Category: Magazine

Taking Submissions: khōréō April 2024 (Early Listing)

Submission Window: April 15th – May 15th, 2024
Payment: 10 cents per word and $500 for custom cover art and $100 for cover art drawn from an artist’s existing portfolio.
Theme: Fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and any genre in between or around it, as long as there’s a speculative element.
Note: You must identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora in the broadest definitions of the terms. This includes, but is not limited to, first- and second-generation immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, persons who identify with one or more diaspora communities, persons who have been displaced or whose heritage has been erased due to colonialism/imperialism, and anyone whose heritage and history includes ‘here and elsewhere’.

khōréō is a quarterly publication of stories, essays, and art: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and any genre in between or around it, as long as there’s a speculative element. We’re especially interested in writing and art that explore some aspect of migration, whether explicitly (themes of immigration, colonialism, etc.), metaphorically, or with a sly nod and a wink. Most importantly, we’re a new magazine and we’re still finding our identity: therefore, please don’t self-reject because you’re not sure if your work is a good fit. We won’t know until we see it, so please give us a chance to look!

See submission requirements & how to submit at the following pages:

Who can submit?

khōréō is dedicated to diversity and amplifying the voices of immigrant and diaspora authors and artists. We welcome, but do not require, a brief description of the author’s/artist’s identity in their cover letter.

We invite you to submit if you identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora in the broadest definitions of the terms. This includes, but is not limited to, first- and second-generation immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, persons who identify with one or more diaspora communities, persons who have been displaced or whose heritage has been erased due to colonialism/imperialism, and anyone whose heritage and history includes ‘here and elsewhere’. We especially encourage BIPOC creators who identify as the above to submit their work.

When reading submissions, we take in good faith that you identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora as described above. If you still aren’t sure if you should submit, please email [email protected].

We kindly request individuals who do not identify as such to support the magazine by reading our stories, subscribing, and helping spread the word instead.

Submission Periods

We have the following reading periods for fiction in 2024:

  • January 15-February 15 (Issue 4.3)
  • April 15-May 15 (Issue 4.4)
  • July 15-August 15 (Issue 5.1)
  • October 15-November 15 (Issue 5.2)

Please see the fiction submissions page for additional details.

In some cases, we may cancel a reading period as we have filled all available slots for the next issue. We will note these changes on our website and announce them on social media. Please follow us in Twitter, Instagram, or BlueSky to hear about these updates in real time.

Please note that art submissions are open year-round and audio submissions are open on an ad hoc basis.

khōréō is a quarterly publication of stories, essays, and art: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and any genre in between or around it, as long as there’s a speculative element. We’re especially interested in writing and art that explores the impact of human or cultural migration, whether voluntary or forced. Examples include themes of immigration, diaspora, and anti-colonialism, as well as more metaphorical interpretations of the term. Most importantly, we’re a new magazine and we’re still finding our identity: therefore, please don’t self-reject because you’re not sure if your work is a good fit. We won’t know until we see it, so please give us a chance to look!

khōréō is dedicated to diversity and amplifying the voices of immigrant and diaspora authors and artists. We welcome, but do not require, a brief description of the author’s/artist’s identity in their cover letter.

We invite you to submit if you identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora in the broadest definitions of the terms. This includes, but is not limited to, first- and second-generation immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, persons who identify with one or more diaspora communities, persons who have been displaced or whose heritage has been erased due to colonialism/imperialism, transnational/transracial adoptees, and anyone whose heritage and history includes ‘here and elsewhere’. We especially encourage BIPOC creators who identify as the above to submit their work.

When reading submissions, we take in good faith that you identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora as described above. If you still aren’t sure if you should submit, please email [email protected].

We kindly request individuals who do not identify as such to support the magazine by reading our stories, subscribing, and helping spread the word instead.

What we want

We are looking for short fiction under 5,000 words. Because we are a new journal, we have a stricter budget and therefore prefer stories under 3,500 words. Anything over 5,000 words will be rejected without being read.

Stories must contain a speculative element in order to be considered; if there isn’t some element of fantasy, sci-fi, horror, etc. in the story, it’s not for us. The speculative element should be integrated into the piece—a random mention of a ghost on page 12 of 16 isn’t going to be the right fit.

Please submit stories through our Moksha system. Please submit based on length — stories ≤1,500 words should go into our flash queue, while stories 1,501-5,000 words should go into the short story queue.

UPDATE 10/2022: We now allow authors to submit one story each to the short story and flash queue. We do not allow authors to submit more than one story every submission period to a given queue.

Please format your story using the Shunn modern manuscript format (details at this link: Authors are not expected to provide their mailing address until acceptance.

Cover Letters

Cover letters aren’t mandatory, but there are a few things that are really helpful for us to see from you.

  • Submission status: If the piece is a simultaneous submission, please let us know in your cover letter and withdraw the piece immediately if it is accepted elsewhere. Being a simultaneous submission won’t impact whether or not we accept the piece.
  • Content warnings: Please include content warnings in your cover letter and in the text of your piece. Content warnings will not impact whether or not we accept your piece; we’ve published some really dark stories. However, they do let us assign stories to our First Readers more thoughtfully. More on content warnings in the next section.
  • Genre: Please include the general genre of the piece in your cover letter (fantasy, sci-fi, horror, etc.); this makes it easier for us to assign it to our First Readers according to their preferences. Submissions that omit this won’t be penalized — it’s just a little more convenient for us. 🙂
  • Feedback preference: We can’t provide feedback on every piece we receive, but we try where we can. If you do not want feedback, please let us know in the cover letter! We’ll respect your wishes.
  • Author bio: Tell us a bit about yourself! This can include, but is not limited to, your identity; past sales; inspiration for the piece or particular qualifications for writing it (e.g., if you are an internationally renowned chess player and your story is about chess, tell us!).

Content Warnings

If your story requires a content warning, please include a brief description below the title of your piece as well as in your cover letter. In addition, please check the box indicating that your story has content warnings on the submission form. Including content warnings will not negatively impact your chances of getting accepted—in fact, noting them where they are warranted actually helps your chances, since that means we can get the story to the right First Reader!

If you’re not sure if your story requires content warnings, it’s better to err on the side of caution. We’ve included a list below for some ideas of what could constitute a content warning, so just flip through it and see if your story contains any of the terms.

If you are fundamentally against the concept of content warnings and refuse to include them on principle, then we are not the right venue for you and we wish you the best of luck submitting your work elsewhere.

  • Sexual Assault
  • Abuse
  • Child abuse/pedophilia/incest
  • Animal cruelty or animal death
  • Self-harm and suicide
  • Eating disorders, body hatred, and fatphobia
  • Violence (specifying graphic, against children, domestic violence, etc. is helpful)
  • Pornographic content
  • Kidnapping and abduction
  • Death or dying (specifying death of a parent, child, etc. can be helpful)
  • Pregnancy/childbirth
  • Miscarriages/abortion
  • Blood
  • Illness (e.g., cancer, seizures)
  • Mental illness and ableism
  • Racism and racial slurs
  • Sexism and misogyny
  • Classism
  • Hateful language directed at religious groups (e.g., Islamophobia, antisemitism)
  • Transphobia and transmisogyny
  • Homophobia and heterosexism


What we don’t want

Please do not send us stories with gratuitous gore or violence; fridging (where a character dies or undergoes pain in service of the protagonist’s story or to serve as character development); overwhelming racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. elements that are not subverted or challenged; clichés; “it was all a dream” endings; stories where a person from a non-marginalized group experiences life as someone from a marginalized background.

We are currently not accepting novelettes or novellas, but hope to expand in the future. We may also consider serialized stories one day.

We do not accept multiple submissions, unsolicited resubmissions, or reprints.

Please do not withdraw and resubmit the same story in one submission window; stories that are caught doing this will be rejected. Stories are assigned to first readers at least once per day and usually read quite quickly.

Stories over 5,000 words will be rejected without being read. Please don’t try to “trick” us.

Submission Process

Each story is assigned to a first reader, who reads the piece in its entirety before scoring it and providing an initial recommendation (reject or pass up to editors). This step is usually complete within a couple of days.

Regardless of score, an editor reviews each story before finalizing the decision. While most stories have their first read complete within a couple of days, this second step tends to be our bottleneck, since there’s just a small team reading the Fiction stories, and we usually get ~400/window.

Therefore, having a high queue number does not mean your story hasn’t been read already. For this reason, please do not withdraw and resubmit the same story in one submission window; stories that are found doing this will be rejected.

If you made a truly horrific mistake (like, you submitted the wrong file), reach out to [email protected] when you make the discovery and we’ll figure out if there’s a way to make things right.

A typo does not count as a horrific mistake; we haven’t rejected a single story because of a typo. Realizing you could have rewritten a few sentences or added/killed a paragraph does not count as a horrific mistake either, and stories that are accepted go through a revision process; however, please make sure your story is ready and final before submitting it.

What we offer

Payment at SFWA pro rates ($0.08/word $0.10/word).

What we ask for

At a high level, we ask for:

  • Non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferrable first-world English-language rights to publish in digital, ebook, and print
  • Right to republish in an anthology of stories that have previously appeared in the magazine within 24 months of initial publication in our magazine
  • Nonexclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable license to archive the story on our website for at least 36 months
  • Nonexclusive right to record audio and share it on our website for at least 36 months

Any rights not granted explicitly to us by the contract are retained by the author.

Via: khōréō.

Ongoing Submissions: Flash Digest

Payment: Original Stories: 1 cent a word, Cover art: $15.00, Interior art: $5.00
Theme: Original stories that are entertaining and/or have a serious point to them. We prefer to see stories with plot, tension, suspense, conflict, and character development.

Flash Digest is published quarterly, in January, April, July, and October, in print and as an ePub and PDF. It presents original science fiction, fantasy, and spooky horror stories of flash fiction length, which we regard as less than 1500 words. The lead editor is Terrie Leigh Relf.

Flash Digest wants non-AI original stories that are entertaining and/or have a serious point to them. We prefer to see stories with plot, tension, suspense, conflict, and character development. Remember, if readers do not care what happens to your main character[s], they won’t read the story. The narrative should maintain a sense of wondering what’s going to happen next; of what’s lurking just around the corner. Showing is better than telling. Frex, instead of telling the reader that it’s cold, show your character shivering, stomping feet, or having ice form on beard or hair. The inner thoughts and emotions of your character[s] are just as important.

As we will publish no more than six to eight stories per issue, we will be very picky with what we select. Just sayin’.


Taking Submissions: Story Unlikely Magazine 2024 Window

Deadline: September 29th, 2024
Payment: 8 cents per word up to $400
Theme: No restrictions on genre (seeking all types of stories; fiction and creative nonfiction)
Note: Must be subscribed (free) to the magazine in order to submit, no submission fee.)


Please note that we have additional perks and leeway for MEMBERS, highlighted in GREEN. Your membership not only gives you a leg up in the submission process, but helps keep the lights on (and pay our talented writers).

Why submit to us?
– WE PAY WRITERS FAIRLY. It’s hard work writing good stories, and you deserve to get paid. Or maybe you don’t and you’re just duping us? Regardless, we pay 8 cents a word for stories up to 2,500 words. Stories longer than this are capped at $200 payment ($400 for MEMBERS).
– NO SUBMISSION FEES. We’re not saying the other guys are getting rich off $3 per submission, but there’s something about the idea that we, as writers, have you pay you, the publisher, just for the privilege of rejecting our work with a form letter, bothers us. (Costs of running an E-zine aside) We’re going to go ahead and coin a phrase right here and now – ‘Write privilege’, get it? Of course, you do.
– GET YOUR WORK IN FRONT OF A LARGE AND GROWING AUDIENCE. Our aim is fixed on telling good stories, period, and because of that we have built a massive readership from all over the globe. Want to get your stories out to more than just dear old nana? Then you’ve come to the right place.
– REASONABLE TURN-AROUND TIME. If you haven’t heard from us within 90 days, then your story was rejected. Rejections stink – we get it – but its better than forever waiting and wondering. All MEMBERS get their stories reviewed within ONE month!
– WORKABILITY. Is that the right term? Well, we’re going with it. Unlike large publishers who view authors as just a number, we actually work with you to help present the story in its best possible light. We do, however, expect reciprocity; Story Unlikely is comprised of volunteers who are by nature team players. If you’re an inflexible my way or the highway type – or even worse, an unbearable ideologue – then consider this a premature breakup. No really, it’s us, not you.
– GET ILLUSTRATED. We illustrate ALL stories we publish, and we think we’re doing a pretty bang-up job with that.

What to Submit to us?
– STORY LENGTH: Our story limit is 10,000 words, but MEMBERS can submit up to 15,000 word stories.
– CONTENT: To put it simply, we’re looking for good stories, measured both by the quality of the writing and the skill in storytelling. We prefer prose that elicits emotion: make us laugh or cry, think or consider, anything on the edges or in between.
– GENRE AND STYLE: Good stories don’t just come in all shapes and sizes, but in all genres, too (fiction and nonfiction). Although some genres naturally lend themselves to certain feelings, by no means do we expect authors to follow preordained paths. We like stories that cross genres, experiment, and push the boundaries of literature while maintaining the utmost quality in literary technique and storytelling, which is why we’re open to just about anything.
– WHAT WE’RE NOT LOOKING FOR: Excessive anything. Think PG-13, R if necessary. We’re not attempting to salt the earth with more cultural dogma couched as mediocre fiction, or writers who are jockeying for the title of Most Woke. There’s enough of that out there already. You want to impress us? Write a good story. You want to get published? Write a great one.
– NEW STORIES AND REPRINTS: We accept previously published stories – and oh how we love a good reprint(!), as long as you, dear author, have retained full rights. For reprints, we pay 1 cent per word with a maximum payout of $75, and $150 for MEMBERS – the story can still be up to 15k in length, or 10k for non-members.
– A NOTE ON PODCASTING: Last year we began telling stories audibly through our podcast. Click HERE for details on our podcast publishing guidelines. All submissions will be considered first for our magazine, and second for our podcast.
– ONE STORY PER AUTHOR PER 90 DAYS: We do not accept multiple submissions. We DO accept simultaneous submissions (IE, you can send it out somewhere else at the same time. Just inform us immediately if it is accepted.) MEMBERS can submit stories once every 30 days!
-PERSONAL FEEDBACK: Though we don’t respond to rejections, historically we have sent constructive feedback to stories that were close but didn’t quite cut the mustard (what does that even mean?). Moving forward, we will only respond with personal critiques to MEMBERS, (though again, only a small percentage of stories will receive feedback). We are run by volunteers, and with our ever-increasing costs, we have to prioritize those who help us stay financially viable. For a chance to receive personal feedback, Members MUST submit through our Member Portal


Taking Submissions: Weird Horror Magazine March 2024 Window (Early Listing)

Submission Window: March 2nd – March 15th, 2024
Payment: 2¢ (2-cents) per word , with a $25 minimum and $100 maximum and 2 contributor’s copies
Theme: Horror and weird fiction from 500 to 5,000 words, firm.

OPENS: March 2, 2024

CLOSES: March 15, 2024

We are seeking horror and weird fiction from 500 to 5,000 words, firm. Query first if your story is over 5,000 words. We are a home for the strange, the macabre, the eerie, the esoteric, the fabulist, and the gothic. The darkly numinous. The odd. We are not interested in extreme horror. Do not send science fiction or fantasy.


Ongoing Submissions: Interzone

Payment: (EUR) 1.5¢ per word (one and one-half euro cents)
Theme: Fantastika (“the fantastic in literature as a whole, encompassing science fiction, Fantasy, fantastic horror and their various subgenres (see also Gothic SF; Horror in SF; SF Megatext), but not Proto SF. It is a concept normally restricted to narratives.”)


First of all, —Interzone is always open to unsolicited submissions of fantastika of between 2,000 and 17,500 words from everyone, whoever or wherever you are.

If you aren’t sure what is included under the umbrella of fantastika, check out the fabulous entry in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.

I want to read stories that tell of change and transformation; stories that describe the boundlessness of the human soul. I want to see writers experiment and take risks with stories that wend their way through the labyrinth of this world, and with stories that string bridges of their own creation to places I have never seen.

Submit stories that rend the heart, shock the brain, and leave the world a different place.


Taking Submissions: The Quiet Ones Annual 2024 Window (Early)

Submission Window: July 1st, 2024 – August 1st, 2024
Payment: $25.00 (USD) per piece
Theme: Quiet Horror and Intimate-Scale Dystopian Fiction


  • Short Stories up to 3000 Words
  • Flash and Micro Fiction up to 1200 Words
  • Fiction-in-Verse up to 1200 Words

Author Compensation: $25.00 (USD) per piece

Rights: We request first worldwide and digital rights for four months following publication. Thereafter all rights revert to the author. All copyright remains with the author.

Genre: Quiet Horror and Intimate-Scale Dystopian Fiction (see our updated FAQ page for more on how we define Quiet Horror and Intimate Dystopia).


Taking Submissions: The Stygian Zine July 2024 Issue

Deadline: May 31st, 2024
Payment: $20 (CAD) and a contributors copy
Theme: Writing on your view of the meaning of the word “Stygian”

After the release of our first publication “The Stygian Collection”, there was demand to continue producing anthologies. To continue growing our community and keep the anthology spirit alive, The Stygian Society will be releasing a literary zine every January and July!

Focusing on the theme “Stygian”, we ask writers to meditate on their meaning of the word. We are open to poetry, short stories, non-fiction articles, personal insights and visual art (including comics)!

For written works please do not exceed 2500 words (poetry included). For comics please do not exceed 5 pages.


Ongoing Submissions: Heathen Magazine

Payment: $0.05 per word
Theme: Horror and dark fantasy fiction

Heathen is a new literary magazine and multimedia platform spotlighting the best in horror and dark fantasy fiction. Released quarterly in a digital medium, the stories you’ll find in Heathen will be available in both text and audio formats. Once a year, the most-read (and listened to) stories will be collected in a physical annual.
