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Taking Submissions: New Myths Second 2024 Window

July 31, 2024

Submission Window: June 1st -July 31st, 2024
Payment: 3 cents/word with a minimum payment of $50 for all submissions, fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Book reviews for $50. Art for $80.
Theme: Science Fiction and Fantasy

Reading past issues is the best way to know if your submission is a good fit for NewMyths.com.

We like to balance each quarterly issue between science fiction and fantasy, dark and light, serious and humorous, hard and soft science fiction, and longer and shorter works.
Our readers are not fixated on a single style or tone or genre, but prefer a quality sample of the field. Think tapas or dim sum. Maximum length is 10,000 words. Please keep submissions PG or cleaner.

Submission Period

New Myths considers submissions between January 1-February 28 and June 1-July 31. 

Artwork, requests for book reviews, and other correspondence can be submitted at any time. 

Book Reviews

NewMyths publishes original book reviews. No reprints, please.

Reviews should be between 500-1,000 words. We prefer reviews of novels published within the past year but also consider reviews of older works, and reviews of poetry collections, anthologies, and nonfiction works related to fantasy and science fiction. Pay is $50.

Send inquiries to Candy at [email protected].


NewMyths publishes several book reviews per year, and we’d like to publish more. Unfortunately, with several thousand submissions per year, our hardworking editors don’t have a lot of time to review novels. If you are an author, agent or publisher, and have a novel or other work related to fantasy and science fiction that you would like to have reviewed, send an inquiry to Scott at [email protected]. If you don’t receive an answer, please assume that we simply don’t have the staff to review it. A solution might be to find someone who can write a review and submit it to us for consideration.


Payment is upon publication. NewMyths.com currently pays 3 cents/word with a minimum payment of $50 for all submissions, fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction and poetry. We purchase book reviews for $50. We purchase art for $80.


NewMyths.com acquires first publication rights only (we are not interested in stories that have already been published elsewhere). Authors retain their copyright on all works after first publication on the NewMyths.com website. By submitting content to NewMyths.com you agree that, should the content be accepted, you grant NewMyths.com a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right and license to digitally archive and display the content (aka Digital Archive Rights). In the case that we later desire to include your content in any other format (e.g. print, anthology, etc.), those rights will be separately negotiated at that time. Simultaneous Submissions: No problem. We ask that you please indicate in your submission that your story is a simultaneous submission, and notify us as soon as possible if it has been accepted by another publication.


Responses to your submissions may take as long as six months. Feel free to send a follow-up email query if you have not received a reply before the next submission period.

Your Personal Information

Your Personal Information: We save personal information and email addresses for the sole purpose of administering content submissions, administering payments, sending notice when the new issue is online or another NewMyths.com publication will be released. If you do not want to be notified, please let us know. These personal information and email addresses will never be sold or shared with any other organization.

How to Contact Us

Contact: Please send submissions as Word or pdf attachments to editor (at) newmyths.com (use @). Submissions received outside of the submission period (above) will be deleted, unread.

Please direct all queries to this email address:  editor (at) newmyths.com (use @).

Via: New Myths.