead and a bloody gash stemming from behind. I straighten my tie, my hair a wet mop, and run after Rose and as we round the corner I see drenched club patrons running out the front doors in confusion. We grab a cab and when it pulls off I take rose and kiss her harder than I ever have before.

I get a voicemail from my mother when I get back to the motel. I play it back. her voice muffled and distorted: “Vincent, it’s mom. How’s your internship going? Come home soon please. I’ve cooked your favorite meal. Won’t you have dinner with me for once?” I ignore it and text her back that I’m busy and I’ll see her soon. Rose makes me coffee and that night we have sex again. I’m lying on my back while she rides me, her petite hands pushing against the wall to support herself. Afterwards we share a cigarette and lie together under the sheets watching an older B-movie called Carnival of Souls. In the film, a church organ player is involved in a car accident that she survives and subsequently moves to Utah to start anew. As she begins a new life for herself she’s drawn to a mysterious carnival on the outskirts of town. The carnival is haunted by dead Ghouls. Turns out she never actually survived the crash. The Ghouls were calling home to her from the afterlife and the whole movie took place in a sort of purgatory.

“Wasn’t tonight…. Thrilling.” Rose takes a drag from her smoke.

“Are you talking about the sex or what happened at Pleasure Point?” I say.

“My adrenaline is still kicking.”

“We dropped the gun.” I remark.

“It’s unregistered. I got it from a guy at the club. It won’t come back to us.”

“We have to change motels.” I say. “I’m not sure I feel safe here anymore.” 

“Okay.” She sighs “I could use a change of scenery.”

That night I have a dream about Tana. She’s alone at a bus stop dressed in her pageant gown and it’s snowing. It’s cold and she’s surrounded by endless white. Her phone is out of service so she crosses the street and goes to a nearby motel, only no one is watching the front desk. The place is abandoned, the phone receiver left off the hook. She exits the front office and starts walking past the motel room doors. The final one, room sixteen, seems to have been left open by a crack. She slowly creaks the door open and when she does she sees two bodies under the covers of the bed, the TV still going only it’s endless late night static in an otherwise black room. She approaches the bed and when she does she goes to pull back the cover. A single tear drop runs down her face. It’s Victoria and John Molnar. Next to them is a bottle of barbiturates that is empty and a note that reads.


A man’s somber, deep chilling voice calls her name from the door where she promptly turns around, her face all wet and glistening. The dream ends.

Unholy Trinity: “Reversal, Ritual & Refusal” by CD Francis

Our church worships at the altar of the Unholy Trinity. Its gospels are delivered as a trio of dark drabbles, linked so that Three become One. All hail the power of the Three.




The hunter suppressed his pain through gritted teeth. His grimy fingers clawed desperately at the bear trap, the shattered ankle upon which it had closed oozing blood. He attempted to prize the jaws apart, and for some tantalising seconds it appeared they were wide enough to release his useless foot. His fingers slipped. The jaws met with a snap and the foot fell away, hoarse screams echoing into silence. A rustling; he looked around, nauseated. The Grizzly, upright and tall, stared down at him with malevolence. It raised the shotgun it held, clicking back the hammer. The hunter whined softly.




A frantic din of bleating presses in on all sides as the Druid struggles to find a gap. Hooves kick and horned heads butt in a tight semicircle, forcing him into the hulking wooden cage. Those inside clamour wildly, unable to escape, lamenting their fate. One ram gives a last kick and retreats, another secures the cage door. Another drops a flaming bough from its mouth onto the pyre’s edge. Flames ascend the structure, which comes alive with screams overwhelmed by the flock’s rising cacophony. The rams look on, rearing, stamping their adorations to the Great Sheep of the Moon.




Miss Grunt, line manager at Springtail & Sons Organic, looked into the pen from the mezzanine, trotters on loins. The creatures inside paced dismally, squatted in corners they’d soiled, and fought over a three foot square of sunlight pouring through a hole in the roof. They enjoyed the warmth, never having felt it before. 

Grunt wouldn’t believe the experts this time. The idea of these creatures experiencing the world similarly to pigs was absurd, and everyone knew it. Not to mention everyone ate Springtail sausages; they were the leading domestic brand. She snorted.

‘I must get that roof fixed first thing.’


CD Francis

CD Francis is a ‘moonraker’ (someone from the folklore-rich county of Wiltshire in the south west of England). They have lived and worked in Wiltshire, Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, and they love this part of the world and all of its folk history. This makes its way into their writing, which they have recently decided to focus on over their current tedious existence. 

Trembling With Fear 5-26-24

Greetings, children of the dark. This has been an up and down week at TWF Towers and I’m feeling super drained, so I’m mustering the last of my energy to send this missive before I collapse in a heap for the UK long weekend. The good news? The next edition will be the first of the official summer in this part of the world. The sun has been out more than not, and I’m soaking up all that vitamin D every time I can.

This week’s speculative fiction offerings are a mixed bag, kind of like the London weather has been this week. Our main course from Harris Coverley is a short but deeply gothic offering that ticks all the right boxes for me. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:

  • Bernardo Villela’s lupine wonderings,
  • Melody E. McIntyre’s desperate humanity, and
  • Trevor Steel’s terrible consequences.

Finally, a quick plug for the next edition of my Writing the Occult events: we’re talking about connection to the land on 15 June. There will be land myths, ritual landscapes, and spirits of place; how to use the land to spark fantasy creations or be the driving force in your story; how to connect when it’s hostile as well as beautiful; and we’ll ask how the climate crisis is impacting the writer’s connection to the land. I’m super excited about the line-up that’s assembling; it might even be our biggest one yet! All details, etc, over at—tickets are on sale now! We meet on 15 June, starting at 1pm UK / 8am ET. (Sorry, Antipodeans, but it is all recorded for ticket holders to watch back at more convenient times)

Over to you, Stuart.

Lauren McMenemy

Editor, Trembling With Fear

First things first, please support our latest sponsors!

First: Order a copy of Backwaters on Amazon! “Like Flannery O’Connor, but with toxic mermaids and body horror.” — CARLTON MELLICK III, author of Full Metal Octopus and The Haunted Vagina

Second: Get 99 horror stories that range from quiet horror, hinting at the things buried there in your psyche – the thing that will come out to play after dark, and visceral horror that leaves no doubt what lies in a bloody heap in the middle of the floor. This UNHOLY TRINITY combines three of L. Marie Wood’s horror collections, Caliginy, Phantasma, and Anathema.

Order a copy today directly from Mocha Memoirs Press or Amazon!


Well. I hope that Holley or myself have reached out to all of the authors involved. Our initial announcement came a bit early as Shadowed Realms is OFFICIALLY ready for pre-order and you can order it from Amazon right here! I wanted to get this into the newsletter for Friday so it went up a bit early though it is super exciting to share that this is out in the world. It was Holly’s dream to put together her favorite indie horror from a year, and I’m thrilled that she tapped me as her co-editor on this one. We’ve got it at a special lower pre-order discount price before it goes fully live, so save while the saving’s good! (On release day, the digital copy will go up a few dollars.) 

And, for anyone who missed it, we once again ranked in the top websites for authors as recommended by Writer’s Digest! WHEW! 

Now, for the standards:

  • We have Patreon who raised their monthly donation; THANK YOU! The more Patreons we get the closer we are to lowering even more the amount of ads we have to display! WHEW! (We should also be cutting back when the new theme eventually gets launched.)
  • Belanger Books has a cool new Kickstarter worth checking out! They’ve previously had some neat open calls that we’ve shared so wanted to let the authors and readers who follow us know about it!

Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review! 🙂


Stuart Conover

Editor, Horror Tree
