Anti-Social Skills for Improve Your Writing
Anti-Social Skills for Improve Your Writing
In reality, it is important to improve your social skills to interact with other people better. But a writer needs some anti-social skills to pull off excellent writing. For instance, if you want to describe horror scenes, you need to set your unsocial side to work to describe better. It sounds weird, right? Don’t allow it to be.
Writers are typically introspective. They perceive the world with depth. So it helps them to carve out stories from their thoughts and contemplations. In most cases, writers are often viewed as idealists who lose themselves to the reflections in their minds. They bear untold stories in their hearts every step of the way.
However, some novice writers can’t even tell when their minds are creating a story. So the real challenge is to translate untold stories into a character’s words. You can find out about it on Ninjaessay. They offer essay samples that can help you to see the light. It comes to what your anti-social skills are and how to channel them to your writing.
What Are Anti-Social Skills?
First things first—what are anti-social skills? Let’s be honest. It’s challenging to create a meaning for anti-social skills in this context. It is because they are not typically described as skills but harmful behaviors that disrupt societal activities. In many cases, the phrase “anti-social” is often associated with personality disorders.” But in the world of writing, anti-social behavior is a skill and not a harmful behavior. Social skill is the ability to communicate with others. But an anti-social skill is the ability to communicate with yourself.
What sets writers with excellent anti-social skills apart is that their self-awareness skills are at the highest level. If you are self-aware, you can track your reactions to different circumstances. You can also change the way you view other people in a specific situation. So it makes it easier to write a compelling story or essay. So, let’s look at 5 anti-social skills to enhance your writing.
Writers are their “realities’ keeper.” So it makes it easier for them to observe other people better. Staring at others, how they speak, what they say, and how they talk about it—are valuable practices when trying to create realistic dialogues. Dialogue writing requires a lot of mental effort but it’s always worth it.
If you are the type that doesn’t care about other people’s conversations, it would surprise you how much you can learn from them when you do.
A few years ago, I stepped out of my apartment to buy some groceries. I met two men in the grocery store talking about how they were sick of their envious wives. They liked that their wives didn’t want to hang out with other women when they were dating. But at that point, they didn’t like it anymore. They wanted to explore more women.
I might have perceived them as a bunch of promiscuous men at that moment. But it is not about the topic. It’s the zeal, the environment, the dialects, feeling, subtext, description, context, dress sense, and many other factors. The man who I heard the most from was incredibly tired of his marriage. The other man kept encouraging him to find a girlfriend. Though even without staring, I could tell that they probably loved their wives at the beginning. But then, they couldn’t get a bang out of their marriages anymore.
To the casual eye, it’s just two men agreeing that marriage could get boring and thus it makes them feel sick. But when you streamline the conversations, it looked like this.
“Can you believe that I am starting to become sick and tired of living in that house with Melissa? You know what I mean?”
“I mean, I can’t believe it. I remember when I told Melissa that I can’t live without her. The good old days when my feelings for her were fresh…”
Of course, one of the men agreed that they wanted to explore a world outside their marriage. But did the other man agreed, or merely listening? And what does he think about his current marriage? Is the man trying to encourage his friend to follow his heart? It seemed so.
You don’t need to exaggerate a dialogue that reflects how human beings think and speak. In the same way, you don’t have to show the readers how to interpret it. They will naturally discern it.
Based on the context and conversation, readers can tell what one of the men meant by “Hmm.” Would you have flowed with the conversation? Or would you have viewed it through different lenses? Once you allow yourself to perceive situations outside the box, your dialogue will improve. It is the kind of refinement that you would hardly get from talking to your shoes or dog. It’s challenging to listen to your human voice only. That’s what eavesdropping is for.
Let’s face it. There is nothing like an “irrelevant dialogue” or an irrelevant subject matter during eavesdropping. It’s as human and genuine as it gets. You can register some conversations on your way to the restaurant and start piecing them together. That way, you won’t simply rely on some researches that spur your predecessors to write. You will keep authentic human voices in your mind.
A lot of voices have filled the world; you need to listen to them to hone your writing skills. Please don’t use headphones in cabs and just listen. Perhaps, you will come across something that unlocks your imagination or evoke similar conversations you’ve heard in the past.
An overheard dialogue can form the basis of a character in your book. The details you notice about a restaurant, subway and pub can form the pillar of your story’s setting. An overhead dialogue will heighten questions in your minds, causing you to dig deeper for answers.
Pretend unreal people are real
Pretending that elusive people are real means visualizing the characters you’ve created. You may make these characters your imaginary companions or buddies. These imaginary buddies aren’t stuffed animals that you typically place on your couch or bed. If your imaginary characters are sitting next to you in a restaurant, how would they react? How would they eat? What would they say? How would they address it? Imagine what your characters would do in different circumstances. You hone your writing skills by imagining and giving them action in your pages.
It’s not easy to pretend that unreal people are real. However, the process is a rewarding one. Let’s look at how the process can improve your writing skills.
- Language Skills
Have you ever done a perfect imitation of a humorous friend you’ve just met? Perhaps, you also imagined the way your university professor will react when you ask questions that he has answered. What would he say? These people are similar to the characters you’ve created in your book. Pretense or imaginative play helps you to get a better understanding of the impact of language in writing. You will also learn that words evoke depth and authenticity in a story or essay.
- Introspective skills
Imagining how your characters will react in different scenarios offers you various problems to solve. It drives the essential thinking skills that you will adopt in every aspect of your writing.
- Imaginative skills
Is it not enough to act like other people? Consider reenacting the dreams you’ve had in the past. Or you can write everything you recall as soon as you wake up. You should include even the weird twists that dreams typically make. It would help to allow your characters to enter that dreamy world. You can use a portion of your dream as scenes for a current book. That you, you can nurture your imaginative skills.
- Emotional and Social skills
Pretending that unreal people are real posits that you can explore different emotional and social roles. You have the experience of walking in other people’s shoes. It helps to describe empathic scenes better. Every writer needs to see the world from an altruistic point of view.
It will also help writers to discover that they can create any kind of scenarios and characters.
It’s okay to rattle off your eavesdropping skills and other antisocial skills when writing. But if you want to communicate with others, you need to communicate with yourself first. It will help you to communicate your message to your audience better.
Consider speaking your dialogue aloud and record yourself. Make sure you speak with that character that lives inside your head. Soliloquy works like that. Transcribe the recorded conversation for a couple of minutes.
It would help to eliminate or fix unnatural dialogues and false starts. The process will allow you to know what to write and what you ought not to write. In short, reading your conversations or writing aloud can help to determine whether it has an excellent flow.
If your words sound clipped, break that monopolistic beat with a few longer sentences.
According to the popular author, John Grisham, there are 3 forms of words. First, the words we know. Second, words everyone should know. Finally, the words nobody has any idea of. If your writing falls under the third segment, it would help to minimize it. There’s a disparity between an excellent vocabulary and delivering flowery words just to reveal your impressive capacity. Unless it’s a poem, make sure your language is apt and simple.
If your goal is to captivate and inform your audience, ask yourself whether you have achieved that result. Soliloquy works like that.
Self-awareness requires you to look within yourself and reflect on your experiences. Understanding yourself so well will have a significant impact on writing something that other people find relatable. Have you ever come across a novel or essay where you said, “I know how it feels”? It works like that. It is because the writer created work with depth and emotions.
Study and Imagine
If you don’t have a knack for studying and imagining at a go, please reconsider your writing career. You need to immerse yourself in a lot of books and other interests when you are alone.
Consider watching films like Predestination and Life of Pi at home. These movies will help you to view life from different lenses and how you would react if you are in a particular situation.
Whether it is a movie series, workout session alone, or other hobbies, you should hook on the diverse worlds they provide.
Make sure you schedule leisure time to learn everything you can until you absorb them completely. You can enhance your world-building skills through that.
The thirst for deep exploration and imagination gives writers extra inspiration.
Activities that can Spur Your Anti-Social Skills For Better Writing
- Listening to Music
Writers need to be sensitive enough to absorb the mood of everything in their environment. The right music playlist will go deeper into your core. It will help listen to music at home and engulf the world of music. Some songs tell a story. These stories will inspire you to write better and faster.
So the next time you want to engage in creative writing, wear headphones or AirPods and some narrative songs will get you started.
- Visiting Places You’ve Never Been Before
Great writers explore new places to find meaning and fresh perspectives for the setting of their stories. Preferably, you should visit the place(s) alone so that you can observe them better.
The places you decide to visit do not have to be a new town. You may visit a part of the town you’ve never visited before. The moment you spend traveling to new places is one of the few moments your mind can come up with scenarios.
How Will Anti-Social Skills Improve Your Writing Skills?
The current marketing insight frowns at antisocial writers. It claims that unsociable individuals cannot thrive in today’s saturated market. But what if I claim that having antisocial skills is one of the sure-fire ways to enhance your writing process?
We all know that the importance of social media in a writer’s marketing strategy cannot be overemphasized. Many writers become unproductive because they spend excessive time chatting with friends and looking up news on the internet. They have a formula for a busy day. But at the end of the day, such writers do not achieve anything on their writing desk.
As a writer who wants to get better, you need to set aside time for your writing task. If you want to boost your writing process, here are two amazing ways that antisocial writers achieve that.
Set aside time for your writing task
Every antisocial people treats each task as a job, rather than a hobby. It is applicable to writing tasks. You will see how much progress you will make if you treat your craft like a routine. Even if you are not a full-time writer, map out a specific time in the day for your writing and then follow through.
Integrate your writing schedule in your calendar. However, you must consider your schedule irreversible unless special circumstances arise. So it is always the best decision to utilize the schedules you’ve created for your task.
Eliminate Distraction Completely
You need to admit the fact that your scheduled time won’t work when there is a distraction. In this case, you need to take action. One of the most significant ways to eliminate distraction is to get rid of things or events that may trigger it. It will help you to switch off your phone. It is challenging to write if you have to reply to every social media message or pick every call.
Most writers get carried away by the internet since they need to do their homework before writing. If you need to research a few pieces of content, you will probably stray more. So we suggest that you do away with your web browser if you don’t need to engage in any online research. All you need to do is to place your writing resources such as Microsoft Office, tablet, laptop, and many others in front of you. Make sure you do what’s required of you.
However, there are other valuable ways to drive productivity if you cannot stop surfing the internet. Here are two amazing application software you should try.
Focus Booster
If you want to track your writing progress better, consider using Focus Booster. It is available for personal computers, Macs, Iphone, and Android. Booster is a simple application that enhances time management and productivity. It will also help you to manage your task by dividing them into tiny layers.
The dashboard sends a “short break” prompt whenever the need arises. In short, Booster helps to keep an account of your tasks.
Antisocial Applications
The application bars all your social media accounts and other websites for as long as eight hours. It works better on laptops and Mac. The commonest antisocial apps are Self Control and Freedom.
The self control app obstructs your access to dispiriting webpages, email servers, and other things on your cell phone. All you need to do is to schedule the amount of time that you wish to break away from the internet. It will add the dispiriting web pages to your blacklist. You will gain access to all the blocked apps after the timer elapses.
How Will Anti-Social Skills Help You Write Horror Scenes
As a horror storyteller, your first task is apt and essential. You need to channel your antisocial skills to your reader’s imagination. Engage their sight and make them wander to another world. It comes down to how much you can grip their attention from the first page. The reason is simple. The writer’s book is his canvas and readers are important personalities. It’s up to you whether you want to create an abstract, magical or surreal horror story.
So let’s face it. Only your readers can bring life into your horror stories. The best horror stories allow the reader to explore different worlds from imagination to reality. It is the credibility of connection and feeling that gives it meaning.
So the question arises, how can your anti-social skills help you to write horror scenes? Let’s look at it.
Immerse yourself in your reader’s Imagination
Typically, your antisocial skills allow you to imagine how a reader would react if he came across a specific setting in your horror book. Since you already know it, submerge in your reader’s imagination. Such imaginations are a can of red paint that seems like human blood. It is also a shadow that seems like a werewolf or vampire.
It is little wonder that Nabakov Vladimir states that “Our imagination flies and we are its shadow on the earth.”
You will agree that our minds have the fantastic ability to sneak upon us. It can cause us to visualize a danger that doesn’t exist in the first place. In this regard, it is important to describe a shapeshifter in a way that raises questions in the minds of readers. That way, you can increase the tension.
Every form of writing is an antisocial activity. It is because writers are individuals that can speak to themselves alone. Their typical schedules involve sitting in front of their writing desk, studying, and imagining scenarios. Writers must step out of their world for a few moments and live inside the heads of other people. A solitary culture helps them to gather their thoughts.
They must eliminate all distractions to write better and faster. In this regard, the importance of adopting your antisocial skills for your writing tasks cannot be ruled out.
Author Bio
Charles Normandin is a copywriter from Goodlett (Texas). He is a professional in writing unique texts and also speaks 3 languages at a high level. He offers the buy dissertation uk service.
He is fond of volunteering, drawing, and rock climbing. In his view, days spent helping animals at the shelter make their life better. Meet him on Twitter @Charles60104524.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!