Category: Pay

Taking Submissions: 100 Word Project February 2025

Deadline: February 28th, 2025
Payment: $1
Theme: Drabble (100-word story) about a “Gear”

Submissions for the 100 Word Project from Manawaker Studio are open January thru May and July thru November.

The 100 Word Project is an ongoing project focused on 100 word stories which will be published as a monthly, themed online journal and in a yearly print anthology. Each month (except for June and December) will bring a new prompt, and on the first half of the next month nine of the submitted drabbles for that prompt will be posted in the public-facing section of the Manawaker Patreon alongside one drabble from Manawaker EiC, CB Droege. At the end of the year, the ten stories from each of the ten prompts will be assembled into the next volume of the 100 x 100 series. The project is curated and edited by CB Droege. 100 x 100 is published by Manawaker Studio as part of their regular line of anthologies.

Current prompt
The Prompt for February 2025 is ‘Gear‘.


Taking Submissions: Medieval Horror Novel Proposals

Deadline: April 30th, 2025
Payment: $2,000 advance with 25% Royalties upon completion and final approval of the manuscript
Theme: Medieval Horror

Medieval Horror Novel Proposals

Sentinel Creatives is now accepting book proposals for 2025 in the genre of Medieval Horror.

Deadline for Submissions: 30 April 2025

Proposal Pagecount: 1–2 pages

Remuneration: $2,000 advance with 25% Royalties upon completion and final approval of the manuscript

Novel Length: 50,000–75,000 words


We do not expect the proposed novel to be completed or even started yet. This is an opportunity to pitch your idea and work with us to bring it to life. 


We’re looking for original weird tales set in the medieval period that explore the human (and inhuman) experience through the lens of horror.


Taking Submissions: Sundog Literature 2025 Window #1

Deadline: March 1st – May 1st, 2025
Payment: $50
Theme: Writing that attempts to salvage something pure from the collision of warmth and cold, that says what it can about the world it finds itself in.


We publish two issues a year, September 1 and March 1. We accept general submissions for poetry, nonfiction, and fiction between two reading periods, and the first 300 submissions to each are free. We also run a collaborative writing contest in August. We also accept visual art all year.

    • General Submissions: March 1 – May 1
    • General Submissions: October 1 – December 1
    • Collaboration Contest: July 15 –  August 31


We are thrilled to finally be able to say that, starting with issue 17, we will be able to offer our contributors a small payment of $50 upon publication.

A Note on Our Aesthetic

We believe there is beauty in scars on smooth skin, in the small fissures where things begin to break apart. Sundogs are not the sun itself but phantom stars appearing on the horizon, illusions produced by the play of the sun’s heat with crystals of ice. They shed their light all the same. Many are tinged with color.

We look for this same quality in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. We want writing that attempts to salvage something pure from the collision of warmth and cold, that says what it can about the world it finds itself in. We seek a diversity of voices speaking from visceral, lived experience. We like truth we can stare at until our eyes water, words so carefully chosen we want to reread them as soon as we have finished.


Taking Submissions: Where Legends Walk

Deadline: April 30th, 2025
Payment: $10.00 USD and a contributor copy
Theme: Superhero stories featuring heroic feats of derring-do in the face of immeasurable evil

Oddity Prodigy Productions is proud to announce that we are open for submissions on our latest anthology: Where Legends Walk!
These superhero stories will be an exciting tribute to extraordinary feats in the day-to-day. There is a planned Kickstarter to cover publishing costs. Publishing date and distribution is as yet undecided.
The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2025.


Look to the skies! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to leave the bonds of earth and soar through the clouds? Do you have a tale of glory, justice and honor waiting to be unleashed? In our follow up to the Utopian world of Bright Mirror, Oddity Prodigy is proud to announce our newest project, Where Legends Walk, An Anthology of Superhero Stories.
We are looking for your best stories featuring heroic feats of derring-do in the face of immeasurable evil. So channel your inner hero, lace up your boots, and join us in the fight for justice.
If you need direction or inspiration, we recommend delving into the world of comics of all genres. We will be looking at the full range of stories, from Golden Age of mystery men such as the Justice Society of America, Silver Age of heroes like the Fantastic Four, the Bronze Age wonders like the New Gods, the grime and grit of the Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, all the way through to the Modern Age.


Ongoing Submissions: Jupiter’s Eye

Payment: Original Stories: $30.00, Reprint Stories: $15.00, Flash Fiction: 1 cent/word, Poems: $5.00, Articles and reviews: $10.00
Theme: Original science fiction stories about the exploration and settlement of other worlds

Jupiter’s Eye is a digest published three times a year, in April, August, and December, in print and digitally. It presents original science fiction stories about the exploration and settlement of other worlds. It also presents one or two original fantasy stories along that same theme. Although it does consider darker sf/f, it
does not present horror. It also presents a few original poems, again consistent with the overall theme.


Taking Submissions: Hellbound Highway

Deadline: August 31st, 2025
Payment: $15
Theme: Road trip terror

Are you brave enough to take a ride on the Hellbound Highway? HellBound Books is seeking short horror stories for an anthology on the theme of bad trips, which will be curated and edited by the double-trouble partnership of veteran horror writers Jane Nightshade and Ann O’Mara Heyward. We want road trips, sure, but also airplane journeys, ship crossings, railroad passages, heck even cattle drives–as long as it’s a trip and it’s B-A-D.

What if a family like the Griswolds from National Lampoon’s Vacation were zombies? What if a weary business traveler waits for the red-eye in an airport that is literally a portal to hell? What if the night manager of the local Greyhound bus station was a vampire who feeds off of the poor and desperate? What if a crook on the lam checks into a cheap motel and discovers that the usual cockroaches are mutants with deadly powers? What if someone stopped at a cafe in the middle of nowhere, and slowly realized that they were the special on next day’s menu?

These are the types of scenarios we are looking for, so let your creepiest imaginings run wild. Scary horror, psychological horror, or comedy horror are all welcome–it just has to be GOOD.


Taking Submissions: Wrath Month

Deadline: May 31st, 2025
Payment: $0.08 /word
Theme: Fantasy, science-fiction, and horror short stories that embrace punk and queer rage.

edited by
C.L. McCartney, Trip Galey & Robert Berg

We’re seeking fantasy, science-fiction, and horror short stories that embrace punk and queer rage.

There’s a glass ceiling in SFF representation, and we want you to throw a brick through it. Bring us the coven that burned Salem and your roaring bear-serkers. We want gangs of acid-wash werewolves, furious bipyromancers, flesh-eating femmes, and vengeant celestial bois—a cast of the downtrodden who make ruins of their oppressors.

Wrath lies at the heart of queer liberation—it can be a spur to action and the only righteous response to a world that would prefer we didn’t exist. So crash mainframes, collapse empires, and break normativity.

Pride month is over. It’s time for—

Wrath Month


Taking Submissions: Space Malfeasance

Deadline: February 23rd, 2025
Payment: Royalties
Theme: Think crime taking place in space

Space Malfeasance
Edited by Spearman Burke

Ten Percenters in space, the dirtbags, the malcontents: they’ll be out there, goldbricking like they’re getting paid to do it. Stories about the E-4 Mafia, the Sham Shielders, Airman Schmucketelli, the Lance Criminals. Some are heroes, some are complete idiots. Y’know, all the reasons your First Sergeant is on his second liver. If the aliens only knew what was coming, would they have surrendered so easily to mankind? Stories your commander reads every morning in the military police blotter…in spaaaaccceeee!
